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In today's society their exists wealth gaps never previously encountered in US history.

The poor are worse now than European serfs under absolute monarchies.
The middle-class is being squeezed and almost relegated to borderline lower-class.

The wealthy few become not just wealthier, but astronomically wealthy and government increasingly no longer truly represents the hopes, dreams, desires and values of their electorate and even tinker with destruction of the US nation.
Mad old King George III didn't tax and oppress the Americans as todays'.

Do you think increasingly European Socialism, if not even communism is garnering even tacit approval in the US?

Or have the rich so cleverly bamboozled and terrorised the proletariat that they resist any change from rampant, uncontrolled capitalism?

Will there be a FDR style Fair Deal for today's Americans?

2007-11-09 04:41:05 · 20 answers · asked by ? 2 in Politics & Government Politics

20 answers

You raise a great point with the FDR reference. If you step back and take a look at what was going on when FDR was elected. The US in the midst of the great depression was dangerously close to turning communist. People were desperate. FDR came in and gave people hope. I suspect he probably saved free enterprise.

Granted the role of the federal Gov't was dramatically changed under his administration, but we did remain a market based economy. Yet found a way to use our wealth to provide a safety net.

2007-11-09 04:51:15 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 6 2

One of the bedrock principles this country was founded on is the right to own, possess & control private property free of govt interference. (Federalist Paper #10 actually makes mention of redistribution of property as a "wicked scheme")
They wealthy may be wealthier, but compared to the disparity of wealth during the time of the 'Robber Barons', the DuPonts, the Rockafellars, the Vanderbuilts, etc the disparity is nearly as bad today as it has been.
The real issue with any economic system that promises "equal distribution" of wealth, is that the redistribution system is managed by a few, and that these few will always have disproportionate access/control of that wealth, so no matter the system, there will alway be the have's & have not's.
The European Socialism/Comunism is not doing very well if you've been keeping up on the news. The British threw a large part of it off in the 80's, the Germans over the last 6 years, and the French, after clinging to it for so long, have realized that their country is increasinly becoming less competative in the worlds economy, the very reason that Sarkozy (a conservative) was elected. China, while maintaning the party's power, has broken with the ideology & has gone from being a regional power to a great power, on will soon be a super-power because it has cast aside the chains of communism.
The socialism that FDR began is nothin more than a huge social bribe to keep communism unpalatable to the poor.

2007-11-09 09:05:51 · answer #2 · answered by Monkeyboi 5 · 0 0

maximum individuals are unaware of the particular shown reality that there is a lot and far of drilling happening all round this u . s .. the U. S. is the third best oil producer contained in the international. energetic rigs are up 38%, paintings over rigs have boost over 50%. What the Republicans have a tendency to concentration about is ANWR and coastal drilling. ANWR changed into declared a nationwide organic world threat-free haven through the Congress and as such it desires a Congressional vote to overturn. contained in the 6 years the Repubs had administration of the living house, the Senate, and the White living house why changed into no longer something accomplished? The drilling ban for offshore internet sites changed into an govt order signed through Bush Sr with an accompanying govt order signed through Bush Jr. So the position in any of it extremely is the Democrats preserving again any drilling?

2016-10-23 22:26:54 · answer #3 · answered by styron 4 · 0 0

Ya! Let them eat cake! (which was not what the Queen really said..)
Since America is not governed by a Parliamentary system, your question will sink without a trace. There will ALWAYS, and forever be RICH & POOR people. Fact of life, unfortunately. The US was based on our founding fathers as a Democracy. For the people, by the people....(read it).US Constitution, heard of it?

FDR & his wife campaigned on my Grandparents farm in NY, the town...Goshen. He proposed the Fair Deal yes, but like most good benefits, it became abused by people who didn't need the welfare, just as they do today. Shamely so!

Hypothetically, call it Big Brother, if you choose to believe, is closer to your referal to being cleverly bamboozled and terrorised by a fatal myth.

You are reaching in a paranoid state, with what I sense holds some form of pre-judgement against American's and one of the richest Countries a person can live in.

