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7 answers

Coconut oil lowers cholesterol if it is high and raises it if it is too low. Coconut oil is unique in its ability to prevent weight-gain or cure obesity, by stimulating the metabolism. It is quickly metabolized, and functions in some ways as an antioxidant. Every study using natural, unprocessed coconut oil found a normalizing of cholesterol, blood sugar and blood pressure. This is also true of extra virgin olive oil, peanut oil and avocado oil.

Within a week, abnormal cortisol levels show improvement indicating adrenal restoration using vitamin B1, B complex and coconut milk. Patients seem more awake, their mood, energy and memory improves, and sleep becomes more normal.

Coconut oil is anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal in the originating plant, in our gut and in our blood. Reducing seed oil consumption and using coconut milk or coconut oil as the dietary staple is reversing viral loads in HIV, eliminating all types of herpes virus and reducing or preventing other viral diseases including the yearly 'flus' and measles. The antiviral effect seems to be against lipid-enveloped viruses and is due to the presence of lauric acid in coconut oil.

In animal studies, feeding unprocessed coconut and coconut oils prevented tumor development, both malignant or benign.

The coconut oil or coconut milk must be un-preserved.

Equivalents are:

2-3 tablespoons of the unprocessed coconut oil daily.
1/3 can of the coconut milk twice a day -
(5 ounces twice a day).
1/2 coconut steeped, mashed and eaten daily

Coconut milk is not the juice from the inside of a young coconut. That thin liquid is called coconut water. Coconut milk is made by steeping the coconut and scraping out the meat, adding just enough water to simmer and mashing the end product into a thick, milky substance called coconut milk.

When choosing a brand of canned coconut milk, select the one with the highest fat content for the price

2007-11-09 12:32:14 · answer #1 · answered by Goldista 6 · 5 2

Hi, It doesn't need to be olive oil to work. For a simple technique, try applying the coconut oil to damp, unwashed hair and putting a shower cap on. Leave it on for at least an hour (or overnight, if possible) and shower as usual, with shampoo and conditioner. Try to do this at least once a week or more, for best results. Almond oil also works really well, but is a little more expensive. When I can afford it, I buy almond oil and mix the two, but either one will work just fine on its own. Good luck!

2016-04-03 04:22:57 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

I got identified with genital herpes (type 2) about three years back, when I was still attending college and had a foolish one-night stand. I understand loads of people say this, but I swear I had never done that sort of thing before. I just made a massive mistake that one time and suddenly I felt like I was going to have to live with the implications for my entire life. The hardest part was feeling I could never date other men again. In the end, who wants to go out with someone that has sores around her private parts? But since a friend shared this video https://tr.im/YDF6b everything changed.

Not only was I able to eliminate all remnants of the herpes virus from my body in less than three weeks, but I was also able to start dating again. I even met the guy of my dreams and I'm so blessed to write that just last week, in front of everybody in a busy restaurant, he got down on one knee and proposed to me! This method provided me the opportunity to be happy and experience true love again. Now I want to help others too by sharing this story.

2015-10-18 06:47:50 · answer #3 · answered by Alene 1 · 0 0

I use both of them liberally. Coconut oil IS saturated fat, but it is not unhealthy. The test done years ago on "tropical oils" were done on HYDROGENATED oils, so if you're using cold-pressed, extra-virgin coconut, you're good!

Coconut oil is MUCH better than olive for cooking as it releases fewer free-radicals.

The book Eat Fat, Look Thin by Bruce Fife has all you'll want to know about it!

2007-11-09 13:01:46 · answer #4 · answered by Kim B 4 · 4 2

Olive oil is my pick of the day !! It is highly beneficial to the skin and is neither an Omega 3 nor an Omega 6 EFA (essential fatty acid) but an Omega 9.

It's long been regarded as the "beauty oil" as it is rich in monounsaturated fats - along with avocado, canola oil and most nuts. it's also rich in Vitamins A, B1, B2, C, E and K !! All essential for beautifull healthy supple skin.

Your body's cells incorporate the valuable fats from olive oil, making arteries more supple and skin more lustrous. Research shows that people who consume the most olive oil - along with fish, nuts, and fresh fruits and vegies - have the least skin wrinkling.

As you start eating more of the skin friendly fats and swapping bad fats for good fats, you'll be amazed at the difference in your skin. Hard and dry skin, greasy pores, pimples, bumps and acne will begin to disappear. Your skin will feel velvety smooth and lovely totouch. As an added bonus you'll also get an enhanced feeling of wellbeing.

