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64 answers

Rudy, I would vote for anyone before Hillary.

2007-11-09 02:17:00 · answer #1 · answered by booman17 7 · 6 5

Hillary Clinton

2007-11-09 23:16:56 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

ANYTHING BUT ANOTHER CLINTON. At least under the RNC I can support my family if the DNC has its way all us Black folk would be on their government welfare programs and public housing.
Say what you want about the Republicans but when the last Clinton was in office I was homeless or might as well been, I was living in a dump. I've owned two new homes while Bush has run the country.

2007-11-10 05:06:03 · answer #3 · answered by ijay808 2 · 0 0

Hillary Clinton

2007-11-09 04:26:30 · answer #4 · answered by lek 5 · 3 4

the assumption at the back of Unversal wellness Care is that all and sundry is roofed. There are human beings from the the final option complaining that they do no longer want their money going to pay for the scientific coverage of somebody who does not paintings. quite, it rather is precisely how scientific coverage works. They money you pay for costs is going right into a pool to hide all and sundry's wellness care who additionally will pay for the coverage. people who're no longer coated, we finally end up figuring out to purchase in the form of better costs. The term of "socialized drugs" is a ideal wing term used to scare human beings into thinking that the government is going to interfere in each and every area of our lives. never strategies the fact that a lot of them want the government to legislate morality. Guiliani's plan is critically incorrect because of the fact tax breaks won't help the undesirable in any respect. How a techniques could $7500 bypass in a tax loose wellness account in case you get very ill or get right into a bad twist of destiny via no fault of your person? I additionally do no longer comprehend if Hillary's plan could paintings. maximum "socialized drugs" plans require huge taxtation. In different words, the money we positioned into costs now could bypass to the government and with worse provider, so no longer something will rather replace so a techniques as those paying it and people who do no longer different than that all and sundry could have it and worsen provider on authentic of it. wellness care should not be a worthwhile agencies, those are human beings's lives right here.

2016-10-01 23:19:26 · answer #5 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

This one is too easy. I did not vote for Clinton the first two times they ran and I will not vote for Clinton this time around either. Right now my vote goes to Rudy.

2007-11-09 05:27:50 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

Hillary...Giuliani still has skelletons that are yet to come out. Hillary's are all outed already. If Giuliani wins, he'll just follow bush's path & lead us into WWIII. He will then become the 1st dictator of the USA (not necessarily in that order) & we'll all be doomed.

Giuliani is arrogant, a bully, bigoted, ill tempered and a womanizer. He divorced his 2nd wife, Donna Hanover, by announcing it at a press conference instead of telling her in person first. He was having an affair with an aide while living at Gracie Mansion & while still married and mayor of NYC while taking credit for all the good things that were done by others in “the city”. He fired William Bratton; the police commissioner in 1994 when he found out he made the cover of Time magazine because he (Giuliani) wanted to take the credit for the innovative crime fighting. I lived in NY during his dictatorship, and believe me; I would not want him as president. His character is far worse than Bush & Clinton's worse faults rolled into one, if you can believe that's possible. Even his own kids don’t talk to him, now, what does that tell you? His name should be Mussoliani as he governs by spreading fear.

As for 9/11…. he’s no hero, he just happened to be in the right place at the right time. The real heroes of 9/11 were the NYC firefighters & police plus all the other rescue workers from the surrounding tri-state areas who voluntarily came to pitch in & help us. However, he has no problem exploiting 9/11 with photo ops & speeches that have netted him millions and has allowed him to be a front-runner for the presidency.

It has also been recently discovered that he had mob ties & that his father was a convicted felon. Furthermore, when he was prosecutor in NY, all his convictions were overturned. Why is that? I’m sure as time goes by more skeletons will come out of his closet.

OK, here are some links:




YA: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20070316145855AAMZam9



Giuliani warns about another 9/11 if a democrat wins the presidency




2007-11-09 02:38:54 · answer #7 · answered by The Wiz 7 · 2 4


2007-11-09 02:44:17 · answer #8 · answered by Sour Girl™ 6 · 3 3

I would vote for Hillery, not because I like her, but because Rudy is a totla fraud. A twice divorced Catholic, whose second wife he didn't have the b@lls to tell in person-she found out when friends called her about the press conference where he announced it.

Although it was known for years that the emergency communication system in NYC was dangerously unreliable and antiquated he failed to fix the problem and this might probably contributed to many deaths on 9/11, particularly among emergency reponders, who never heard the warning to evacuate the tower.

This guy is a very sleazy person, a continuation of the scare tactic one-liners that got us into an unwinnable conflict. He is obviously dishonest, morally bankrupt, and selfserving.

Those who support him are seriously deluded, or do not care about morals.

2007-11-09 02:51:52 · answer #9 · answered by Charlie S 6 · 4 4

No contest. Hillary Clinton would make a much better president. A Giuliani administration would have a lot of right-wing wackos in it in order to placate the conservative Republican base because he's so moderate.

After what republican done to us in past 7 years (dead and money been wasted), I wonder which idiots will vote for them. Thinking about you and children, Hillary Clinton health and education plan will be benefit for your future.

Is time to make change Hillary will be your choice.

2007-11-09 02:18:06 · answer #10 · answered by Glen H 3 · 4 5

Rudy Giuliani

---Some just want to vote for Hilary because she is female
---Some just because she is a Clinton
---Some just because other are going to
---Some for all the reasons listed above

And they don't have a clue about what they are voting for...

Rudy would be the best choice out of the two options!

2007-11-09 02:18:12 · answer #11 · answered by INTIMIDATOR 3 · 5 5

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