According to Capt. Denny Keast who flew many US Presidents including the Clintons.
"Everyone in the Secret Service wants to be on First Lady
Laura Bush's detail. Without exception, they concede that she is perhaps the nicest and most kind person they have ever had the privilege of serving.
Where Hillary patently refused to allow her picture to be taken with her security detail, Laura Bush doesn't even have to be asked, she offers.
She doesn't just shake their hand and say, "Thank you." Very often, she will give members of her detail a kindhearted hug to express her appreciation. There is nothing false about her
This is her genuine nature. Her security detail
considers her to be a "breath of fresh air." They joke that comparing Laura Bush with Hillary Clinton is like comparing "Mother Teresa" with the "Wicked Witch of the North."
Likewise, the Secret Service considers President Bush to
be a gem of a man to work for. He always treats them with genuine respect and he always trusts and listens to their expert advice. They really like the Crawford, Texas detail. Every time the president goes to Crawford he has a Bar-B-Q for his security detail and he helps serve their meals. He sits with them, eats with them, and talks with them.. He
knows each of them by their first name, and calls them by their first name as a show of affection. He always asks about their family, the names of which he always remembers. They believe that he is deeply and genuinely appreciative of their service. They could not like, love, or respect anyone more than President Bush. Most of them did not know they
would feel this way, until they had an opportunity to work for him and learn that his manner was genuine and consistent. It has never changed since he began his Presidency. He always treats them with the utmost respect, kindness, and compassion. "
2007-11-08 08:27:02
answer #1
answered by One eyed pirate 3
OK.....first of the hell do you know he's a decent, hard working man? he your uncle? you spend holidays at the ranch clearing brush?
2nd....he flew jets over Alabama!!...not a huge chance of being shot down by the Viet-cong, or anyone else for that matter...
3rd...His daddy got him into school, and when he got out was a twice failed businessman. Then Karl Rove got him elected as governor.
I'm not sure what your ideas of honor and dignity are, but they obviously must include, chewing with your mouth open(w/ the German Chancellor let's say) clearing brush, looking like a dear in the headlights whenever anyone asks a substantive question, accusing anyone who has a different opinion than you of being unpatriotic, using fear as a political tool, leaving our borders and ports WIDE open, spying illegally on your own people, torturing people....and ...oh, yeah..barely being able to get a coherent thought out of your head without reading from a teleprompter.
Now, as far as Afganistan goes....I will agree with you there...but Iraq is a whole different story.
As far as Clinton is concerned....he got blown...big deal....your buddy invaded a country on precarious if not outright false pretenses...
2007-11-08 09:11:40
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I think Bush is unpopular with the left because
1) both elections were fairly close
2) wars, even good and just wars, are often unpopular.
Remember that crowds cheered Chamberlain and Dalaudier after Munich (when they let Hitler roll into Czechoslovakia and Poland - what Chamberlain wrongly called "peace with honor").
Ronald Reagan, who saved us from Lyndon Johnson's War on Prosperity (and Jimmy Carter's utter incompetence), was often unpopular with fat, striking union members and leftist appeasers of Iran and the Soviet Union, as well as people who hated working for a living.
Our economy is also shifting away from mass, unskilled manufacturing and towards "knowledge workers" who provide highly specialized services requiring high levels of education & training.
This is leaving a lot of people on the other side of the "digital divide" marginalized, with little recourse but politics, the politics of socialism, collectivism, and government intervention.
Those are the people who hate Bush - people who fear modernity, capitalism, and prosperity, and are left out of the New Economy.
2007-11-08 09:16:23
answer #3
answered by Andrew S 4
Did you hear the national debt just hit $9 trillion? The highest in history. This after Clinton did such a great job bringing it down.
We liberated Iraq and Afghanistan? Great! Now our troops can come home. I'll rush off to the airport to welcome them!
I had to go to Vietnam for my Honorable Discharge. Bush got an Honorable Discharge and spent most of his final year AWOL. He didn't fly a single mission that year because he wouldn't take a drug test.
Fever swamps?
scubadog-ever heard the term slick willie? Is that how Republicans show respect?
2007-11-08 08:49:39
answer #4
answered by wyldfyr 7
1. Twice elected? He was first "elected" by the Supreme Court, which voted 5-4 Republican to Democrat - that's NOT being "elected". Gore won the popular vote by 500,000 people. The second time around there were "questions" about the accuracy of the voting machines in Ohio - voting machines built and programmed by REPUBLICANS.
