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Ayn Rand clarified the issue crystal clear when she wrote.....
Wealth creation MUST come before Distribution and there MUST be a motivation for wealth creation. What better motivator than a person's self interest?
In short the poor, the lazy, the stupid, do NOT create wealth to be shared by the employees, the customers, and the government. What is so hard to understand about that concept? If you take away the rewards of entrepreneurs, then you creat poverty.

2007-11-09 01:43:10 · 15 answers · asked by plezurgui 6 in Politics & Government Politics

Yes, I have been poor and I didn't like it. I am not "rich" now, but comfortable. The reason is that I worked hard as did my wife. We sent her to college and law school. We did NOT get any government assistance for that either. I had a decent job because I went into the service and learned a skill. But, I went into a part time business and worked for yet another business on the weekends and when I could.
No government has EVER created any wealth, they only consume wealth.

2007-11-09 06:44:37 · update #1

Oh, Ok, society creates that wealth rather than individuals, huh? You mean society created Microsoft? I guess it was society instead of Henry Ford that started the first assembly line car manufacturing, huh? And, society created the Salk vaccine, not Jonas Salk?
What do you people have for brains? Sawdust?

2007-11-09 13:22:15 · update #2

15 answers

I have no idea what these people's problem is understanding this simple concept. They only seem to want to "soak the rich." Well, last time I looked, poor people never created any jobs. They have no concept of money in practical terms only "Where's mine?"and "That's not fair." They buy into Marxist ambiguous terms as "wealth distribution," and "discretionary income." They have no clue that our Government already considers you "rich" if you make $100,000 a year or more and "soaks" them accordingly. These people constitute less than 3% of the population, yet they pay nearly 39% of all tax revenue collected. Many are small business owners that really only see about $55,000 of the $100,000 earned because of all the business fees, Business taxes, employee fees, employer taxes, and inflated insurance, ON TOP of the "soaking" they get for being so evilly "rich." It is a great testament to Capitalism that these people are able to maintain a business and employ people under this heavy burden at all. In Hillary Clinton's national healthcare plan, she intends to further reduce the definition of "rich" to "doubly soak" as individuals earning only $80,000 or more. She also plans to cover "children" up to age 25. How long do people think it would take before entrepreneurs stop bothering at all? I know how long it would take me to figure that it doesn't pay to try that hard and get nowhere. Before we know it, everyone will have their hand out, but there will be no more pockets to reach into. There is NO WAY to pay for all this.

Vicki- yes I am poor, thank you very much. My husband makes $34,000 ( of which we actually get to see $26,000 of) a year and we have 4 children. I also am on NO GOVERNMENT PROGRAMS, even though we qualify for every single one. Yet I own my own home with central air, have 2 cars, 3 tv's (with cable) and this computer with internet. You obviously have no clue of economics, the oil market, or current tax code. True poverty in this country is extraordinarily rare.

OMG- Businesses are forced to outsource to compete with foreign markets, because their countries are not taxing their corporations like ours, or have crippling unions that practically bankrupt them like we do. They outsource to ESCAPE or devastating tax system, to try to stay afloat. Lower taxes and other government interventions with the market, and they will come back.

Can these people even hear themselves? "Well, I guess small business owners should get a little tax break" (whatever that is supposed to mean in real life) "But all those other evil rich corporations have to PAY! and PAY ALOT! And stop being so greedy and taking your business elsewhere when we make you PAY! Get back here and PAY!" So much pathetic class envy.

Read "Basic Economics, The Citizen's Guide to Economics" by Thomas Sowell. It is our duty to arm ourselves with information.

2007-11-09 02:36:45 · answer #1 · answered by hottiecj *~♥~*~♥~* 4 · 2 1

It is a vicious circle. You are correct, liberals dont understand the basics of economics...

1. Lower taxes for businesses stimulate growth within the business. More money for hiring etc.

2. Lower taxes for individuals stimulates spending. Which in turn stimulats business. If people have more in their pay checks, they have more to spend.

I could go on with this but I think people get the point.

The problem is that Liberals have this line of thinking

1. Corporations are bad.

2. Businesses hate the little guy and only want to screw him.

3. Business owners and hard working executives dont DESERVE to have more money.

4. The world owes them.

And as far as democrat politicians, they embrace this line of thinking to promote their self goals. Promise after promise is made during their campaign and never happens. For some reason liberals dont understand this. They again blame everyone else for their candadits failure.

It can be sumed up in one phrase:

Conservatives think, liberals feel.

