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Everybody always says go see a doctor.

"I've experienced discomfort in my ankle recently"
ANS: "Go see a doctor immediately"

"I feel tired."
"You may have a serious disease, see a doctor now!"

"I yawned, is that normal?"
"If it was over or under 6 seconds in duration then it could mean you have jaw cancer. Check with your doctor now!"

I mean, come on. If I am in serious pain, I'll see a doctor. But otherwise, I'll save my money. Doctor's are just people with a higher knowledge of various health conditions. They make recommendations like "oh just wait a few days and see what happens..." and in a few days, you're fine! Now did I need to visit a doctor for that?

And don't tell me that you should always check just in case. It's not worth the money. Yeah, maybe I'll die soon because I refuse to see a doctor over a minor issue, but the chances of that aren't very big. I'll take my chances.

2007-11-09 07:34:06 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Social Science Sociology

6 answers

This does seem to be a craze.....we are creating our own misery. The use of common sense no longer prevails as our technology grows more sophisticated. The idea of death..a MOST inevitable and natural event. is disdained and to be avoided at all costs.
This pattern of health care consumption also makes lawyers richer through malpractice suits. Remember that doctors "practice" medicine..no realist will expect a mortal
man or woman to be all knowing about all diseases and conditions...this is just not possible. So...greedy lawyers take this fact and exploit it and people eat it up. Who really wins is not the consumer..its the lawyer who collects about 30 % percent of the settlement PLUS billable hours.
Hence, health care costs rise out of reach for many people, doctors charge MORE for services, insurance companys refuse to pay for more and more services, the cost of malpractice insurance rises to put some good docs out of work and the list goes on and on. The next time you get the sniffles, increase your fluid intake, eat well and rest. If they dont go away in a week, repeat the above. Much of what I've seen in the ER would go away on its own in a week if treated and in 7 days, if not treated. Same is true in the general practice.
If you notice, this pattern of consumption has reached the vet's office too. I'm flabbergasted. FINALLY...if you feel sad and down....DONT TAKE A PILL!!!!!!! Feeling depressed in the short term is a fact of life...deal with it by exercising, eat more fruits and vegetables and keep on with your life. If the feeling of sadness continues, TALK with someone about what is going on in your life..at home, at school, at work......you'll find that if the person respects you and cares for you, the sadness will lift before too long.

2007-11-09 10:30:05 · answer #1 · answered by Barbara A 5 · 1 0

It would also be a fundamental fact of our human societies, cultures and shoot the individual to obsess about death. Which is something that plays a big part in anyone's life no matter the ideology; weather religious, spiritual or atheist. Because of this people's insecurities, fears, and needs for control would make this a big obsession, at the least something universal to turn to for a cure and even a rain check on death, something that most people will struggle with, within our own ideologies. Doctors have a certain power about them that's been around since science was recognized. That aside this is a reflection of a society in need of something more to reach for.

2007-11-09 19:54:30 · answer #2 · answered by Brutal Honesty 7 · 1 0

Cultural hypochondria?

I dunno...it's hard to explain the actions of thousands of people, but I would say that most of the time, although we "know" we're not suffering from beriberi, like "that chick on that medical show", we still head over to the doctor's office to "make sure" (read: inject a bit o' drama into our lives).

Still, don't sell doctors short. Even though you may be in good health, millions aren't, and you're privileged to even have regular access to a doctor.

Cool question, man. ;)

2007-11-09 16:04:41 · answer #3 · answered by Tunesmith 3 · 1 0

Go you! lol I have been waiting for somebody other than me to actually think about that. I'm glad you are helping people to realize that dr.'s aren't always needed. One time my foot got run over by a car (it just barely got it) and it didn't hurt like at all. I knew I would be fine but eeryone was like "OMGSH get her to the dr. right away! It's gonna be alright sweetie the dr. will make it all better!" We went to the dr. and all he said was "You are ok. Be more careful next time! Oh, and before I forget, here is your bill!" What a waste of money!

2007-11-09 15:51:46 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

i'm over 50 and don't care if i go see a doctor or not. we all die sometime and I do not want some doctor getting credit for me living a longer life. a longer life without having a better life without suffering is not a life but torturous hell.

2007-11-09 15:49:57 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I eat an apple a day...Keeps the doctor away....Hee Hee.

2007-11-09 16:31:00 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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