With the Government currently considering a proposal to increase the points on a licence for being caught speeding on camera, what exactly is the point when the cameras cannot distinguish between safe and dangerous drivers? I consider myself to be safe driver but am sick and tired of seeing maniacs on the roads who slow down for cameras, then immediately speed up again, swerving in and out of traffic while they do it. In my mind cameras serve no other purpose than to raise revenue, and cynically so. Would it not be better getting more traffic police on the road than what is being proposed?
Drivers caught speeding could be given more penalty points on their licence depending on how much over the speed limit they are.
Ministers are looking at a scheme under which the worst offenders would get six points on their driving licence.
This raises the prospect that drivers could face being banned from driving for two speeding offences.
13 answers
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Very good sparklyarhse...going to take some beating that for best answer and it's the very first post.
23:23:02 ·
update #1
Dunno, but I just picked up 2 points by answering this quite slowly!
2007-11-08 23:20:05
answer #1
answered by Zed 6
If you are caught by a police man doing 50mph in 30 zone, they can send you to court and have your licence removed (or more points). If you went past a speed camera at 100mph in a 30 zone it's only 3 points, regardless.
I think they have to have the same rules if you are caught by a camera, as if you were stopped by the police.
But, here's my example of speed camera madness - and why they (or some drivers atleast) are incredibly dangerous.
I was driving into London on Saturday last week, with my 2yr old boy in the car.
I was in lane 1 (of three) doing 70 on a dual carriage way (i.e. not even speeding), there was a 4x4 in lane 2 doing 65, so rather than be naughty and undertake, I started to move from lane 1 to lane 3 to overtake. Just as I got behind this 4x4, we came upon a speed camera and even though no-one was speeding she slammed on the breaks, I narrowly missed her by INCHES.
What we need is education to make safer drivers, re-tests and checkups, not speed cameras.
2007-11-08 23:26:43
answer #2
answered by mark 7
What needs to happen is that the speed cameras need to be concealed better so that the idiots don't know where they are until they receive the infringement notice.
As for safe and dangerous drivers, if a speed camera takes a photo of your number plate it's probably because you're a dangerous driver, the safe ones don't need to be caught (if you think you can safely drive over the speed limit then you're a deluded fool who should have their licence suspended permanently).
2007-11-08 23:25:23
answer #3
answered by bestonnet_00 7
The fact is we all know the speed limit and it is entirely our choice whether we observe it or not. There is no provision in law to mitigate breaking a speed limit because you felt you were driving safely. The law is clear that exceeding the speed limit is automatically unsafe.
Of course cameras cannot distinguish between good and bad drivers, though they do sometimes distinguish between living and dead ones.
2007-11-08 23:22:49
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
There is supposedly a 6% either way allowance on speedo readings, so if your speedo is reading low then you are always speeding if you have bigger tyres then your speedo will read a lower than actual speed even with standard tyres there is a difference in speed and new tyres will always read lower than actual speed on the speedo. so to be prosecuted for doing 32 or 33 miles an hour in a thirty zone is disgusting and the courts will charge you extra if you argue the case. So my answer is no I disagree with cameras altogether they can only report the facts at that second not any facts leading up to it.
2007-11-08 23:47:23
answer #5
answered by Ragamuffin 2
I think it's fair, but the proposed levels are wrong. It should be
zero points for within the old ACPO guidelines. 1 point for 35-40 mph, 3 points for 40-50 mph and THEN the scheme for increased points should begin.
2007-11-08 23:36:08
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I believe a study conducted in the UK concluded that speeding has nothing to due with increased danger. It is the people that are not paying attention, anyone who is driving 5mph over or under the rest of traffic. But getting speeders is big money for the gov't, so they continue to hound us.
2007-11-08 23:29:50
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Well i 'accidently' went 96.8MPH on the M25 near Dartford bridge, and it was like 4am in the morning.. but i got pulled over, asked if i was pissed, i answered No, and he said dont do it again!!!.
But its hard becuase you cant always judge 30 by the excact number, and some cars speedo's might be out..
But i dont agree with it.
Its not the speed that kills, its the drugs!.
Well thats what i think anyway..
More people die from drugs than car accidents..
Sorry im just rabbiting now, ill shut up!.
2007-11-08 23:23:29
answer #8
answered by Andréw 2
I wonder how many points that top cop that was caught speeding the other week will get. Off probably
2007-11-09 01:24:23
answer #9
answered by karriemak 6
I dont agree with it....but they do have a point....is it fair that someone gets three points of doing 50mph in a thirty area and some one else gets the same points for doing 35...so they have a point.....but I agree with the rest of what you say.
2007-11-08 23:21:39
answer #10
answered by Knownow't 7
I'm ok, i've only got a 125cc scooter! No danger of getting caught speeding.
2007-11-08 23:29:44
answer #11
answered by Kev 7