2007-11-09 02:06:22 · answer #2 · answered by jskmarden 4 · 2 3

For any economy to flourish the key is for money to continually change hands....... the deivide in beliefs is whether a small percentage of the population should should control a very large percentage of the money and decide how and when it is put back into circulation, or if a large percentage should control smaller chunks and decide......No one is advocating taking away the rewards for entrepreneurs. Only asking they pay taxes on their profits just like anyone else....and to say that the plumber, or electrician, or waiter, or teacher, etc is stupid and lazy is rediculous........ what would be wrong with allowing those workers in the middle class to keep a bit more of their paychecks to build some wealth, or does motivation of the middle class not count?

And to Moody...check your history...the new deal came in AFTER the onset of the depression, it didnt cause it......

2007-11-09 01:55:18 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 3 3

Have you ever been poor? I have and with out any help to get a foot hold in order to pull myself up. My husband and Fought ourselves out of poverty to The middle class and now thanks to the current administration. with all their oil greed we a slipping at a fast pace. The price of food and gas are becoming a burden. the price of our son collage is becoming unmanageable now that the loans are due to be paid back. I resent you calling all poor people lazy. We worked hard our whole life to make ends meet . What a jerk. I can honestly say things were much better under Bill Clinton. I think small businesses should have breaks ,but large corporation should not unless they start paying good wages and stop out sourcing. As far as the poor being stupid, under this administration with their education policies. I only see us as a whole getting dumber everyday. Only a moron would think that this is a simple concept. Let me just say this. The very rich are getting richer and the poor and middle class are getting poorer despite the Republican spin on it so that means your way is not working either. I would like to see some real working solutions .Thinking that our nations problems are simple is ignoring the real problems.


2007-11-09 02:44:55 · answer #4 · answered by RELAX 4 · 2 2

Without wealth there can be no redistribution! With redistribution there will be no wealth. It will be the Great Depression all over again. People have truly forgotten or don't appreciate the difference between disaster and tragedy.
Disasters happen to us all, no matter what we do. We bring tragedies upon ourselves by hubris.

Hillary, Obama and Edwards want to bring back the New Deal that was influenced by Communist Russia, social security increased unemployment. Higher taxes undermined business. The new labor laws threw people out of work.
People suffered for over 9 long years!

We have to stop the Democrats from getting into office, just look at Michigan. We are going into another partial state shut down. Unemployment up, jobs and business lost. Do we ever learn?


2007-11-09 01:54:28 · answer #5 · answered by Moody Red 6 · 5 6

If you are going to base your whole political viewpoint on Atlas Shrugged, then yes... you buy into simple concepts.

However, the political, social and economic issues of America aren't that simple.

One more point. If the Government stacks the cards in favor of the wealthy - so that it is in their best interest to keep their wealth rather than to reinvest it..your theory is blown. Elimination of the estate tax and Capital Gains reductions have done this.

2007-11-09 01:57:03 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3

I agree. Take a look at Donald Trump he worked for his wealth and is still working not only for his self but to help others make it as he did if that person shows him what it takes.

Stay Safe,

2007-11-09 13:17:37 · answer #7 · answered by BULLDOG 4 · 1 1

The aspect of the problem she failed to see is that wealth creation does not come from the individual, it comes from society. For example, if Bill Gates lived on an island and tried to sell his newfangled operating system, he would create ZERO wealth. Why? There are no computer manufacturers, no software vendors, and most importantly, no consumers with well paying jobs.

"But society already exists. We don't need to create one", you say. This is where the equality factor starts to influence the macroeconomic cycle. If the rich keep shifting wealth from the masses of consumers to a small group of elite aristocrats (increasing inequality), then that small group of wealthy people can't possibly consume enough to keep the economy going. When Bill Gates, for example, ends up with 99.9% of GDP he has no need for millions of homes, cars, cases of beer, football tickets etc. That's when the economy collapses unless debt is extended to the masses for use in consumption. The U.S. is now the largest debtor nation on earth as a result of this dynamic. It is unsustainable.

2007-11-09 01:50:53 · answer #8 · answered by ideogenetic 7 · 5 6

Agreed. The wealthy are, 90% of the time, self made. They worked hard to get what they have. And yet the libs look down on them as bad. Look at the wealthy like a sprinkler head. They spread the water out amongst all the grass. If the government restricts the flow of water who suffers? The rest of the grass.

2007-11-09 01:52:39 · answer #9 · answered by Splitters 7 · 5 5

And what is your point? The only poor fiscal management in the last 30 years has been done by the Republicans. Unbalanced budget, falling dollar, rising gold, wake up!

2007-11-09 01:53:56 · answer #10 · answered by alphabetsoup2 5 · 6 5

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