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2007-11-09 08:24:19 · 32 answers · asked by beastlover12 2 in Politics & Government Politics

32 answers

I don't think we "hate" communism. However, our economic system is capitalistic.

In a communistic system, every contributes to the pool. and the pool is distributed to everybody equally regardless of whether they work or not. This bodes better for those too lazy or ignorant. They get paid for sitting and doing nothing. But for those who work hard, it is patently unfair. Communism is based on a Utopian presumption. It presumes everybody is honest and hard-working.

In a capitalistic system one is free to succeed to whatever level he or she chooses. If one works hard one earns more. If one chooses not to work, he earns nothing. Granted, this is not too good for those who are lazy or ignorant. They are free to starve. But it's their choice. Capitalism is based on the observation of the current reality. It realizes some are lazy of ignorant. You can work for somebody else and have some of the responsibility lifted from your shoulders, but those for whom you work are taking more risk and, therefore, are entitled to more of the rewards. Capitalism works for us... and is in concert with our desire for freedom.

Sadly both systems presume honesty. Corruption and dishonesty are the bane of any economic system. Therefore, neither system can long remain pure.

Another thing about communism, it seems to accompany a government that is totalitarian. This effectively removes all freedom... including the freedom to succeed from your labors... or to fail.

2007-11-09 08:43:09 · answer #1 · answered by gugliamo00 7 · 3 3

America is based on Capitalism, which is anathema to Communism. The level of hate was encouraged by the establishment, and like so many sheep, they just buy it without thinking about it for themselves.

Whilst the principles of Communism are far more sociable than capitalism, capitalism is the natural consequence of an elitist approach based on the inhertance, acquisition, and ownership of wealth (and power), so it is easy to see how so many nations (especially the industrial) have tended to follow the capitalistic line.

During the cold war, it made it easier to justify the massive arms expenditure by convincing the populace that the 'Reds' were out to 'get them'. The greater the intensity of hate, the easier to do, and the American public is a pretty gullible lot.

It takes a long time for such attitudes to moderate. The yanks are going to hate commies for quite some time to come, and while Russia may not be the bogey man any more, it will be interesting to see how the relationship with China develops, as it is going to be much more powerful than the USA (and some), and is still fundementally communist.

And to those who think there are a lot of commies here, sorry to dissillusion you, but we just don't buy that rubbish any more. Communism is not the problem. Neither is Capitalism. Human Beings are the problem. get it?

2007-11-09 08:54:52 · answer #2 · answered by TheWizard 3 · 2 1

Amazing how ignorant some of the posters really are.

Listen, to the guy who goes to Cuba..why don't you just stay there? You say it is so cheap...you state you like it there so much, then just stay in Cuba the next time you go. It will be one less fool here in the U.S.

Communism and Fascism are FAILED, horrible ideologies. Both enslave people under totalitarian rule...not a good deal really. Perhaps to the un-educated, and the ignorant, it is a good system.

Both systems have killed millions of innocent people, and both have proved to be the absolute worst forms of government in the worlds history.

This is why most logical, clear thinking persons
vehemently dislike both Fascism and Communism. it is and will always be a flawed and dangerous idea and practice.

Don't be so sure Communism is dying, if you examine Red China and the Soviet Union - present day I might add, they both are slowly but steadily moving away from democracy and more towards there old ways- Communism.

It is amazing how ignorant a lot of people are in thinking that Socialism/Communism is the right path for our nation (the U.S.), and any free nation for that matter. To a certain point I can kind of understand their cry's-

they are frustrated with the Capitalistic system here in the States, they feel abandon, and left out. But I can asssure them that under a Socialistic/Communistic rule, their lives would quickly diminish and decline beyond any
thoughts they could have ever imagined.

I say to those, work hard, be educated, and prosperity will follow. But do not confuse prosperity with being rich, or super wealthy. Prosperity comes on many different levels.

Just ask or interview former citizens of the Soviet Union, and Nazi Germany, you would be amazed at what they have to say and how scarry
and uncertain their lives were. These people for the most part have embraced democracy and free market economies. Freedom being the keyword here folks. If you ever get the chance to speak with a former N Koren, and see what oppression really is, and what living under a dictator is truly like, I highly suggest it, it is enlightening to say the least.

It is quite sad that the majority of our schools and colleges are indoctronating our youth to a twisted ideology. As parents and guardians, it our job to combat that illogical way of thinking, and teach our kids both young and older what democracy really means and how valuable it certainly is.

There are so many examples of the failed ideology and millions of graves to prove it, but yet there are still those might believe or be persuaded into thinking that it is a good system for everyone, when in fact it is good for absolutely no one.

