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...looks you in the eye and says "what do I do about Iraq? You say it, I'll order it right here and now."

What do you tell her?

2007-11-09 15:50:02 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

33 answers

leave iraq cuz they dont care about their country so why should we?

2007-11-09 15:53:36 · answer #1 · answered by paul s 3 · 4 4

I would tell her that all the mistakes have already been made. Nothing she would do would be right by any majority in this country. There is nothing there but more of the same. These people were put together into this "country" in 1926 when the British baled out of the area after WW I. There are hatreds there that stem back a thousand years or more. Sunnis and Shites have been at it for a millennium killing each other, and there is no hope of any settlement that could be done with diplomacy. These people will be fighting until one group simply disappears, sad as that realization may be.

The Koreans have done nothing of substance in over 50 years that we have kept troops there for at about 3 billion dollars a year. We also still have troops in Kosovo at what cost?

We are overspent and under taxed. Our own infrastructure is rapidly collapsing. Bridges crumble all around us and soon the damns will be going too. Each man woman and child in this country owes $30,000 to pay off our debt. The Chinese own a trillion dollars of our debt, and have already used that leverage to force us to their way of thinking. Our dollar value is falling as we speak.

The Pakistanis own a bomb now and George is worried about Iran's bomb 5 years away. The Muslim fundermentalists in Pakistan may overthrow the Dictator there that we have kept in power, and then they will own the Nukes that have already been developed there. Iran will buy its Atomic bomb from Pakistan and not need to make one themselves.

So why stay in Iraq and spend 3 billion dollars a day. Lets use that money to buy some of Russia's extra bombs, we will need them to bomb every other little country that has a pain in their butt for the American way of squandering resouces. We are 5% of the world's population, using 30% of the world's resourses. Why do they hate us so?

Yes Madam President lets pull out now and hope we can use those men coming back to build a wall around this whole country big enough to keep them all out. No Madam, not the enemies, but the bill collectors from the the third world that want to collect on all those U.S. Treasury bonds we sold them years ago, knowing that we would cut taxes so much as to never be able to pay off the enormous debt we have incurred with them since 2001. We have nothing to loose in Iraq but 2.5 soliders a day. 75 a month, and 900 a year.

No more time in Iraq. Lets keep score there with dead American soliders, and maybe the urgency to get out will now become more evident as the people in Congress argue the issue at the expense of more Americans just like the ten years in Viet Nam before we were thown out and the dying finally stopped.

2007-11-09 16:30:44 · answer #2 · answered by a_gyno_guy 3 · 0 0

Tell the world that the U.S. isn't going take any more nonsense from the Neocon nationbuilders. Now that the adults are in charge, we're going to clean up the mess that the previous administration has left behind.

You, Hillary ma'am and your chosen Secretary of State are going to go on a world tour to enlist all the big names to help out in Iraq and Afghanistan. It's what the Bushies should have done in the first place, but somehow never got off their duffs to accomplish.

Extend refugee status to people fleeing repressive regimes in Central Asia. Then have the CIA actually do its job for once and find out what the heck is going on in those places.

Reiterate that the U.S. is not at war with Islam, we are at war with extremist terrorist elements who use Islam as a cover for their guerilla tactics. This will sound more sincere coming from someone who doesn't claim to talk to the Christian God through his Pat Robertson radio.

Get James Baker on the phone and have him do something statesman like (assuming he's still alive).

Get the Palestinians and the Israelis in the same room somewhere in Eastern Europe.

Flirt publicly with Vladimir Putin with Bill in the room.

2007-11-09 16:01:38 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I love that you think she'll win (not sarcastically). If it were I it might go down something like this.

" Hillary stop this insanity, there is no right or excuse for a foreign power to occupy a sovereign nation and impose it's own government. This was a war built on false pretenses that at this point no longer matter, what truly matters is the millions dead and repercussions to come. Not only can we not afford to keep financing this fools errand, but we've ruined our credibility on a global scale, destroyed any respect and dignity we had and now more are dying and suffering because of it.

