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Here is what he said:

John Coleman wrote an article published at ICECAP Wednesday that should certainly garner attention from press members -- assuming journalism hasn't been completely replaced by propagandist activism, that is.

It is the greatest scam in history. I am amazed, appalled and highly offended by it. Global Warming; It is a SCAM. Some dastardly scientists with environmental and political motives manipulated long term scientific data to create in [sic] allusion of rapid global warming. Other scientists of the same environmental whacko type jumped into the circle to support and broaden the "research" to further enhance the totally slanted, bogus global warming claims. Their friends in government steered huge research grants their way to keep the movement going. Soon they claimed to be a consensus.

The scam is over, the people are not idiots falling for big political names and Government paid scientists creating a tax base out of thin air for themselves and partners.

2007-11-09 05:08:26 · 14 answers · asked by scottanthonydavis 4 in Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

Al Gore is a Democratic moron trying to create a new tax base!

The Republicans steal our tax dollars through bogus wars

The Democrats create new taxes based on bogus theories

Greed is the fate of the World!

2007-11-09 05:09:26 · update #1

14 answers


2007-11-09 09:49:04 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Yaaa sure and smoking doesn't cause cancer either... I can't believe how many ignorant people will pounce on any opportunity to feel less guilty about our selfish, greedy western lifestyles. It doesn't matter what exactly the outcome is - it's never good to pollute and consume the way we do it. Grow up and get over it. PS - maybe you hadn't noticed but John Coleman is in the MEDIA - do you actually trust all the fanatical claims the media makes??? Honestly, enroll in a university and take some classes - get educated before you form opinions on something you know nothing about, other than what CNN and Al Gore tell you. PPS - Furthermore, John Coleman has no scientific credentials whatsoever. He is a weather man - he is famous for saying "thorm" instead of "thunderstorm" - this is the man you base your conclusion on? Seriously! Also - he refers to the next few decades as the time frame when climate change effects will be noticed. Has he read any subject matter on the material? Climate is not ten years, climate is the long term! And, further to his comments, there is documented evidence of significant glacial ice loss already, with trends showing only that this ice will be gone soon in the future. Sadly though, all you ignorant and gullible people out there are too stubborn to turn your lights off when you leave a room or to stop leaving your vehicle idling.

2016-04-03 04:00:00 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Global warming IS the biggest scam. First, there is global warming, but it is NOT caused by humans. The sun warms the earth in cycles, and that means the Earths temperature is not going to stay the same every year. Just because the temp rises a degree doesn't mean people should get scared and think we caused it. Second, people like Al Gore use the environment simply to make money. he gets people scared with his movie, and then hes like well you can stop global warming by giving me more money. In the 80s and 90s Gore was warning everyone that there was global cooling and that there would soon be another ice age. Third, carbon dioxide levels rise AFTER phases of warming, so it doesn't change the temp at all.

2007-11-09 05:58:13 · answer #3 · answered by Connor P 1 · 1 1

Caldude 1; For your information: John Coleman is the man on his own who started The Weather Channel" He's done alot of studying and research on global warming. Scientists have made computer models for decades,and they are changing those models all the time. They keep finding out that there are flaws in the data base. It's really a shame that people are so blind that they will not see,or so deaf they will not hear. You don't even know what that means.

2007-11-09 16:50:12 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Weathermen don't study climate.

Meteorologists don't study climate science, and weather and climate are completely different. If you're going to listen to this guy about climate science, you might as well go visit a dentist when you get cancer.

His paranoid conspiracy theory comments clearly illustrate that he has never written a scientific paper and has no idea how the scientific community works. He's no better than people who think Bush was behind 9/11 and that the moon landing was staged.


2007-11-11 04:55:47 · answer #5 · answered by Dana1981 7 · 0 0

global warming is happening, always has, trouble is there are people trying to profit out of it scaring the heck out of everyone that climate armegeddon is coming if we don't reduce our standard of living aka taxation. these are not the only scares used to get us to accept taxation on our labors. one is we need to fund wars, trouble is these wars were mostly for the benefit of wealthy greedy people, and not for national security against aggressors so they get everyone to believe that this nation or that is a attacking us when they are not.. we need to help the homeless and feed the poor, trouble is most of the funds are not used for that purpose but are usually put into general funds to be used however the heck they want. just another excuse to tax.

trouble is taxation won't do a thing to stop it and no it won't be a climate disaster, the earth was alot hotter 1000s of years ago and we all did just fine, in fact during warm periods humans and animals fare alot better, live longer and have longer growing seasons, aka the animals get more food longer and don't have to deal with severe winters as long like before so that increases their chances of survival.

second humans are not gods and cannot predict how this earth will be 50 years from now, only the true God can predict what will happen in detail 50 years from now. they can throw all kinds of data at you, but that doesnt mean the data or the interpretation of it is correct. humans have always looked to humans (aka scientists in our day, shaman or religious leaders in the past) for predictions and salvation from so called disasters that are headed their way.

the best way to get people to do what you want that is contrary to their own interests is to scare the h e double hockey sticks, out of people so they will react emotionally not logically. these scientists researchers etc, are just stars that are cast to the earth, being shown up as frauds. they are not gods. and this really hurts the true scientists of the world. humans are really arrogant if they think they can grasp anything as complex as the earth or life on it or anything enough to predict anything of real significance. they are playing god when they mess with genetics, mess with the earths inner workings using radio waves, ionization devices, sonars and other technological devices that have been only around for a short time.

as for the president not endorsing global warming as man made ever hear of reverse psychology? first you get people mad at you by propagandizing that the president or other top brass are not listening to the scientists these very same are funding when in fact this is just another distraction, or false perception they are pushing to make global warming seem to have even more credence because the president is seen as in denial about it.

it is all mind games really when you look at it. If anyone should be scared of anything be scared of this seven headed wild beast that comes out of the sea (governments who rise out of restless mankind). they are not depicted as wild beasts for nothing. a definition I heard about wild beasts (which by the way is actually a mutant beast) is they are ravenous, greedy and violent.

violence in the dictionary says harm via phyiscal harm
denying of rights, robbery.

kind of fits the governments to a tee don't you think? anyhow I personally wish it would warm up more, I hate winters it is depressing to be stuck in the house because it is so cold out I can't even breath right (asthma).


2007-11-09 13:02:40 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Is that what you and your Minutemen friends talk about in the trailer park (after you've finished debating on whether the earth is round or flat)?

You conveniently forgot to mention that ICECAP is an organization dedicated to refuting the idea of global warming

2007-11-09 05:12:28 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 5 3

Because he is the TV weatherman for KUSI NEWS in San Diego.

You can believe a TV weatherman if you like, I will believe the majority of accredited climatologists from around the world.

2007-11-09 05:16:56 · answer #8 · answered by Think 1st 7 · 2 2

Government paid?The government is the one that doesn't agree with Global warming.They are the one making payments to people like this to call it a scam

2007-11-09 05:13:26 · answer #9 · answered by RX 5 · 3 3

He got a huge amount of $$$$$$ from FOX to run his speel....it is all about entertainment and $$$$ even is you don't believe in global warming....using less fossil fuel provides us with cleaner air...(er of course we don't care about our granchildren).

2007-11-09 05:22:50 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

What is Coleman's background that allowed him to make such an educated observation?

or is he just another empty-headed TV news weatherman reporting what he reads from NWS?

2007-11-09 05:13:54 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3

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