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If that is true, it's no wonder why the education system is horrible and the value of the dollar is falling.
Why can't people wake up and understand there is nothing special about this country. It isn't "protected by God" and only became as great as it is today on the backs of others (African slaves, Native Americans and foreign immigrants).
When we all wake up and realize conservativism and patriotism are all wastes of time and energy, the better off we will be. Or we can all become subjects of whatever Asian country overtakes us: China, India, Iran or Russia; take your pick.

2007-11-09 09:55:09 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

25 answers

For the pervasive insecurity that is inextricably part of today's capitalism has become the dominant fact of modern life...The new workplace...is a brave new world of short-term employment and relationships, where experience is not necessarily a virtue and institutional memory is sketchy at best...the employer-provided benefits of the past 60 years are going the way of the dodo.

The capitalist mindset demands that all capital must be continuously in flux making more capital. Should the process fail, the working class is always called upon to make up for it through the sweat of their labor. Those who create all the wealth always bail out those who exploit them. Guaranteed security for the working class is anathema to the owning class. Exploitation cannot take place where a social safety net exists. Manipulation of the working class is more difficult when workers have options. Eliminate the social safety net; what better way to avoid having to make the payouts than to bankrupt the entire economic system? A profound depressing of the economy facilitates the probability that pension payouts will not have to take place at all. In other words, let the big meltdown happen so all obligations to the working class can be expunged. Let the markets crash and let the cycle start over. This is the "boom and bust" that is the signature of capitalism. The bust, as Marx predicted, must take place as a result of capitalist contradictions. The system reverts to salvage operations as the working class is destroyed. Anton Pannekoek writes in "The theory of the collapse of capitalism" (1934) that the,

The workers’ movement has not to expect a final catastrophe, but many catastrophes, political — like wars, and economic — like the crises which repeatedly break out, sometimes regularly, sometimes irregularly, but which on the whole, with the growing size of capitalism, become more and more devastating.

In 2007, we see the continued devastation that capitalism brings. War is clearly a necessary component of capitalist growth. 20th century wars have been imperialist wars, mostly of choice. And the choices are constrained by the nature of surplus value, i.e., profit. Capitalists seldom invest in war without capital gain in mind. The military industrial complex and its corporate takeover of the State must always make a profit. War does that. In the never-ending search for surplus value, capitalist enterprise manufactures new markets that require new things, and war is a huge market. Commodification continues until the ability to manufacture most goods is exported, i.e., outsourced to the cheapest labor pool. What are the unemployed and under-employed working class of then supposed to do? The capitalist has the answer: manufacture wars that require billions, and even trillions of dollars to execute and hire through an economic draft the cannon fodder to execute it. What does it matter to the capitalist how much devastation and collateral damage is created? The twentieth century offers many examples of how insignificant the working class is to the ruling elite.

2007-11-09 10:06:55 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

First of all, the answer below is a little to negative,Russia is not a Asian country , is European , end a country is not special the people are , they are special people all over the world .what is good about America is that people have variety of opportunity to be end do what they want to be successful end the ones that they are truthful to them self, they really are successful end special.Every country have conservative people , end I am not
so sure if America is mostly conservative, but conservatism is not a bed think end to some people relates to self respect .

2007-11-09 11:17:16 · answer #2 · answered by nicky 1 · 1 0

As a Native American I can tell you that your assumption is pure BS. This country became great because we allow anyone to come here. This is the land of dreams, where you can reach as high as your heart desires.

That is part of what makes this the great country that it is today.

Ok, let me point out something you seem to have missed. There is no direct invasion route for any country that's not connected directly to the Americas. Do you honestly think that a foreign country could airlift the troops and supplies it would need to take over this country? Are you forgetting the fact that we have the greatest air force in the world?

You couldn't fly enough heavy lift aircraft across the border to make an invasion possible. You couldn't do it by sea either, since we also have the most powerful navy in the world. No, the only way to really invade the US would be to first invade Mexico or Canada and then cross the border. In either case we will have more than enough warning to reposition combat forces to take out the invaders.

Americas location makes us almost impossible to invade. That's why we have bases in so many foreign countries. Because it makes it easier for us if we ever need to go to war.

2007-11-09 10:10:07 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3

It is so sad that people like you walk through life with out a clue. How many millions flock to this country every year for better opportunity and freedom? You are like a spoiled little child who has no idea what the world is like. Freedom is something very special. And this country was built from hard work by it's own citizens. There are many countries out there who STILL have slave colonies working for them and they are no where near the level our country is. Are you blind and that naive? And if you cared to educate your self, which it is apparent you don't, our education system fails in the blue states where the democrats have control. The big cities. And our economy is far from weak. What is the unemployment rate of the nation? You go ahead and look it up.

I have a pitty star for you today. Please go back to school or simply just pay a little attention to what is going on around you.

2007-11-09 10:05:00 · answer #4 · answered by That Guy 5 · 5 3

The mass media keeps an extremely conservative, consumerism. it relatively is run by employing a wealthy elite, in spite of the undeniable fact that it convinces maximum people who their reporting is honest & balanced. it relatively is all propaganda. in spite of the undeniable fact that, you may discover wallet of persons who're very open-minded and liberal in any community in united statesa.. Republicans and Democrats help a gadget it relatively is exploitative. maximum American at the instant are not wealthy, such as you have seen interior the media. many all of us is homeless or at a subsistence point. many all of us is suffering and have diets that are very destructive. Alcoholism is easy. Over use of prescription medicine is easy. Many human beings try to be upwardly cellular. actual wealth isn't finished by employing making greater money. you will discover wallet of persons who're searching for religious develop and fee the interconnectedness with all of us.

2016-10-15 22:53:54 · answer #5 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

No, most Americans are more middle of the road, this is what happens to our country when "conservatives" have control of the government for to long. We went from a surplus under Clinton to three dollar a gallon gasoline, all energy rates going up, home foreclosures at an all time him, massive national and trade deficits, open borders six full years after nine-eleven, outsourcing of our jobs, corporate control of the government, the patriot act, the most secretive administration that we have ever seen and our constitution treated like it doesn't exist. I sure hope most of America is not conservative. We can't afford another four or eight years of conservatives.

2007-11-09 10:03:41 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 4

Humbert, To say that the nation is mostly conservative or liberal is just as narrow-minded as arguing with a tree stump. You're assuming that the political divisions within our government actually represent the way of thinking of individuals amongst the population. They are by definition, two different things.

2007-11-09 10:01:46 · answer #7 · answered by Ricky J. 6 · 3 1

Yes it is true. Conservatives have made this country great by constantly striving to be better in stead of impeding people with taxes and government programs. This country is special, almost unique in fact, in that anyone can become anything they want with effort and skill.

Only with a free market economy and the freedoms that conservatives champion can the USA continue to be the greatest country on GODs green earth.

2007-11-09 10:01:46 · answer #8 · answered by The Man from Nowhere 3 · 3 4

America is mostly moderate. However, the moderates are sick of extremists on both sides screaming at each other and have grown tired of politics.

2007-11-09 11:00:35 · answer #9 · answered by Bryan H 3 · 0 0

Look at our recent national elections. Near 50/50 split, of the people who actually vote.
"Liberal" and "conservative" are epithets slung around by the extremists on either side. Most of us Americans understand nuance and shades of grey.

2007-11-09 10:00:56 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 5 1

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