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Conservatives keep trying to make being a liberal a bad thing.


If it weren't for liberal thought and ideas humans would still be living quite primitavely.

It was a liberal thought that the Earth was round and that you wouldn't fall off the edge of the Earth if you sailed forward.

It was a liberal idea that the Earth revolves around the sun.

It was a liberal idea that man could blast off into outerspace and land on the moon.

What are all of you so afraid of?

2007-11-09 13:16:45 · 24 answers · asked by Kelly B 4 in Politics & Government Politics

24 answers

Columbus insisted on sailing to the New World, because a very conservative book (the Bible) told him the Earth was round. Everyone knew the Earth was flat at that time.

During the Civil War (USA), who was it -- conservative Republicans or the Dems that wanted to end slavery? Which party voted in favor of black Americans (a vast majority), and which party wanted to keep black Americans enslaved? Only one of those groups believed that full citizenship should be liberally applied to all humans.
Check it out.


p.s. Brava, hotpepper!

2007-11-09 13:24:02 · answer #1 · answered by Zazz 3 · 8 2

The US was not born of liberal ideas. It was born of radical ideas.

The Constitution was signed by radical conservatives and radical liberals.

It was a compromise made in the hope we would be wise enough not to get to where we are today, where a fourth of the population is dependent upon government, another fourth is punished by government and the middle is caught in the "crossfire".

I'm thinking that if the radicals of the day, in 1787, could jump in a time machine to see what their compromise had wrought, the Constitution would have outright banned democracy, instead of allowing the highly limited form agreed upon.

Considering the final form the Constitution took, even radical liberals of the day thought unfettered democracy was fruitless.

2007-11-09 14:30:15 · answer #2 · answered by crunch 6 · 0 2

Are you socialists trying to take credit for thought? hee hee, that is a REAL thought!
Liberal more or less means interested in change, while Conservative is opposed to change. A person can be liberal about certain things, those that NEED to be changed, and conservative about those that don't need changing.
I was a young man in Georgia when Martin Luther King came to town preaching change. I didn't much like the way he did it, but I suppose there wasn't a lot of choice, so I was Liberal in that instance, race based separation NEEDED to be changed.
Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson preach reparations, and that is a completely foolish idea which would punish and reward the wrong people, so I am conservative about that.
So, now you socialists are claiming intellectual credit for every change that has been made which was needed?
You people want to recreate the same failed experiment over and over and over. IT DON'T WORK.

2007-11-09 13:31:43 · answer #3 · answered by plezurgui 6 · 4 3

Look at A Cynic's answer! Every statement he wrote is either false or liberal crap. Who works an 8 hour work day? Not me, I guess liberals or poor people do. Minimum wage! A tool to insure there will always be an impoverished lower class. Product safety standards. a liberal idea, just crazy. THE CIVIL RIGHTS ACT OF 1964 was supported by 94% OF REPUBLICANS vs. 62% of DEMOCRATS.
Good little cynic!

2007-11-09 13:33:33 · answer #4 · answered by Wine and Window Guy 4 · 3 4

Oh yeah, most definitely. It was an EXTREMELY liberal (and daring) thing to do to defy leadership & declare independence. There were those in our country's colonial leadership who didn't want independence (those who were huge supporters of England.)

2007-11-09 13:33:30 · answer #5 · answered by amg503 7 · 1 0

Where do you get that these people were liberal? Good ideas come from people not political parties. Your thought process is narrow minded. When each of these things were done-it was for the good of all-not just some. For example welfare, it's not good for the people who have to pay for it, or the recipients. Why not teach people to be independent instead of enslaving them in government programs that promote dependence on the government.

2007-11-09 13:24:17 · answer #6 · answered by Sparxfly 4 · 5 3

Conservatives like to talk alot just to buy time, because sooner or later, their reasoning, their greed, their empty morals and promises become old. Liberalism offers a new day...till the end of time...

2007-11-09 13:43:34 · answer #7 · answered by Fern O 5 · 3 2

Can you please tell me where you get your information? I have never read any statement that claims these achievements are "liberal" ones.
One thing you didn't say, Communism was a liberal invention and to date 100 million people haved died in the effort to make it a reality in this world.

2007-11-09 13:46:37 · answer #8 · answered by smsmith500 7 · 1 2

Conservatives like true liberalism. They don't like the socialist, "progressive", communistic liberalism of today that stands against everything liberals use to stand for. It's not conservatives, but false liberals that give liberalism a bad name. Conservatives are only responding to what the radical left has named itself.

2007-11-09 13:19:30 · answer #9 · answered by qwert 7 · 6 4

You speak of classic liberalism. Modern liberalism stands for:

The outlawing of religion
Expansion of the nanny-state so that everyone is coddled cradle to grave.
The destruction of our commerce system
The dissolution of our borders so we can become one world community

The two are completely different.

2007-11-09 13:34:16 · answer #10 · answered by The Man from Nowhere 3 · 3 3

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