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got revenge on this guy. I destroyed his property. I ruined his finances. Made the love of his life leave him. I tricked him. I hired an accomplice to help me out and even got some of his misery/break down on video. He knew I did it and confronted me. I laughed but I didn't admit what I did. Does that make a coward and why did it feel good keeping it from him even though he knew I did it?

Should I confess or keep it inside and keep laughing at his misery? He's really angry, do you think he will get me back? A friend told me that he said I 'had mine coming?' Also, is it good or bad karma when you take revenge into your own hands? There were rumors going around that he wants me dead now. He isnt one of those little harmless guys, hes pretty powerful but I had to take my revenge, should I be worried?

2007-11-09 03:36:49 · 21 answers · asked by paule 1 in Arts & Humanities Philosophy

21 answers

well if you're stupid enough to f*** with a guy that can do some serious damage to you and already doesn't like you,
you're probably not going to be able to think of a way to get out of this...

of course you should be worried.
you tried to ruin someone's life and you think you did.

how would you feel if they ruined yours?

i think you should expect it.

you can't go around screwing people over that badly and expect not to be tortured by them with the most they can do.

2007-11-09 03:45:33 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Well what do you think? Do you think what you have done will give you good karma? Seriously?
We all feel the desire to seek revenge from time to time. However, there is an issue with seeking revenge, there is the inner struggle, of how much is effecient, who will it affect, how will the turn on me?
Wanting revenge is understandable, but you have to think before you do stuff. YOu cannot just act on something, and justify that as your right to choose the outcome of someone else's life. YOu do not have that right, you should not take that into your own hands. If you go out and ruin someone else's life, expect the same in your life. Whether this other person does it to you, or you do it to yourself, the mind is a crazy thing.
You cannot mess with someone's life and expect to just walk away with a smile for all time. Yes, it might have been enjoyable, and perhaps in YOUR eyes they deserved it. May I ask, why you would even do something like this to someone? If you felt as though you equaled what they did, I would not expect you to want to admit to faults to this person. If you over did it, then I could see you asking this question.
What you have done is bad, and I would not expect good karma to come from it. You cannot take or contribute to taking everything good in a person's life away from them...............and have them not think that whatever they do to you as shear "fairgame". Whether you admit to it or not, the damage is done, and the person know's you did it, what would you accomplish by admiting now? Are you wanting your conscience cleared? Perhaps your reasons for admitting are for nothing but selfish reasons, and perhaps you just should not of even did this in the first place, then you would not be in this situation.

2007-11-09 04:15:38 · answer #2 · answered by HIPPIE2hippie 3 · 1 0

Well, first off - you didn't HAVE to take your revenge, you chose to.
Personally, I think it is thinking like this that is responsible for all of the wars, conflicts and genocides in the world. Only it goes from a single person trying to get their "revenge" to a whole country, ethnic group, religion, etc.
The only problem - and it is HUGE problem - with this line of reasoning is answering the question "When does it end?"
If the guy does retaliate against you, and then you retaliate again against him, so he gets back at you - - - eventually this keeps going until someone ends up dead, or in jail. And the saddest part? that by holding onto a grudge, and wasting so much time planning and executing a plan of revenge, the other person has completely taken over your life, achieveing victory on a mental level that can only be reversed by you - by forgiving that person. I'm sorry, but I think what you did was really messed up (not to say that he may not have done something messed up himself). Someone needs to be big enough to forgive - before someone really gets hurt.
And to serin7300 - scary, very scary. People like you end up on "48 Hours Mysteries"....

2007-11-09 03:54:54 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Karma is not real. Revenge, however, is. If the person you have attempted to get revenge on now wants revenge then the cycle will continue.
You got gratification and pleasure from your revenge, which is the goal, and now the other person will want this same pleasure, at your expense of course, if they discover that you are the source of their 'suffering'.
Telling them or not is irrelevant. You wanted the pleasure and got it. What ever happens now is impossible to know. If you suffer at the hands of this person then so be it, just look back and think about the pleasure you got from your revenge because in reality all you have is the memory of the pleasure you felt during your revenge.

2007-11-09 03:50:16 · answer #4 · answered by @@@@@@@@ 5 · 1 0

Any time you take revenge you should be worried. Revenge always does more harm than good. The only good is how it makes you feel. It's like poking a hornets nest. You poke it enough and the hornets come flying out in force to drive away whatever is "poking" them.

From what you have written here, I think you have made "the hornets" pretty mad. I would watch my "6" for a while.

2007-11-09 03:44:22 · answer #5 · answered by 8-) Nurf Herder 4 · 1 0

Yes, you should be worried.
If you can take revenge into your own hands, why not him?
If you can ruin his life, why can't he ruin your life?

If you can take such a drastic revenge, then you should have known its consequences. you are not the only one having the power to control the whole matter, since you have ruined his life, he would probably do the same, or even worse than that.

the most dangerous person is not one who has all the riches and power, but one who has nothing to lose and thus not afraid of losing his life.

2007-11-09 04:16:44 · answer #6 · answered by Jessica Dior 2 · 1 0

Bad karma. Bad Bad Bad Karma. I doesn't matter the conditions, ruining someone's life like that is bad all around. It would be a good thing to tell him, but I think it's too late to change anything (but I might be wrong! I don't know this man). even then it might not help if your enjoying it so much. I suggest watching your back if what you say is true.

2007-11-09 05:15:44 · answer #7 · answered by The Dragoness 3 · 1 0

I had a friend like this. The best way is to let herself do it. If she lies all the time, and talks **** about people, she is digging her own grave. I guarentee she will not have any real friends or anyone who gives a rats *** about her. She doesnt need anyone to teach her what she is doing is wrong, she will figure out that you catch more flies with honey. My opinion, leave it alone. These things work themselves out. Not necissarily by karma just meerely the fact that she's openly a bad person, and no one wants to associate themselves with people like that.

2016-05-28 22:52:15 · answer #8 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

Karma is a result of Action of Good or Bad

I think it's a never ending cycle of revenge. It will do no good if you took a revenge.

My Father said before he died "I will take my revenge on your happiest moment I will make you miserable" So he didn't attend my brother's wedding. Of course the only one miserable was him because he wasn't able to see his first born get married, said he wish he did attend after seeing the wedding video. And he was jealous because my Uncle is the one who attend to take his place.

I was thinking that I won't invite him to my wedding because he might ruined it, well of course he can no longer attend that day he already passed away

2007-11-09 04:23:47 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Let's see if I have this right. You destroyed his property. Ruined his finances, got his lover to leave him, tricked him, hired an accomplice to me out and got his breakdown on video.

No, I don't believe a word of it. I think these are things you would like to do to someone, maybe. It is interesting you did not bother to tells us what he allegedly did. I think you are just here to be noticed. Congrats, you got noticed. Frankly, you do not sound like someone who could do those things stated above.

2007-11-09 04:12:07 · answer #10 · answered by Songbyrd JPA ✡ 7 · 1 0

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