P.S. Purchase only cold pressed extra virgin olive oils and buy in small quantities and keep refrigerated or in a dark cupboard. Also toss out any unused oils afer three months as all oils - especially flaxseed - gradually oxidise or turn rancid, the result of age as well as exposure to light and air. Rancid oils contain a a fiesta of free radicals and can harm your health.

Olive is also more resistant to the effects of heat and light than polyunsaturated oils, it's more stable and better for cooking.. Coconut oil is also good for cooking at high temperatures as it's very stable but as far as skin benefits for Coconut oil I can only say that I've heard wonderfull things but haven't had first hand experience ...... :0)


For optimum benefit, try to include two to four tablespoons of the good fats each day. When your skin is buttery smooth, reduce your intake to two tablespoons per day .... :0)

Take care of you♥


2007-11-09 09:36:07 · answer #5 · answered by Minx 7 · 4 2

Bake, fry, or cook with regular coconut oil. Take VIRGIN coconut oil internally and topically for its medicinal benefits.

Get the best EXRTA VIRGIN olive oil you can.

2007-11-10 09:23:31 · answer #6 · answered by ? 5 · 1 0

Coconut oil is not good for you. It's saturated fat. There is no saturated fat that is good for you. Check with reputable dietary authorities, like MayoClinic, WebMD, DrWeil, CDC, etc.

Olive oil can be used in cooking, on salads and vegetables, and even as a butter replacement on bread. You can make popcorn in it and sprinkle some on as a butter replacement. The only reason not to overindulge is because of the caloric content, otherwise it's just great for you.

2007-11-09 09:30:22 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 11

I answered as I was first drawn in as I disagreed with the first poster who said coconut oil was not healthy..while it is a saturated fat, the newest research shows it has many benefits as long as it is raw extra virgin coconut oil


Many current studies show coconut oil as long as it is raw, extra virgin, is very beneficial to consume. It does amazing things for the skin and taking 4 tbs a day promotes weight loss according to studies and testimonies. There are many benefits --here are some links with a few..further research will yield even more

here is some research studies on the benefits of coconut oil http://www.coconutoil.com/research.htm

coconut oil contains 50% lauric acid which gives it many health benefits. As I said, one primary benefit is it helps one lose weight and helps the thyroid gland. when I took it within a week my skin became amazingly smooth and soft...very velvety

1.How much coconut oil should one take daily to receive its health benefits?

The health benefits of coconut oil are mainly from the medium chain fatty acids (MCFAs). The best comparison in nature as to percentage of MCFAs being consumed in a diet is human breast milk. To equal the amount of MCFAs a nursing infant would receive in one day, an adult needs about 3.5 tablespoons of VCNO a day according to researchers. Since coconut oil in nature is packaged inside the coconut meat, it is recommended to take this amount throughout the day with food high in fiber and protein. for weight loss use 4 tbs a day


Olive oil must be extra virgin olive oil in order to have health benefits..so be sure to check the label

Olive oil is recognized as important in maintaining metabolism and contributes to the development of the brain and bones in children. It is also recommended as a source of vitamin E for older people. A natural anti-oxidant, olive oil slows down the natural aging process. It also slows down acid overproduction in the digestive system thereby diminishing the potential for ulcers and other gastrointestinal problems.

two tablespoon lowers coronary heart risks


It is suggested one use extra virgin coconut oil for cooking but take about 1/2 the daily dose raw in salads or if melted I have taken from the spoon and liked even

Use the olive oil uncooked in salads although it may be used in cooking. I had always used E V olive oil for cooking but recently read cooking destroys much of the health benefits and it needs to be taken raw. New research is always changing old thoughts it seems when it comes to oils. Old oils thought healthful those unsaturated ones like soybean, sunflower, and so forth now are nono's..

Try to refrigerate oils or they can easily go rancid..some people use unrefrigerated and squeeze the contents of a few vit e oil caps into the oil by pricking the oil filled capsule with a pin.


