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Oh dear what can i say why does she have the right to sue if the employer does not want to employ her then so what we have all been rejected at some point at interviews.She says it is her beliefs but im sure they wear them to wind us up if you remember not so long ago there was 2 pictures in a newspaper 1 of england with the muslims all dressed in scarfs and things the other picture was taken in there country and all the girls were in jeans and t/shirts.Discrimination was not a issue before we had a influx of imigrants here.I know im going to get bad answers to this but i bet i know who from.Cheers all

2007-11-09 05:01:37 · 26 answers · asked by The One 6 in Politics & Government Law & Ethics

Mr Sceptic why dont you start watching the news instead of porn or cartoons we are all entiled to our opinion but dont insult my intelligance.

2007-11-09 09:34:20 · update #1

26 answers

Are there no Muslim hair salons? Probably not as thay believe having it covered is a sign of modesty. As stated earlier why in that case would she choose to be a hairstylist? For the umpteenth time.....The Qu'ran does not dictate the wearing of a veil, just that women dress modestly. The fact that she was turned down at 25 previous interviews suggests she cannot be very well qualified. Lets be honest here if a middle-aged person went for a job as a stripper or lap dancer say, could they claim discrimination if they did not get the job? Given that we have outlawed "ageism" in the workplace. Would we hire someone grossly overweight to run a fitness club? Of course not, the idea is ludicrous just as ludicrous as expecting someone who keeps their head covered to be a good advertisement for a hair salon. This is not about racism or discrimination its about hiring someone who has the right image for the job. This woman is claiming £15000 for hurt feelings. boo hoo I must be owed millions in that case. Wake up Britain!

2007-11-09 07:07:00 · answer #1 · answered by Willow 6 · 3 3

I haven't seen this in the news, but I'll comment anyway.

Of course she has the right to sue. And if the court thinks she is wrong the case should be thrown out. I have no way of knowing whether her case is justified or not, and nor do you.

If she has been discriminated on grounds of her religion, I hope she is successful. If she has been rejected because she is a useless hairdresser, she should get nothing.

"Discrimination was not a issue before we had a influx of imigrants here" is about the most stupid statement I've heard in some time. Do you think discrimination is something invented in the recent wave of immigration?

Are you saying that there was a time, before immigration, when there was no discrimination?

And now there is discrimination?

And it's the fault of the people who are being discriminated against? That's some pretty warped logic, you've got there!

EDIT: Porn and cartoons? Please don't judge me by your standards. My apologies for not watching the same TV News as you - I did look in the news section on the BBC website, but found nothing. Can you give a reference?

My point was this.

None of us know the truth of this case.

If she was a genuine case of racial discrimination, and it happens, she is entitled to sue.

If she interviews poorly or is a poor hairdresser, but is claiming discrimination where there is none, and it happens, her case should be thrown out of court.

If you don't want your intelligence insulted, then use it.

Your assertion that discrimination was not an issue until we had an influx of immigrants - we have had discrimination throughout history.

What do you think the suffragettes were doing at the start of the 20th century?

What was happening to Catholics in the 16th and 17th centuries?

Might the slave trade have been a slight example of discrimination?

Just because something is your opinion, doesn't make it sacred and immune from criticism, especially when it doesn't make sense. Do you really believe that Muslim women wear what they do just to wind you up?

2007-11-09 09:29:00 · answer #2 · answered by Mr Sceptic 7 · 2 4

What I do not understand is she went for 21 jobs but is only going to sue the last one. I would be discriminated on my age if I went for a job. Whatever I may think or feel the employer in my opinion can employ whom ever they want. It should not be down to the government or the PC crowd to dictate employment policy. Sad but true for some reason this Labour government bends over backwards for immigrants against their own people in many ways including jobs. Labour has lost control of the situation and we may never see equality in our favour again.

2007-11-09 09:23:48 · answer #3 · answered by deadly 4 · 2 2

I think that the whole situation is appalling, and stinks, no one will be able to say no they don't want to employ a particular person, who can play the race or religious card, in case they get hauled in front of a race tribunal or done on religious grounds, as this salon owner is, no wonder people are leaving this country in droves. What it doesn't say is that the girl had been turned down 25 times already, so perhaps she was just pissed at no 26 and decided to get her own back.

As the owner said and i think its right, hair is her business and anyone wearing a scarf in the salon is not a good advertisement for that place.

And to add that many are now dictating the rules in shops as to what they will serve, like alchohol, and the supemarkets are allowing them to get away with that. People should be outraged that this is happening, we are not a muslim country, at least not yet, and i would think that if you are part of that country and it's community you should at least adhere to its laws and regulations.

2007-11-09 05:14:41 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 6 5

The most common point of view I have heard from indigenous British people is that immigrants want to observe their customs etc., over here even if we deem them illegal but are not prepared to reciprocate when we visit their home countries.
I have no objection to Muslim women wearing headscarves (or whatever they call them) after all it used to be the height of fashion here but I do object to face masks and the hoods they wear (with the little mesh to look through) especially where identification is an issue and in view of the fact that their menfolk are invariably dressed in jeans and jackets like any other European.
All religions or so called beliefs are used to varying degrees to excuse things that may not conform to the accepted standard but may in reality have nothing at all to do with the particular religion.
If immigrants are not happy they have a course of action not open to the rest of us - go home.

2007-11-09 05:43:53 · answer #5 · answered by ashkirkian 3 · 2 4

Oh let's all kneel down and apologise, how awful for her! Did she ever stop to think that maybe she didn't get the job because there were better applicants than her? Now correct me if I'm wrong, but if I applied for a job in HER country and went to the interview with my head uncovered would I get thet job? DON'T THINK SO! I would dearly love to know when this dratted government is going to put it's foot down and end this hypocrosy. IF YOU DON'T WANT TO FIT IN WITH US, GO BACK WHERE YOU CAME FROM!

2007-11-09 06:42:56 · answer #6 · answered by Tammy 5 · 4 2

you wont get a bad answer from me. i personaly will give my vote to the first party that promises to close our borders and remove all muslims by force. the rest of the immigrants i have no problem with. i wonder if theres a case for the British people to suit Islam for threatening behavior and filling our once peacefull streets with hate?

2007-11-09 08:06:50 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

This situation 'highlights' one thing
You can make any amount of laws about race etc, but you have to understand that some groups of people just don't like other groups of people.
That's how it is and that's how it always will be.

2007-11-09 05:25:21 · answer #8 · answered by the boss 4 · 1 2

I cannot see how wearing a headscarf can stop her from doing the job. Did she say no to people who have really bad hair too? They cannot be very good advert for her shop.

On the other hand, this lady claims to have been turned down for many other hairdressing jobs. Is she going to sue them all?

2007-11-09 05:15:58 · answer #9 · answered by lilmissdisorganised 6 · 6 4

you have said it well. i have seen the same thing in person, i believe it all to be a scam so they get their way and not have to work to hard or obey the same rules we do.

they are making this country like their own, poor run down and despicable place to live. one day they will try it on the USA and boy will they be shocked when they get thrown out as they should be.

not given everything like this country does

2007-11-09 05:36:30 · answer #10 · answered by IHATETHEEUSKI 5 · 4 3

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