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Surely this Religious Fundamentalist Bigot with a penchant for hypocrisy should be in jail and not going public with his preferences....?

2007-11-09 14:26:58 · 25 answers · asked by Dream Realized 2 in Politics & Government Politics

25 answers

I would never accept an endorsement from a man who claimed 9/11 was God's wrath over abortion and pornography in this country. Giuliani must be nuts... or desperate.

2007-11-09 14:30:33 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 7 5

1. Is Pat Robertson even a xtian minister? He carefully evades that question.
2. Exactly what 'demonization' is he a minister of?
3. This person cajoled his viewers and other matching funds charities to send in donations to build an international xtian outreach center to provide materials for xtian outreach. After it was built he quietly sold it to a relative's for-profit corporation.
4. He and Jerry Fallhell demonized groups of people he has no use for and claimed that they are the reason his god let 9/11 happen.
5.Does an xtian evangleist give an endorsement to a candidate who clearly doesn't hold his views or the views of his god? Gulianni must be extemely desperate to even ask someone like Robertson or his ilk for any endorsement, since Roberson would allegedly oppose most of the things he's done in his personal and public life, if he was any where close to being and an honest man!
6. Under Gulianni's watch in NYC, he arranged to buy radio-equipment from Motorola for the Fire and Police depts. They were not very powerful radios, and the firemen's radios were incompatable with the police's radios, and they couldn't communicate with each other in that crisis - and still can't to this day! This man is an un-indited co-conspirator in 9/11, for the staggering amounts of his corruption alone!
7. Robertson has ordered his charity's (Operation Blessing)
airplanes charities supplies unloaded on to an airfield to load a priority shipment - mining equipment to one of his dictator buddies for on one of his many for-profit ventures.
7a. This xtian pig deast with a bloody handed dictators in Guatemala and elsewhere, and praised President Mott as an upright, and good xtian while he was commiting genocide against the Mayans, and other native peoples....

2007-11-09 23:09:50 · answer #2 · answered by sheik_sebir 4 · 2 0

Endorsing is not the same as nominating. And no, he's a religious hypocrite & should stay out of politics. He flip-flops worse than the politicians. If he were really a man of God, he would follow the ways of Jesus & start a foundation to give away all his wealth to help the poor. But instead, he invests in a war for blood & oil!

2007-11-10 10:00:35 · answer #3 · answered by mstrywmn 7 · 1 0

I don’t think a man should be jailed for his publicly held views, no matter how offensive they might be. Our right to free speech can only be upheld if we are equally adamant about defending the rights of others to have free speech, even those who we are in diametric opposition to.

Personally, I am glad that Pat Robertson is endorsing Giuliani. Whenever a right wing Christian like Robertson, the late Jerry Falwell, or James Dobson supports a candidate, he does more to taint that candidate’s reputation, than he does to bolster his appeal. Sure, the lunatic right wing Christian fringe will throw their support behind this candidate, because of the endorsement of men such as these, but the endorsement also has a simultaneous effect of pushing away ambivalent voters who would otherwise support men like Giuliani.

Any candidate that accepts an endorsement from religious fundamentalists, like Robertson, have automatically revealed themselves to be either spineless appeasers, or candidates who have genuine theocratic leanings. In either case, their acceptance of such endorsements can easily disqualify them as a viable candidate for sensible voters.

Robertson’s endorsement, in short, does more to hurt the candidacy of Giuliani and any other Republican that gets support from him, than it does to benefit him. As much as I despise Robertson, he is doing those of us, who revile the Republican Party, a big favor.

2007-11-10 19:49:37 · answer #4 · answered by Lawrence Louis 7 · 1 0

I think it's great. It proves that Robertson and many other evangelicals care more about their Zionist agenda than issues like abortion and gay marriage. Rudy G. will continue where Bush left off in the Middle East and that is what really drives the Moral Majority and the Christian Coalition. Haggard was exposed as a drug-using homosexual pretending to be a preacher, Ding-Dong the wicked Falwell is dead, and Robertson just proved himself a false prophet (something many of us have known all along).

It's a great time to be alive. =)


2007-11-09 23:16:03 · answer #5 · answered by Guardian 3 · 3 0

Of course...don't you know all conservative people should be in jail? Ahhh, refreshing how accepting of others' opinions the left is. Keep showing your true colors. Makes you easier to hunt.

2007-11-09 22:49:21 · answer #6 · answered by C C 3 · 0 1

Damian M ,one of Clinton's adviser George Stephonopolis made a statement that Saddam should be assassinated.

2007-11-09 22:32:44 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

Ignoring the rest of your question; No, Robertson, as the head of a church should not be making political endorsements.

2007-11-09 22:30:43 · answer #8 · answered by Dan H 7 · 7 1

No and he isn't the only one out there using religion for their own personal benefit. Jessie and Al come to mind .

2007-11-09 22:46:46 · answer #9 · answered by hdean45 6 · 2 1

The old nitwit is entitled to the same freedom of speech the rest of us enjoy. And you and I are entitled not only to discount what he says but to point out his hypocrisy, his errors, his mis-statements, his lies and his bigotry. Democracy, it turns out, is hard work and ain't for the faint of heart!

2007-11-09 22:32:28 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

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