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48 answers

Most people are still under the delusion that we'll be getting a better presidency. We haven't had a good presidency in about 20 years. Bush Sr.=Joke, Clinton=Joke, Bush Jr.=Joke. Bush Sr. accomplished the most of the three and charmed noone; Clinton deceived the most of the three with his charm, and did the least. At least he has charmed many of those delusionals enough that they believe he did a good job; Bush Jr.? Well, you know the rest. He's an embarassment to all of us. The next candidate? The major players are just as bad as the last three.

Oh, and no candidate with a fighting chance cares about you or I. Global warming and the war? What about poverty in our own country? Typical "ignore it and it will go away" American mentality. If something is done, it's the middle- class that pays for it regardless of what party is in office.

The delusionals vote either Democrat or they vote Republican. The Republicans are the Democrats of 40 years ago and the Democrats are the Communist of 40 years ago. Read the ideas of each Party from the '50s and '60s and you'll see what I mean.

Most of these answers are from people that listen too much of what the agenda-driven media says. We've been going into a recession since the late 90's. Oil cost has nothing to do with the Middle-East. It has to do with our oil companies cornering the market here. I worked for a trade organization that was fighting against this back in the mid 90's. Thanks to Big Business financially backing Democrat and Republican representatives, everything that we fought against has occurred. Chain reaction: Higher gas prices= higher cost of everything else since materials need to be transported.

Alternative fuel research? I'm not going to spend more for it. We've paid millions every year for decades looking for alternatives when we simply pay our car registration and income tax. What we need are new researchers. Pay extra for a Hybrid? Why? I'm not vain enough to be a public showoff. I pay my taxes like every other citizen. If I do vote, it won't be a "likely candidate."

2007-11-09 10:23:45 · answer #1 · answered by Terrence B 7 · 1 0

The American public isn't delusional. They are just lazy and unwilling to get involved in anything that represents committing to a cause. We don't even VOTE as a nation of people much less show some willingness to sincerely address some of our immediate problems. We will never see any change or progress in government to the country as a whole until they elect a candidate that is NOT a politician.

I posed a question about running as a candidate on the platform that I could easily turn the government back over to the people IF THEY WOULD GET INVOLVED and the general response was one of apathy.

I could easily (this isn't just posturing here) get the price of gasoline back to well under $2.00 a gallon if I could find just 12 people that would commit to that cause. I can't fine ONE!

We have the most despicable president our country has had in the past fifty years and Lee Harvey Oswald was forty years before his time. Be that as it may, this country is becoming less and less of a super power and unless the youth of this nation band together and demand change, demonstrate, and do whatever it takes to dismantle portions of the government at every level, local, state, and federal, there isn't much of a bright future to look forward to.

2007-11-09 10:20:06 · answer #2 · answered by life_loverfl 6 · 0 0

I still believe in the inherent decency of many of the people in the United States . Our Constitution is an unparalleled contract between citizens and government upon which to build a republic that fosters individual rights and freedom. A capitalistic economic system which includes government restraints and social welfare programs for the poor has proven to be beneficial to a majority of the American population in the past. Despite the ugly stains on our history, Americans made great evolutionary strides in the 20th Century toward realizing our tremendous potential for economic and social justice. However, under the Neocons, the Religious Right, and the Oligarchs, much of that progress is eroding. America is a nation comprised of millions of people and dynamics, and to expect it to live up to the idealized notions of truth, justice, and the American way would be unrealistic. Yet, the fact that the ideal is unattainable does not give us license to abandon the principles of our Constitution to the extent that we have. Americans have a choice. If enough people are willing to take an introspective look into the soul of our nation, and into our own souls, it is not too late to peaceably end the reign of the corrupt and restore America to a place of sanity, and dignity. People of conscience and critical thought need to stand up and say "enough" to the Oligarchs and Neocons. Together we can reclaim our nation and make it a true beacon of liberty!

2007-11-09 10:12:13 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Not all running for the office of President believe the only usefulness of American citizens should be the ability to show military strength.

The thought process of "my gun is bigger than your gun" is childish. An educated adult in the White House is what's needed, no matter the party affiliation.

2007-11-09 10:25:56 · answer #4 · answered by navymom 5 · 0 0

History shows that no two administrations are the same so the next administration will either be better or it will be worse than the current one. Optimists hope it will be better, and at least half the population are optimists. In fact, Bush himself is an optimist, who often says he is "hopeful" for the future.

2007-11-10 20:48:07 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Americans are a pretty optimistic bunch as a whole - and we have 231 years of mediocre presidents, average presidents and outstanding presidents to base our optimism on - and the country has survived through them all.

2007-11-09 10:16:02 · answer #6 · answered by LeAnne 7 · 1 0

IT WONT GET BETTER. it has been proven many times there are tyrants within the government. with all our distractions and new laws the ignorant people pass, this prevents the right people from accusing a admin of wrong doing. look at gas, 9/11, trade with countries, spending, weapons, the border issues. all flat out signs of a problem yet people are in denial. by the time the all american ppl get smart and catch on, itll be too late, the tyrants will control the entire gov and have new laws. everyday new laws are passed you dont hear about yet someone passes them. the patriot act has tons of lines with titles yet nothing in them, thats becaused these sections were pre planned and take alot of right away. there just waiting for the right time to execute each one. thank god my days are near a end. this worlds going to crap.

2007-11-09 10:15:24 · answer #7 · answered by Bear Chanez 1 · 1 2

There are only a few candidates running that could do worse than Dubya.

But you are fundamentally correct, that it is unlikely that the next President will make the tough decisions necessary to save this country, and will instead pander to the special interest groups that financed their campaign.

2007-11-09 10:12:00 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

I am. I know its only a fool's hope. Still one can't expect to find a worse one than our current pResident, Jr.
Well, if you combined Wolfowitz with Cheney and stirred in al little Ann Coulter, and had the leadership of the Donner Party...you COULD find a worse one, for idiological reasons. My fantasy is making the WORST president ever the same way Dr Frankenstien made his monster..but you'd have to work at it.

2007-11-09 10:18:17 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

I'm not! I have voted democraticaly all my life and today I am filing Independant thanks to great people like Lou Dobbs who might get more votes for honesty and clarity of our constitution and the rights of the citizens to live here! Bush and Cheney are evil! Just like Lyndon B Johnson. Don't you remember that he had ian investment in an ammunition company during Vietnam! He got paid for every bullet we shot! Just like Enron People! Yeah Martha Stewart got caught because she didn't want to lose a slice of the american dream but Bush and Cheney snuck away like a little Bush episode. If you DO NOT WAKE UP and keep listening to Bush and do not fight back you will wake up with no union, no social security, no money, no house and no job because illeagals were more important to employ and trade with. Be a patriot and fight for your right to still live here. Don't give up! Remember that alot of blood was shed for us to have the right to wake up in a safe nation by our Military men and women before us. They would be sick to their stomachs if they knew that Bush was spitting on their accomplishments by not securing our border. Do not be deceived!!!!!!!!!!

2007-11-09 10:13:46 · answer #10 · answered by phrincsle 1 · 1 1

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