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In the animal kingdom, there is a social construct. Most of the time, the male is the master. Are animals sexist? or is it just nature. Face it, men are stronger, more dominant. That's nature. Why does that threaten feminists so much? IF you believe in evolution, then why deny the course that evolution took?

2007-11-09 03:22:11 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Social Science Gender Studies

20 answers

Feminists believe in neither religion nor evolution. They would rather believe in pseudo scientific theories made up by feminists to support their own ideology.

Now let us never speak of science or religion ever again and see how far we get.

2007-11-09 03:28:42 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 11

There are plenty of instances in the Animal Kingdom where females are the dominant sex of their species, but that is beside the point. Trying to compare the raw "eat or be eaten" nature that much that the rest of the Animal Kingdom exhibits to that of the complexities of human social constructs is quite ridiculous.

And what exactly do you mean by "men are more stronger?" Physically, yes, men tend to be stronger than women, but as I mentioned above, humans use technology, something the rest of the Animal Kingdom does not. Unless you are living in the jungles of Borneo, physical strength is quite irrelevant in human society.

And please explain, what do you mean by "more dominant?"

Also, to Mike T, it is a myth that men are responsible for all of human technology. Perhaps you should take a few minutes out to do some research on the contributions women have made to science and technology. You will be surprised because trust me, from judging your statement and your logical ability, you have been poorly educated.

Lastly, take a look at some polls done on this forum asking men if they would want a submissive wife. The vast majority say an enthusiastic "no." So please do not push your superiority complex upon me.

2007-11-09 12:00:05 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 8 0

We are all different. Men are different from other men. Women are different from other women. I don't think anyone doubts that men have penises and women have vaginas. However, that doesn't mean that we should be limited to certain roles. So you're saying that anyone who is less physically strong, should be submissive to a person stronger than them. Does this mean that you should be submissive to a man stronger than you?

We are far past the days when physical power determines pecking order. People's place in this world is now determined by their work ethic and their intelligence. There are no significant differences between women and men's work ethic or cognitive abilities, therefore men and women are equal, and neither should be submissive to the other.

Dogs also eat poop, and most animals are somewhat incestuous. If we use animals to guide our social interactions, I think we're in deep sh*t. No pun intended.

2007-11-09 12:29:31 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

One rather cerebrally challenged poster just wrote, in perfect seriousness. "Feminists believe in neither religion nor evolution. They would rather believe in pseudo scientific theories made up by feminists to support their own ideology."

Either he is a) too dim to understand that stereotypes are untrue, no matter how many time he brays them; or b) he is being deliberately bloody-minded in order to provoke.

And this is a member of the "master" gender? The "stronger" gender? The gender that should be dominant?

Judging from the infantile arguments and the whining complaints from many man on this board, your so-called "master gender" is often suitable for little more than weighing down the intellectual Barcalounger.

2007-11-09 14:19:50 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Great question.

I don't believe in the strict scientific definition of evolution, and I make my living on science; I'm a mechanical engineer. I believe in what I call, "mysterious design", which includes a level of spirituality inhering in the scientific definition. I'm also a Buddhist.

That said, I believe that humans can and do transcend their nature. In fact, that very process is the only thing that I believe will change the world for the better. It is the process of compassion.

In my view, if surrendering to the opposite sex is done as transcendence, then it's okay. But if it is done to serve the ego of either participant, e.g., based on control, then it's not okay.

Men are more challenging by their natural makeup, but they can choose not to be.

2007-11-09 12:05:33 · answer #5 · answered by tornwax 3 · 2 0

You need more than a off the cuff statement like that to make your point valid. Give an example of male superiority in the animal kingdom. Last time I checked in the lion prides it was the females that did all the work and the males that sat around on their butts and did nothing. It's just an example of what I am talking about. What would men do without women to help them create a new generation. We would have died out because men would never figure out how to make another human being by themselves. Men cannot survive without women.
Men always need to feel superior to something to make them feel good.

2007-11-09 11:29:05 · answer #6 · answered by CrazyGirl 3 · 7 0

That is just all a bunch of hooey to me. It may not be demeaning for some women who like men to control them, but I think it sure is a stupid move in the long run. While growing up, my mother took care of all of us...including my mooching, drunk father. Now she is just gray and old and worn out...still living paycheck to paycheck because he was supposed to be the breadwinner. She had no education and ended up picking up his slack so that he could be an addict. Why would I take your advice of being 'submissive' to a ANYONE man or woman (which to me, means being powerless in my own life and allowing someone else to control the positive and negative outcomes financially, emotionally, physically...more) and end up in a 'situation', as I've heard people call it? Why would I ever choose to potentially live a life of misery with no skills or abilities because someone else told me I need to be submissive to a man in order to make someone like you happy? Because animals do it; nature, yada, yada, bunch of BS! That is so funny! Well, I do not compare myself to an animal because I have a complex brain which I use to make better decisions in my life than an animal would. If you want to live like a rat go ahead. Nope, sorry. I plan on making myself and the people around me (who do not think like you do, which is why they are around me) proud and happy, safe and secure.

2007-11-09 14:10:32 · answer #7 · answered by snowbunny 3 · 1 0

If men and women are equal, then why would one sex need to be submissive to the other? And why would anyone see submission as not demeaning? I don't think I understand the question.

2007-11-09 14:40:55 · answer #8 · answered by Lisa 3 · 0 0

Submission is demeaning, no matter how you look at it. It means giving into another person, even when you disagree with him or know he's wrong. It's allowing him to treat her like a child who is totally incapable of making her own choices so he has to make them for her.

I'm an adult. I can make my own choices. I don't need another person to make them for me. I don't like the idea of having to ask permission to get a job, take classes, or even go outside. I also don't like being told how to act, dress, and even what people I can be friends with. That exactly what submission means. It means allowing another person to take control over your life. You might like it but I don't.

2007-11-09 15:00:29 · answer #9 · answered by RoVale 7 · 0 0

Feminism has never denied we're different, but these differences should not be the basis of law.

Yes, men are physically stronger, but so what? Most of our lives don't require a constant display of physical strength. Yeah, punching a keyboard is tough work, isn't it?

If a woman chooses to be submissive to her husband, that's their business. To say we should all do that is complete insanity. A successful marriage is a partnership. We all win when we work together.

Face it, you're the one who's threatened by something you don't understand.

2007-11-09 11:46:00 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 11 1

But we're humans. We have the capacity to make international laws and decide how to behave as individuals. You can be submissive to men if you want to, but I certainly don't.

Just so you know, females lead elephant communities, and they're among the most successful species on the planet.

2007-11-09 12:28:41 · answer #11 · answered by Rio Madeira 7 · 5 0

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