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19 answers

Thank leftism for the dumbing down, dividing and demoralization of America. Sorry if I offend the blood sucking, Volvo driving, tree hugging, granola eating, hippy leftover, clueless, I want to fit in so I marinade in political correctness LIBERALS but I think we were much better off with....oh no.......yeah.........I'm gonna say it.............God in the picture!!!! Death to secularism!!!!!!!

2007-11-09 16:17:43 · answer #1 · answered by jJimmyCracka 1 · 1 0

It is the other way around. It's the classic republican thing to do. Just like the clean air act. Sounds like it cleans up our skies, but you read the act and realize they just relaxed the regulations on dirty industry. Republicans have made this an art. They say statements like you do, which are exactly the opposite of the truth.

Republicans have had think tanks for decades before the Democrats caught on. They tell you self proclaimed conservatives what to think. How? Through talk radio, through your church, through organizations setup to distribute think tank information.

Democrats don't like to be told what to think. They are more like cats. They're independant. So, this method of "they say this, so we say that" mentality does not exist. Rather, they back everything they know with facts. NOBODY tells a DEM what to think. That's bunk! It's why they can be their worst enemies.

2007-11-09 10:41:44 · answer #2 · answered by Zeltar 6 · 3 1

It's not just liberals. Such selective filtering will be found in anyone with a strongly-held opinion. It's just human nature.

2007-11-09 10:29:36 · answer #3 · answered by B.Kevorkian 7 · 4 0

Unless you have unusual powers, you have no idea what liberals believe. We are different from you, but we are also different from each other. You will never be able to figure us out because you don't have the right mindset.

2007-11-09 10:34:27 · answer #4 · answered by ArRo 6 · 5 1

Looks like this is just another jackass braying because they lost seats in the last election, well son, get over it, cause you're going to lose more next November, thanks to Bush and his illegal war, plus, $100.00 barrel of oil, $3.50 plus for a gallon of gas, greatest national debt in history, and more of the world hating us because of our arrogant attitude towards everyone else.

2007-11-09 10:39:26 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

That's funny; we were thinking the same thing about conservatives.

2007-11-09 11:21:07 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Not only conservatives policy but it's also funny how everything is Bush's fault.

2007-11-09 10:41:16 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

Because their programed that way from the factory.

; p


Jeeper, that's because all they know is that they don't like Bush, blah, blah, blah... Very few liberals I have ever spoken actually know any facts. I tell them, if you don't like the current situation so much, go to Washington and make a change yourself! Complaining to me or anyone else for that matter is not fixing the problem for you, now is it? Everybody loves to belly aches but nobody wants to get off their @ss.

Besides, of those posting here, how many actually vote? How many actually research EACH candidate prior to voting without getting their information from biased media sources. Very few, I'm sure. I don't let party affiliation choose for me, I let the individuals. Unfortunately for the liberals, it's almost always Republican.

2007-11-09 10:30:20 · answer #8 · answered by handlebar knocker 2 · 0 7

They criticize christians not hanging with the gays, yet Rudy has not problem with gay rights, so they criticize him. It's a game that will continue til the earth is nuked.

2007-11-09 10:30:51 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

It is truly pathetic that there are people in our country who pose ridiculous questions such as yours.

2007-11-09 10:30:25 · answer #10 · answered by Thomas B 3 · 5 1

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