The other healthful or safe fats (but this is always changing) are as follows:

1. organic butter (a little),

2. (fish oils) omega three fatty fish oils about 2000-3000 mg a day or take salmon, herring, mackerel, sardines daily or a few times a week..just a small amount an ounce or two is needed daily. There is only about 1/7th the amount of omega three fats in tuna as in the deep sea fishes listed above which are highest in it. A good salad can be made by mixing mackerel or salmon with mayo or veganaisse, onion, pickle relish, and dijon mustard with celery..even adding things like dried cranberries or raisins and nuts taste good and this is much better for you than tuna salad. If one crushes the bones into it, it has calcium in it too.

3. Grapeseed oil has many health benefits. I like a product sold at health food stores called veganaisse and the one with grapeseed oil taste the best..it rivals mayo and has a purple lid...sold at whole foods, wild oats and other places

4. Also you may use cold pressed flaxseed oil which is mono-saturated like olive oil but make sure it is cold pressed usually found in health food store and health food sections of grocery stores.. I keep this highly perishable oil in the freezer..it does not freeze but preserves better there.

5. Also some females use evening primrose oils. If one has estrogen dependant cancer history research before using this.

6.I would think that cold pressed hemp oil is good as hemp seed is proving to have superior health benefits.

7..Also occasionally one could use cold pressed sesame oil which holds up under high heats but not for daily and constant use..maybe with stir frys

8. An excellent oil is udo's choice oil which I believe the movie lorenzo's oil is based on..found both as an oil and in capsules


here is more on this blend of oils developed by a doctor who is one of the world's foremost authorities on oils and fats

Udo's Choice (Certified Organic) Perfected 3, 6, 9 Oil Blend Ingredients:

* organic flax seed oil * organic sunflower seed oil * organic sesame seed oil * rice and oat germ oils
* medium chain triglycerides (MCTs)* organic evening primrose oil * lecithin (guaranteed GMO-free)
* vitamin E* antioxidants (tocotrienols) * rosemary oil

Naturally Occurring "Minor Ingredients":

* 65mg of phytosterols/tablespoon (lower cholesterol and normalize immune function)
* lignans (beneficial phytoestrogens from flax)
* carotene
* tocotrienols and other seed specific antioxidants
* hundreds of other oil-soluble, health-benefiting phytonutrients

9.. cold pressed wheat germ oil can be used sometimes. It was greatly favored by the famous herbalist Dr John R Christopher (herballegacy.com) is his three oil massage etc

10. Also healthful are raw nuts and seeds and their butters. (find these at health food stores)..if eating a lot of raw nuts, it is safer to soak them for a day due to protease inhibitors in them..nuts do not sprout but swell and this makes them healthier..seeds sprout.

NOTE: One needs to keep their fats at less than 30% of their daily diet with saturated fats at a 10% or less level.


-reduce animal fats from meats, poultry, and dairy.

-do not eat any hydrogenated oils/fats or trans-fats.

WHY..one reason is this..there are many other disadvantages to these frequently used oils found in so many products

One thing that may help mental illnesses is eating only omega three fats as we generally eat 6 times more omega 6 than we need so that the neurotransmitter receptor sites in the brain get hardened and because the neurotransmitters like dopamine, serotonin, etc need to wiggle their way into the neurotransmitter sites like a boat squeezing into the shipping dock, when they are not flexible as nature intended but hardened do to our eating too much of the wrong fats, the neurotransmitters cannot make the leap from one nerve cell (neuron) to the next, they build up in the synaptic gap and can't move forward as they should and this leads to things like chemical imbalances of depression and so forth so these oils are very important to use caution on..the only sources I know of for omega three fatty oils are flaxseed and flaxseed oils, (raw) walnuts, purslane, and deep sea fish and seafood. I read of someone who did this two years and recovered from a difficult mental illness..he said it takes considerable time to reverse and get the receptor sites flexible and pliable again.


for the skin externally use jojoba oil, coconut oil, caster oil, vit e oil or olive oil

EDIT for goldista. (AND MINX)
.thanks for telling us about coconut oil's good effect on blood sugar, blood pressure, and cholesterol..I am recently starting with beginning stages of each of these and have two jars of extra virgin coconut oil in the cupboard I will start taking..I used it three weeks and it did wonders for my skin but I got distracted and stopped, I knew it helped weight but did not realize it helped these other things. I started taking raw garlic (2 or 3 cloves) and cayenne for my blood pressure and cholesterol and I will add the coconut oil..so thanks..also good luck to the naturopath..we need more of you..I love that field..you will do a lot of good with that career choice:-)

2007-11-09 13:53:52 · answer #8 · answered by janie 7 · 6 2

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