2. Scandal free? Have you been in a coma for 7 years?
3. I'm a moderate and I admit that 70% of the entire US now believes that Bush is a lousy president. It might have something to do with sending our troops to Iraq based on LIES.
4. Liberated Afghanistan? The Taliban has just taken a THIRD province back under its control. Do you get the news from somewhere other than Fox News?
Dignity in the White House? If lies, deceit, deception, corruption, etc., are "dignity" you need to lay off the electric kool aid, and FAST.
2007-11-08 08:37:41
answer #5
answered by Paul Hxyz 7
This post is wrong on so many levels. I will start from the top. First, fever swamps? Second, I do not HATE Bush, I just think he is incompetent. Third, he has done nothing to earn my respect as a president. Fourth, he brought honor and dignity to the White House? This is news to me. He lied to congress about Iraq, he lied to our nation several times with all of his flip flopping. Nation building is a bad thing, Osama Bin Laden is a threat, he is not a threat, Saddam Hussein was behind 9/11, he was not behind 9/11. And don't even get me started on his administration. Finally you think he LIBERATED Afghanistan and Iraq. He has left Afghanistan and Iraq a total MESS in which our troops ARE DYING in EVERY DAY.
2007-11-08 08:42:37
answer #6
answered by Lindsey G 5
This raging dry drunk psychopath will never earn my respect. I doubt that he received an honorable discharge, he would have had to complete his commitment for that. He has squandered our military in Iraq to the point that we're losing ground in Afghanistan and unable to respond to any other developing crises. He has destroyed the reputation of the United States and bankrupted our nation. I hope that we'll be able to recover from this presidency.
Just because dubya isn't standing in front of an in front of a grand jury or impeachment hearing doesn't mean he doesn't deserve to.
"I hate this. If someone is elected to lead our country, I wish they would be shown the respect they deserve"
When someone is elected to the office they will have my respect. I doubt the validity of the results of the elections that put dubya into office. BTW, I served under President Reagan. I didn't agree with his conspiring with the Iranian terrorists but still respected the office
2007-11-08 08:37:17
answer #7
answered by loginnametaken 3
I have nothing against him personally. I think he is a basically decent and well intentioned person. But I don't think he's a good President. I think after a while people begin to look beyond partisanship at a President and decide how effective he was. And I just don't think he was effective. I don't think Carter was effective either. I think Reagan and Clinton were both pretty effective. The thing I didn't like was that he didn't listen to the other side at all, and I think he was too loyal to some of his friends which allowed some corruption. Gonzales, etc. Still I think he's well intentioned, he did great after 9/11, but I just think he was ineffective overall.
2007-11-08 08:26:47
answer #8
answered by Super Tuesday 3
Its not libs that hate him, its 75%+ of the population and for good reason. He is a colossal screwup.
Your Christianity remarks are irrelevant other than the fact that he is an evangelical loony who thinks that the world is going to end in his lifetime. You can tell that he believes this because he is doing everything that he can to inflame the middle east to make it happen.
He completely used his daddy's status to dodge service during Vietnam and is an honorless COWARD. He has the audacity and cowardice to send other people to die for his own selfish motivations. Iraq never had anything to do with terrorism until we opened the flood gates to let them all in.
If he freed Afghanistan, why is it falling back to the Taliban? Why did Osama get away?
And he has a Harvard MBA. Big deal! He was a C student and never would have had a chance in hell of making it into or through Harvard had it not been for his daddy...again.
If ignorance is bliss you must be in heaven.
2007-11-08 08:32:35
answer #9
answered by Tony P 2
Just because Dubya is christian and got an Harvard MBA does not mean he's not corrupt politician and a genocide. I don't know if somebody respects that.
An invasion is an invasion, not a liberation.
A mercenary is a mercenary, not a contractor.
An Anti-Dubya is not always a "liberal".
2007-11-08 08:52:46
answer #10
answered by Mysterio 6
PNAC~Penelope, you look a lot like Hillary Clinton.
I know you are going to vote for her.
You just pretend to be a hateful Republican, but deep down inside, we all know that you are really a Liberal.
2007-11-08 09:04:58
answer #11
answered by Anonymous