2007-11-09 05:23:11 · answer #4 · answered by 2Janus2 3 · 1 1

In life there is something called perpetual adjustments or as some call it dialectics.
Whenever a dominant idea comes about, a thesis, there evolves always an anti thesis from which a new hybrid idea comes about....called a synthesis.

Historically america, post world war 2 was challenged by the soviet union and their communism idea..which required that the two forces competed against each other for the hearts and minds of americans as well as the rest of the world. In some ways, this was good for america in that in brought about the best form of capitalism...what I like to call compassionate capitalism. In other words, we were capitalistic, but also had a good mix of socialism mixed which made america the ideal society. But since the soviet union fell apart, capitalism american style has gone on a rampage and they are like in a race to take over the world with capitalism..and in some sense militarily as well since there is not a big adversary out there to keep them in check. So actually, to answer your question, the threat to the USA now is not from communism or socialism but rather from exaggerated or out of control capitalism bordering on robber baronnism...and its spreading. Eventually, there will be an antithesis to this of course to bring things back in balance, but the problem is that those in power with all the money will by then have consoldidated their positions and it will be that much harder to go back to the balanced country we were just 20 years ago.

2007-11-09 04:57:54 · answer #5 · answered by ningis n 1 · 1 2

I think to some extent , certain socialist programs have already won over Americans.

Social Security, WIC, CHIP, medicare, and a host of other programs could be called socialist. There is actually a phrase in the Constitution that supports a socialist agenda. Go to the link, you'll find it in the Preamble.

I think it's rather disingenuous for the right to go on and on about entitlement programs while supporting the bailout of Chrysler, the airlines, and the corporate welfare that they have given to Halliburton, Blackwater, and a host of other companies aligned with the current administration.

Dwight Eisenhower, a great general, a very good president and a Republican told us to beware the military-industrial complex in his farewell speech. Too bad we didn't listen to him.

2007-11-09 05:21:51 · answer #6 · answered by Charlie S 6 · 1 1

Get rich quick schemes in the capitalist business world, (buyouts, IPOs, conglomerates, acquisitions, mergers, and the stock market), do not actually work. Remaining solvent does not actually exist within false economics capitalism.

Profit existing in the capitalist business world, or millionaires existing within capitalism, is pathological deception committed by the 21 organizations spying on the population with plain clothes agents, (with covert fake names and fake backgrounds).

Actual economics is the persons paying the monthly business loan payments of companies voting at work in order to control the property they are paying for.

Capitalism is the psychology of imaginary parents, false economics, and the criminal deception of employees that are paying the bills (including the stocks and bonds, or shares) of companies.

Anti-democracy republicanism is the psychology of imaginary parents, and false government.

2007-11-10 04:21:52 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

If the Clinton crime family gets in we will be one step closer to a socialistic form of government. I'm not looking forward to having them run every aspect of my life and tax us into oblivion so I will vote for whoever gets the Republican nomination. Regarding a "Fair Deal", the best we can hope for is the "Fair Tax". It allows middle class folks more wiggle room in the way of retaining their income. I find this refreshing in today's tax and spend environment.

2007-11-09 04:58:25 · answer #8 · answered by Dan K 5 · 2 1

America is becoming a Socialist country. With Universal Healthcare, Social Security, Medi-Care, Medicaid, and Media Censorship we should be a Socialist Country in no time.

2007-11-09 04:52:25 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 4

To all your questions no, Americans know better then to trust so much of their lives in te hands of the government. FDR's New Deal is actually responsible for lengthening the Depression and many of the programs are threatening to force more of a credit and cash flow squeez on America today. His socialist programs are doing what all socialist and communist programs end up doing. America is a Capitalist system and will remain that way. Communisim failed not even 100 years after it was installed more and more countries are repealing socialist laws and programs, China is the last great icon of communism and even they are more capitalistic then communist.

2007-11-09 04:48:54 · answer #10 · answered by Tip 5 · 5 7

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