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So that she'll find me attractive?

2007-11-08 16:09:36 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Social Science Gender Studies

13 answers

Sex change surgery. That will allow you to come on to her as a lez (the highest form of Feminista).

2007-11-08 17:25:27 · answer #1 · answered by Dear Carlos 7 · 2 1

There are many forms of feminism. I'm a feminist by that I believe we are different but equal. I love men, respect men and want them to do the same for me. Love and respect. Different.. sure but equal non the less. If you don't truly believe that then don't lie to this woman to get into her pants. That would make you a pig

2007-11-09 00:59:59 · answer #2 · answered by Imogen 3 · 1 1

Supporting feminism isn't the only way to a woman's heart. But if you insist that it's one of her priorities then make her feel like a real woman. Be the perfect gentleman. Open doors for her, guide her in restaurants and in getting in and out of the car, be on the danger side always when crossing streets with her, carry some of her stuffs and be gracious and courteous when talking to people. You don't even have to spell it out that you support feminism. Your actions will speak for themselves. Women don't like braggarts. we want humble but a firm believer of his convictions. But caution, don't over do things. Women know when their men are sincere or just doing things to please them. You must retain your self identity and individuality. Good luck!!!

2007-11-09 02:31:51 · answer #3 · answered by ericangel16 2 · 1 2

If you have to prove your a feminist so that she'll find you attractive, then she ain't worth it dude. Find a better girl for you.

2007-11-09 01:54:39 · answer #4 · answered by Aurum 5 · 3 0

Cut off your balls (or even allow her to cut off your balls). That's what all feminists want.

However, if a woman is in her right mind, she'll respect you as a man and not as a defective woman. It's time for men to act like men once again. Take back the penis!! Peace.

2007-11-09 00:55:03 · answer #5 · answered by The cool dude 1 · 3 2

If you only pretend to care about feminism so she'll date you, you don't actually care. She'll be able to figure that out quickly.

2007-11-09 09:13:53 · answer #6 · answered by Rio Madeira 7 · 2 1

Smile. Talk to her like you would talk to another guy: with respect. Also listen to what she has to say to you, I mean really listen. Make her feel like she is the only woman in the world you are interested in, like she is the center of your universe at the moment. She will love you for it.

2007-11-09 00:16:25 · answer #7 · answered by ms.sophisticate 7 · 2 3

Just be yourself and show her you respect a woman's feeling and that you're not too overbearing or do the whole alpha male crap.

2007-11-09 00:13:15 · answer #8 · answered by adfadf 2 · 4 2

Put your nose to the grindstone. Then she won't even notice that you're nothing to look at.
Don't be phony? A good licking can never be phony.
What woman do you know that never thought lying to you wasn't attractive.
Gee. And a woman should talk.
After all the times some of them fake orgasms.
Put your nose to the grindstone. Then she won't even notice that you're nothing to look at.

2007-11-09 00:23:47 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 5

Real Men don't support feminism..

Feminist like feminize Men, so they can control them.

2007-11-09 00:16:19 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 4 7

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