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In Christianity, its a sin. So my question is... why is it so bad to marry someone who has been married once? I love her... its hard to control ones heart.

Why is it so sinful to marry someone who has been married and divorced?

Also... what happens if you fall in love with someone who is married... is it a sin to secretly have feelings for them even though they are married? what if they are in an abusive relationship?

2007-11-09 10:59:36 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

its in the bible

2007-11-09 11:03:06 · update #1

why are people getting so mad at this question?

2007-11-09 11:07:05 · update #2

25 answers

1. People are probably sounding mad when they are just reacting to their own feelings on this topic instead of answering your question.
2. The Bible (Christian one) doesn't say it is a sin in all cases.
3. You have to decide what you consider a sin to yourself.
4. I have, as a Catholic been married in a Catholic church wedding, divorced, remarried a non-Catholic in a civil ceremony....do I think I sinned....yes, marrying the wrong man first....then I asked forgiveness and do not feel this second marriage is a sin.
5. Love doesn't follow religions' rules, no religion can stop love. You have to decide for yourself.

2007-11-09 11:24:31 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I think the bible is open to interpretation, therefore I don't necessarily think it is always a sin to marry someone who has been married before. God does not want people to stay in an abusive relationship and if that person gets out of said relationship then I don't think they would deserve to be lonely forever do you?
That being said... It might not be a sin to be in love with someone who's married, you can't control that (lust, and fantasies-you can) but if you act on that before they are divorced-or cause them to get a divorce-this is what God hates. Good luck.

2007-11-09 19:26:21 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It's only a sin to those who are Catholic. Marriage is intended to be for a lifetime, but you know sometimes events happen that people can't forsee and people divorce. It isn't the end of the world. Even then you can remarry.

If people think it's a sin, it's probably coming from evangelical morons from the U.S.A. who are the biggest hypocrites in the world. Jesse Jackson and Pat Robertson being a couple of the biggest. People usually preach about what others should do, but don't adhere to it themselves.

Marry the woman you love, if she's free and single, and move on and be happy in life. What matters is what you feel and how you want to live life, not how others view you.

2007-11-09 19:20:01 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I don't understand why people are getting so angry with your question either, sweetheart. Here's my take on it.

According to the bible, once you are married, those vows are forever. The only grounds for a scriptural divorce and remarriage is if your spouse cheated on you and you couldn't forgive them. Don't believe me? Pull out your own copy of the bible and look up Matthew 19:9. Of course, if your spouse should die, you are no longer married and can therefore remarry if you so choose. If you would like to see in the bible where it says this is true, then get your own copy of the bible and look at Romans 7:2,3.

Even still, this is only a question, folks. There is no reason to get all bent out of shape about it. We're all entitled to our opinions, but as I said before, if you're going to what the bile says, please look at those scriptures listed above.

2007-11-09 20:02:38 · answer #4 · answered by Honesty 5 · 0 1

Simply put, people don't read the Bible. They listen to what preachers, priests, rabbi's, and self appointed apostles say is IN the Bible. Then when you point out reality and it is not the way THEY believe and have been taught, they get extremely hostile. It is not bad to marry who is divorced. It was done often in the Bible. People fail to realize King David and King Solomon have hundreds of wives and concubines. I would like to see today's religion explain that one and still argue that polygamy should be illegal based on Biblical principles.

You can have feelings for anyone, married or unmarried, and even people of the same sex. It is how you act on those feelings which are sinful. Religion always picks on the gays but says nothing about fornication and premarital sex. According to standard religious beliefs, if you have sex before you are married you will go to hell. Also, if you have sexual relations with a person of the same sex you will go to hell. Seems to me hell is hell. Is it supposed to be hotter in hell for gays rather than fornicators? There is even a place in the Bible that says a fearful person is a sinner. Have your religion explain that one.

I have a good relationship with God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. I do not have good faith in most of the teachings in churches today telling me what I should believe. I would rather read it for myself and allow the Holy Spirit to teach and quicken my spirit to the proper beliefs.

2007-11-09 19:18:16 · answer #5 · answered by baseballdad69 5 · 0 1

You must know about some Christianity that I don't. It's not a sin to marry someone who's been married before.

Have you heard about the commandments? Look up number 7.

2007-11-09 22:53:02 · answer #6 · answered by Elt 5 · 0 1

The Bible is a guide in which we are to use in
our lifetime. Marrying someone that has already
been married and divorced and remarried is not
a sin that will burn one into hell for eternity, as God
put us here in this imperfect world and there are
things that he will tolerate, if a man treats his wife
with respect, loves her, commits only to her,
and does not cheat on her, believe me God will
not punish that person for marrying a divorced

2007-11-09 21:03:52 · answer #7 · answered by RudiA 6 · 0 0

Well according to the bible is not a sin to marry again if you have becomed widow, if your husband cheats on you or if you are in an abusive relationship.

If you guys don't have anybody to hurt well let the LOVE begin and if she couldn't make it FOREVER with her ex husband then try to start a relationship always having God in mind don't mess it up. It's sad to see so many marriages break now a days.

2007-11-09 19:12:22 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

where is it in the bible? did you actually read what it said? what did it say immediately before and after? many people use the bible to make points but if you actually read what it says you will find that what was meant is totally different than what you are being told it means -many Christians believe it is a sin to marry someone who has been married because it would be adultery however if you actually read the passages on adultery you may come to a different conclusion

2007-11-09 19:13:41 · answer #9 · answered by suan b 3 · 0 1

If everyone lived thier life according to the bible, it would
be a perfect world. But that just isn't going to happen.
I have been divorced. I didn't get married thinking it could
ever happen to me, but I only have one life to live, and how
can anyone or why should they be in a realtionship that does
not work anymore. Things change, people change. I felt
sick over my divorce for years. I cried alot. I felt like I had
done something terrible. I was divorced. It took time but
I knew it was the right choice for me. I met someone years
later who made me realize how right it was for me to get
the divorce. The man I am married to now, does in no way
compare to the man I married before. I really am happy and
in love. It makes my life so full and I just wish everyone
could be this happy. Do I understand what your saying, but
I don't think god intended for us to be unhappy, and I think
he will forgive our mistakes.

2007-11-10 02:16:09 · answer #10 · answered by boxmaker40 5 · 0 1

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