This has to end here and now. Start removing troops, set funding limits and keep our presence their scarce, the government we set up has failed to meet it's obligations and so has our own incompetent administration. It s time to face facts and stop this travesty."

2007-11-09 16:08:57 · answer #4 · answered by zxcfghj 2 · 0 0

Leaving Iraq now, without a credible solution there, is like leaving British India without a solution to Kashmir. The outcome is "4 wars between India and Pakistan".
Leaving Iraq now without a credible solution will result in an endless fight; which will throw Turkey, Iraq, Iran and Syria into battle fields as every one will try to crush the Kurds who are fighting for their own homeland distributed in all these four nations.

2007-11-09 16:02:58 · answer #5 · answered by H-niner 2 · 0 0

Tell Hillary Clinton to continue the war in Iraq so that terrorists will be held in their continent so that Americans will sleep well at home.

VOTE for your choice as US President on my 360 degrees blog and know who will likely win.

2007-11-09 16:15:39 · answer #6 · answered by FRAGINAL, JTM 7 · 0 0

Oh what a wonderful day it will be when the greatest and most superb woman becomes president.I say things are better now with you Hillary because of dialogue.Some people want to shoot shoot shoot but our Mrs Clinton is just the best.Mrs Clinton you are the best.Sorry for living elsewhere from U S A But go girl go Hilary .

2007-11-09 16:09:11 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

regrettably, human beings in this united states are stupid sufficient that it would desire to ensue. although, my prediction would be that Obama falls flat on his face now that all and sundry sees his lies. A Republican is elected and can stay in workplace 8 years because of the fact somebody will ought to repair each and all the themes Obama is becoming. So then her merely chane would be in 2020 while she'll be seventy 3. human beings mentioned McCain became too previous, that's BS. on the grounds that democrats are hypocrits, it in all probability does not situation fhem to pass with Hillary while she's previous.

2016-10-02 00:30:20 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I would say::
>Begin a phased pullout of all military forces--orderly but within 2 years, with 80% out within 1 year.
>DO NOT disengage with the Iraqi government. Instead, ramp up aid for rebuilding--but get rid of the corrupt and inefficient contractors and get people and firms in there who know what the h*ll they are doing.
>Develop a geral Mideast policy of economic and humanitarian aid and diplomatic/economic engagement--and pressure, where needed.
>Maintain for the indefinite futre a strong presence in the region based on special forces and air power to take out any terrorist bases, schools, etc. anywhere in the region. make it US policy that we will make every effort to work with local governments, but in the case of any terrorist group that has attacked Americans or American interests, we resserve the right to take out such terrorist resources if a local government cannot or will not do it.
>Tell Israel to get their settlers the h*ll off the West Bank or we will cut off aid--all of it--until they do. Inaddition, get serious about investing in economic development in Palestinian territories and southern Lebanon.
>Tell the Kurds if they want our help, leave Turkey alone. I know that part of Kurdestan is in Turkey--but they are not going to get a unified and idependant Kurdish state. That might not be fair, but there is NO WAY to make it happen, and they will jsut have to get used to it.

BTW--yes, that takes in more than Iraq--but this whole ess is a giant snarl of inseperable issues--you can't effectively do "just one thing" and expect to get anywhere.

2007-11-09 16:04:01 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Two options:
A: End the war now by finishing it, let the people do their jobs and stop trying to have a "PC" war.
B: Bring the troops home and NUKE the bastards over there!!! Make the freaking Middle East's #1 export GLASS!!!

2007-11-09 16:02:46 · answer #10 · answered by ijay808 2 · 1 0

I'd suggest she resign immediately if she thought the answer to that could be so simple. It's ridiculous that anybody would even think there's a quick, easy solution to the mess that's been created.

2007-11-09 16:04:14 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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