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hey x

does any1 know anything about the 1 child policy in china?

like what punishments you would get if you didn't follow the policy?..

reasons why people wanted a boy not a girl..

What people would do with girls if they didn't want them?..

Why do birth rates and death rates differ?..

Or if you have any websites on it can you please tell me them.. it would be a great help :)

what benefits can you get from following the 1 child policy?..

why do people want large families?..

lol oh yeah i know its about only having 1 child lol

2007-11-09 06:58:08 · 4 answers · asked by x07denise07x 1 in Science & Mathematics Geography

4 answers

Anything from a small fine, to losing your job, to public humiliation, to imprisionment. Often it is a fine.

Boy not girl
Traditionally, boys carry on the family name. Boys labour more (in a traditional society based on agriculture, this is important, but just a tradition these days). Girls get married and leave the family. But, basically, it is a patriarchial society.

What to do with girls?
Often the baby would be left to die. Since recent technology developments can predict if the baby is male or female, the female baby will be aborted. It's now illegal for doctors to tell couples the sex of their unborn baby (but it can happen with a bribe). Often girls are given up. In the countryside many families will keep having kids until they have a boy. In cities, many couples keep their daughters because they are educated and realise that daughters can be just as good as sons.

Birth Rates/Death Rates
check out the cia fact book

smaller population to feed (China had famine until 1970). Less people looking for a fewer number of jobs (China has a very high unemployment rate). Families can spend more money and attention (education) on one child instead of spreading a limited amount of money on several children (each child would get less if there were more kids).

Large families:
people want boys to work on the land and continue the family name; peasants need more people to work on the land;
culturally like large families; kids are fun.

2007-11-12 16:00:04 · answer #1 · answered by penguin 3 · 0 0

After the war b/w Japan and America, China (that had been trampled on a bit by Japan), wanted to be a bigger, more powerful country - politics encouraged children as a large population was seen as power (in wars etc etc). However, this went out of control and the communist government introduced a one child policy to cull the population.
In some countries, Children are seen as an economic aid rather than liability, as they take care of the parents when they're older.
Males are prefered because, when a female marries, she goes off with her husbands family and takes care of her in-laws when they grow old - in rural areas, men are also better for working on the farm etc, so females are generally aborted (however this is illegal, even according to the government of China). -
Large families are wanted because (again), they are seen as an economic aid for farm work, and to take care of them in their old age.
To try improve the situation and encourage couples to keep the girl, the government introduced bonus's, eg free furniture in the house etc - and even have advertisments around promoting girls.
In some rural communities they have also allowed a second child when the first is a girl, to work on the farm.
The benefits of this policy is that it has, indeed, cut back China's population significantly (but i think several million or so), however the problem is there is now an aging population - hence there are decreasing birthrates but a large amount of death rates as the baby boomers age.

Punishments are harsh for not following the policy - there are often (hushed) forced abortions and adoptions. Sometimes if a couple refuses to give up a child, they fine them - no small fine either. The fines can be up to 4 years of their total pay, leaving many destitute, particularly Rurally.
As it is a communist country, you're better off to follow the policy as they may help you get a start in life if you do so.

Effects of the policy include: " little emperor syndrome," (spoilt single kids) social imbalance (females are often kidnapped and sold to husbands!! - black market of course), ageing population etc.

2007-11-09 18:41:51 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i know some but not allot. I don't know what kinds of punishments are handed out, but i do know that they want boys to be able to carry on their names. Unfortunately women who are pregnant with girls that are unwanted do 1 of 2 things: they either abort or have the child and put them up for adoption/orphanage. they use this as a form of population control, china has billions of people and they started this to be able to conserve land space and food. As far asdeath rates and births rate go not too sure on that, as well as the benefits other than the obvious. As to why people want large families: that is an idividual preference.
hoped that help a little at least!

2007-11-09 16:28:32 · answer #3 · answered by melstxi055 3 · 0 0

China allows one child per couple in order to stop (or reverse) it's population growth. Most couples favor having a male child to carry on the family line.

A second pregnancy is usually aborted. In fact, first born female infants are either aborted or killed in favor of producing a male in the future.

Second children are placed for adoption to childless couples. I'm not sure what the civil penalty is.

The death rate is higher than the fertility rate because there are more elderly Chinese than there are births.

China has resources for only a certain amount of people. Each couple having only one child helps ensure a lower poverty rate.

Most Chinese are farmers. More children means more free labor for their farm work. (Hence the desire for large families).

2007-11-09 16:57:46 · answer #4 · answered by Max 7 · 0 0

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