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I just read several posts alleging that Hillary Clinton is a secret communist, comparing her to Hitler for God's sake, claiming that she actually believes completely different things than she says she believes, and that she has a secret plan to hand America over to its enemies. And they know these carefully guarded facts because, because...well, they just do. I remember lots of people in the last two elections gnashing their teeth over the impending victory of George Bush, but I don't think I've ever seen this level of paranoia. What's going on out there?

2007-11-07 15:59:18 · 19 answers · asked by Candy 5 in Politics & Government Politics

19 answers

Ummm--paranoia isn't exactly the right word--it refers to a psychological dysfunction, and this is a sociological phenomenon.

Briefly--the right-wig, particuarly the religious right, is characterized by (among other things) a cultural belief tht they are "God's sppecial people" and that outsiders, to one degree or another, hate/envy them. They define outsiders (the "Other" in sociological terms) in negative terms. They also regard their own ideology/political agenda as a) a divine plan and b) the only "true" Christianity/Americanism.

Now--Hillary is first, a liberal. That, to the right, represents a number of things. Liberal is not a clearly defined term--it is a symbolic "the Other" designation, equated symbolically with socialism, communism, anti-(their)Americanism, atheism/nonChristian, etc.

In addition, Hillary is a woman--and this is perceived as a threat to the right which, alone of the various groups in America, remains committed to the subordination and inferiority of women as a matter of faith/policy.

Finally--there are two "grains of truth" in this picture: a) the right-wing is indeed undr attack. Due to the corrup and dictatorial behavior of the Bush administration in genral, and "neoconservatives" in general, this right wing is being forcefully rejected and condemned by the majority of Amricans, including increasing numbers of conservative as wel as liberal Christians. And--Hillery, as the likely next President, is rapidly coming to symbolize in their minds the antithesis of Bush, whom they regard as divinely anointed (their words, not mine).

Expect the "cultural paranoia" to get more extreme and the rhetoric to get steadily worse. You will see Hillary tagged "the Wh-re of Babylon," etc. before this is over.

2007-11-07 16:24:48 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 4 4

OK, here's a couple videos that may explain where this paranoia is headed. First see this short video about Hillary that was just in the Hot 100 Google videos so we can say that this video probably has an influence on what you're talking about:


OK, now let's back up and take a look at a broader picture that's portrayed in this video (below) which has been seen by untold millions of people to date:


Now in the first part of the video you may wonder what taxes have to do with the crux of your question but be patient as everything unfolds. Remember, millions have seen this and so it's fair to say that this has had an influence on American's though processes. So I believe what you're looking for is to get into the minds of these people and understand why they are thinking this way. If you watch this I believe it'll help you "connect the dots".

2007-11-07 16:30:17 · answer #2 · answered by Bloatedtoad 6 · 1 1

You either are too young to remember or need to do research. Start with the Congressional Record. Sen. Thompson was the Chairman of the Senate committee that investigated the Chinese campaign money that came into the White House and the giving of our missile guidance systems to the Chinese. Cattle Futures where she invested $1000 in cattle futures and within two weeks made $100,000. No one had done that before or since. The report from the Special Prosecutor to Congress on White Water stated that " Hillery Clinton was less than truthful with Federal investigators. Libby was convicted for the exact same thing. In the debates she said it was not her decision to make on the release of her records as First Lady. Bill Clinton made Bruce Lindsy and Hillery Clinton the people in charge of the archives. It is her decision and she was " less than truthful" with the American people. It goes on and on. Travel Gate. More indictments than any administration in history. Something like 25 people fled the country to avoid testifying, more convictions than any other administration in history. It is all a matter of public record.

2007-11-07 16:36:40 · answer #3 · answered by ohbrother 7 · 2 3

I spend half my time in here just going into stupid questions like the one you mentioned, and exposing this garbage. Most of the time no one cares but me, but that's all right. It's outlandish the things that you see said in this forum, about Hillary Clinton in particular. They call her a liar, when they're lying about her themselves. They find right wing smear stories on sites like World Net Daily and act as though they are credible. They call her a criminal, yet none of her detractors has been able to get so much as an indictment for anything they've accused her of. They call her a socialist, which particularly shows their ignorance. She's a hard core capitalist if there ever was one. Whatever they hear on Rush, or from O'Reilly or from that harpy Coulter gets branded into their brains and they take it all as the God's truth and then exaggerate behind it. But for crying out loud, don't ask them for proof! They don't need no stinkin' proof - it's Hillary Clinton for crying out loud, and she's fair game. I have to laugh. If we think it's bad now, wait until she gets the nomination. It will be like a shooting gallery in this forum.

2007-11-07 17:37:01 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

Just as some of the left compare Bush to Hitler, does that mean all of the left wing is paranoid? I dont think so. I dont like Clinton. She is corrupt and greedy, which also decribe most politicians unfortunately. Her policies dont seem stable. She does have socialist views, that much is clear. Is she a communist? I dont think so. What's going on out there? Campaigns. People want you to think Hillary and McCain and whoever else is crazy just so you will vote for the 'other side'. Left or right, do your research. Dont let leftwing or rightwing nuts make up your mind. Think, that is why God gave u a brain.

2007-11-07 16:06:18 · answer #5 · answered by Daniel 6 · 4 4

I don't think it's paranoia so much as shocked disbelief that their empire is crumbing so quickly. This was supposed to be a "permanent republican majority," and many on the right can't understand how it could all have fallen apart so fast unless there's some kind of conspiracy going on. With the election still a year away, I'm afraid it's going to get much worse before it gets better.

2007-11-07 16:15:43 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

Both sides have their whacko's. Hillary is no secret Communist. She's pretty open about it LOL. But in all seriousness, pay no attntion to American politics... you will stress yourself way too much, and for no good.

2007-11-07 17:09:18 · answer #7 · answered by Brando Calrissian 3 · 2 1

It is paranoia but I also think the American Left are often almost as hostile against political conservatives. I think it reflects a deep 50:50 ideological division in the US between Liberals and Conservatives. It's a sad reality when it gets this bad. People should be able to debate their differences while being respectful.

2007-11-07 16:08:52 · answer #8 · answered by Paranormal I 3 · 2 4

Hillary is a Republican in Democrat clothing

Kinda like "Bush lite"

2007-11-07 16:22:57 · answer #9 · answered by Neal 4 · 1 2

That's not even the half of it.
If Hillary is elected that will be the end of America!

2007-11-07 16:07:23 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3

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