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How come there are so many haunted houses and tv shows about paranormal activity? Movies like white noise and poltergeist about ghosts being able to communicate to the living through tvs or radios? I dont mind them they are actually kinda interesting but heres the thing. After so much hoopla where is the proof? To my knowledge there is no news footage or amateur video footage that shows concrete proof of a ghost being caught on film or in pictures. If there were such proof wouldnt the newspapers or news programs show it on tv at least 1/10 of the amount of times they showed the 9/11 footage? News shows are desperate for material so thats why I dont believe in ghosts. If you have honestly seen a ghost let me know about your experience.

2007-11-09 13:07:37 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Mythology & Folklore

8 answers

There is this awsome website
that has over 12,000 storied that
have been e mailed in.... the majority
of the stories sound legit... it is interesting
to read.


good reading!

2007-11-09 13:17:50 · answer #1 · answered by Buzz B 6 · 0 0

Why isn't there proof? It's because there isn't any? Are there ghosts? I believe there are. I have been a paranormal researcher for almost 20 years. I have had my shirt pulled, hair pulled, given a shove and touched. It's an exciting experience that makes me want more all the time. Ghost hunting is mainly theory and conjecture because there is no "solid" proof. That doesn't mean that there isn't proof, just nothing that can be proven beyond that reasonable doubt. Ghosts work using energy. Physics says energy doesn't die. In order to produce the outcomes they want, i.e., slamming doors, footsteps, etc., they require the energy to do it. In some cases, there isn't enough energy due to the many electrical gadgets out there, i.e., computers, cell phones, microwaves, fluorescent light bulbs, ipods, and the list goes on and on. It requires a LOT of energy to be able to produce any outcome and a lot of the energy is wasted on electrical gadgets, so that's why ghost hunting is done in the evening when most of the gadgets are turned off. Of course, it's fun in the dark too....that scary thing, but that's not really why. There is proof out there and some websites have it while many, many, many others don't. A lot of information but I hope this helps.

2007-11-12 07:34:38 · answer #2 · answered by genesis50 1 · 0 0

There is a lot of evidence if you look. As for the idea that ghosts should be caught on film if they exist, keep in mind that there are many animals we know exist, have been seen by humans, but never or very rarely get caught on film. The rare Borneo rhino has been caught once. Huge animal. The Giant Squid...with all of our underwater filming, has only recently been caught on camera. So, it's not too far of a stretch to suppose that something having very little, if any, physical matter to capture on camera...well, just how do you catch something invisible on film? The fact that we DO have so much footage from groups like TAPS actually speaks to the opposite. Even though, by very nature, it's almost impossible to capture evidence of something so "invisible" as a Ghost, but yet we do have apparitions on FLIR, digital cams, digital motion cameras, positive EVPs, etc., should make you at least reconsider. :)

Being a paranormal investigator for 2 decades, I do know "something" exists. I've seen them, felt their presence, had them interact with me, recorded them in many forms. How would one prove that to another skeptical person? I can't. I have found that no one truly believes until they receive personal confirmation by personal experience. Is what we refer to as a ghost actually the disembodied spirit of a human? Who knows? I just know I've interacted with something intelligent on many occasions. One of the reasons I do this in the first place is to try to answer that very question.
Maybe I'll get lucky.

2007-11-09 19:49:03 · answer #3 · answered by KeWr 5 · 0 0

Well what kind of proof do you want, ghost DNA, lol it wont happen. You want convincing pictures, there out there. You want videos, they exist. You want sound bites, they exist to. Its all there but what are you gonna need to believe is the question. I personally dont think it will ever be proven, how could you all the proof you could possible get already exists. I guess youll just have to hope you witness an experience yourslef. My favorite pic is one taken in Gettysburg where this is literally two men standing on a porch one of which wasnt actually there when the picture was taken. VERY SCARY AND BIZARRE IF IT WASNT ALTERED?

2007-11-09 16:13:05 · answer #4 · answered by pauk M 1 · 0 0

I didn't think that I believed either, but one night I know I saw something a person that walked right past me and I was the only one home, I was watching tv and I saw someone walk from the hall bedroom area to the kitchen. It was 1 second later that I got up and followed "it" to the kitchen (no way out) and there was nothing there, also all the cabinets were open. Strange, but true.

2007-11-09 15:21:29 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Apparently you have not seen ghost hunters because they have actually caught things on tape that you can not explain. They caught a full figure of a man with a special camera that detects heat. They caught some shadow people, a young boy, some orbs. They have also recorded electronic voice phenomenon which is recordings of voices that aren't there.

Watch it, they are skeptic and they use state of the art equipment to document their findings.

2007-11-09 13:24:33 · answer #6 · answered by Reba 6 · 0 0

I was a true sceptic, until I moved into a house in Cornwall. It wasn't a particularly old house, but one night I came home from doing a late shift.(3am) I was desperate for the toilet, and ran upstairs, and dashed into the bathroom. I was shocked to see a little bald man having a strip wash in my bathroom sink. he glared at me, and I appollogised, and left the bathroom. I went into my bedroom, opposite the bathroom, to wake my wife, and ask her who this man was.My wife looked at me as though I was mad, and I got her up and we both went into the bathroom to find no one there, but our bedroom looks directly into the bathroom, and no one left. I checked the sink, and the tap was still dripping, and the sink was still warm, and wet.We saw the man a few times after that, and after speaking to neighbours, were told that a man who lived in the house 30 years before, had been accused of molesting local children, and the day before his court trial was due to start, he committed suicide.I described the man to the neighbour, who had lived 2 doors away for many years, and he found out a photo of a Christmas party. I pointed out the man I was seeing in my house, and it was him.We moved 6 miles away shortly after, but still visit the neighbour, who became a good friend. He told us that the new neighbours were experiencing sightings of the old man too.

2007-11-09 13:28:35 · answer #7 · answered by 'Er indoors!! 6 · 0 0

i seriously think that when you cross to the other side, there is a "law" of sorts that you cannot reveal yourself to the human world (or something of that nature). i thinks that's why we dont see them right and left. i think they are around us, just behind the veil~

2007-11-09 14:26:57 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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