Forget the rhetoric, and political arguing, just examine the factual evidence and look at the issues from a logical standpoint. Step back and see the facts, not the opinions so much. Facts will always be the benchmark for a decision - whether they are heeded or ignored is entirely up to the person making the decision.

In closing I will say that it is up to the youth and future youth of this nation and the world where the future ultimately lies, I sincerely hope that logic wins out and Facsism and Communism can be defeated. These harmful ideologies will never go away, and must be crushed whenever they attempt to rise up and oppress a population.

2007-11-09 09:10:15 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

because these two political systems are diametrically opposed to each other.

Capitalism rewards individual effort and risk taking in the business world and leaves you free to worship or not as you please.

Communism restricts any individuality at all.
with the central planning system the Warsaw pact countries were always on the verge of starvation.
Contrary to common liberal beliefs and disinformation the communists were always on the move to create revolutions where there were none previously.

Don't take my word for it start surfing the net and use key words like "central planning" "commissar" food shortage.
All the nasty sounding stuff you hear people like me use about Hillary and Bill clinton.
You will be amazed at what you find.

The main problem is Communism kills the individual initiative to do more be more and make things better for the next generation.

That is the American dream.

Not mediocrity in all things

Edit: also they always seemed to end up with dictators keep your eye on Chavez
and Castro.

2007-11-09 08:48:29 · answer #4 · answered by CFB 5 · 0 2

The Cold War Capitalist/Communist paradigm was the dominant force of the 20th century. If you didn't hate one side then you were on that side. Most people would not be able to (and would not have been able to) tell you exactly what communism was, they just knew it was a very bad thing and that Communists were responsible for killing millions of people. And, oh by the way, they were all atheists, so automatically evil. The U.S. changed the Pledge of Allegiance to include "under God" just to let people know that this was a primary distinction between the U.S. and the Soviet Union.

2007-11-09 08:40:45 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

First of all, communism is pretty much the opposite of capitalism. In case you don't know, capitalism is in large part responsible in making The U.S. the most powerful, richest country the world has ever known. Those who think communism can be nearly as successful, don't pay much attention to history or the standard of living in communist countries compared to ours. Secondly, since WWII the communist block run by the late Soviet Union was until recent history our chief strategic adversary. If you don't remember the days when Americans were afraid of nuclear annihilation, ask your parents about it. Notice I said "late" Soviet Union. Yeah, they went broke and most of the people live in despair. That's the success of communism for you. Personally, I don't hate communism, but I'm realistic about it.

2007-11-09 08:35:17 · answer #6 · answered by oogabooga37 6 · 4 2

Communism is a direct threat to the wealthy people, whom run the country and its media so they indoctrinate the hate against the communist concept. Although, it is true that communism is flawed because of the necessity to apply a dictatorship, which results in people losing their rights of democracy. =[ Sad stuff.

Communism - no matter how good it sounds, it FLAWED!

2007-11-09 08:54:31 · answer #7 · answered by Laurence B 4 · 1 1

Mainly because the Soviet Union and Red China were major rivals for global power, and both subscribed to that flawed and dangerous economic philosophy.

But anti-communist sentiment in the US dropped off a lot following the discrediting of McCarthy by the media. Today, it's really something of a joke. Communism and anti-communist rhetoric both.

2007-11-09 08:29:54 · answer #8 · answered by B.Kevorkian 7 · 9 2

The reason why we hate those communist is the same reason why your most Honourable Prime Minister, Sir Winston Churchill, hated them!

2007-11-09 11:54:09 · answer #9 · answered by jiahua448 4 · 0 0

Americans do not want communism, because it fails. Communism is dependent on hard-working, nationalist individuals. Some people fit that description. Many people will not work hard (or at all) without an incentive to perform. "The American Dream" of becoming fabulously wealthy is what inspires many successful entrepeneurs and drives innovation. In communism, lazy freeloaders draw down the productivity of the hard workers in the redistribution of wealth. Eventually, there are more lazy bums than the hard workers can support.

2007-11-09 08:32:11 · answer #10 · answered by Fireball 3 · 9 2

It really is scary how much influence idiots like Ward Churchill have in our universities. The responses here really do send a chill down my spine. Revisionists have really made all these "kids" believe that America really is the bad guy.

Sure, the idealistic utopia of it all would be great, but it's not achievable. Did you ever wonder why all those Cubans risk their lives in unsafe boats to try to get to Florida?

Please read some Solzhenitsyn - a day in the life of Ivan Denisovich, for starters.

2007-11-09 08:40:18 · answer #11 · answered by Trogdor 4 · 4 2

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