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I will admit that there once was a time that i didnt care for her, but after watching "the simple life" ive come to think she is ok

2007-11-07 15:50:37 · 33 answers · asked by knavel123452563 1 in Entertainment & Music Celebrities

33 answers

People fear what they don't understand. I don't judge people, I may not agree with them, I don't even have to like them. But it is not right to dislike someone that you don't know. No matter what we think of her who are we to judge lest we be judged? Hate is a powerful 4 letter word. Not good to have in your heart. I am so happy my life is busy yet simple. I always hope for the best in everyone.

2007-11-07 15:58:22 · answer #1 · answered by carmella 3 · 0 1

I for 1 dislike "miss Hilton" not for her money because I'd rather earn my money then have it poured into my hands by my dad, not for her clothing because I hate shopping but her down right outrages public acts that she is so popular for. It is so bitchy. Usually when you see someone you don't like on TV you give them a while and you eventually realise that they're not so bad, well in her case there has not been 1 media display that has proved to me that Paris is not a alcoholic, porno *****. When have anyone seen her do something charitable, smart or sensible? NEVER! And because she acts the way she does when I look at her I see more ugly then pretty and there is no reason to feel sorry for her she doesn't deserve your sympathy people.

2007-11-07 17:20:48 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I don't have a lot of sympathy for a spoiled little rich brat who has been arrested for drunk driving TWICE, and she still has the nerve to play the victim.

When she was drunk behind the wheel she could have killed somebody. What happens if goes for drunk driving run #3 and ends up killing someone this time? You might not think she's okay then. At least I hope not.

2007-11-07 15:54:40 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

ok. why? she is a raging idiot..i tend to think her family and money have kept her not innocent but naive of the real world and that has led to some really crappy choices. everyone see';s she has EVERYTHING!! while children in our country go to bed hungry they see her squander good chances to improve her life and do something positive. then to think herself above the law? why would anyone like her? she got preferential treatment due to mom and dad greasing many palms. at least her sister is trying to make something beautiful in the world.

then thats just my opinion. i am scraping ebay to find the cheapest viable laptop i can to use in college and thats tough lemme tell ya!! then i am fuilling out EVERY Financial iad known to man, and then some, plus, i can't afford daycare so i bring my kids (whom i am homeschooling via the net) with me to my classesw!! and i see this anorexic stick ***** making money for what? umm, no skills, no life skills, no real talents that i can see, and yet she gets everything handed to her...she isn't all that pretty either. so.. ok, yeah i harbor ill feeling over it. but man can the girl do SOMETHING positive with her life? just once?

ok..i am done..see ya!

2007-11-07 15:59:59 · answer #4 · answered by skittle_goddess_2525 4 · 2 0

Miss Hilton has all the money, time, and opportunities in the world to have a full and meaningful life.
Instead she wastes her time and resources on drunk driving and making pornographic home movies.

2007-11-07 15:59:45 · answer #5 · answered by red riter 5 · 2 0

Because she basically exudes the attitude that since she is rich, she is better and is more important than everyone else who isn't. Even though she did nothing except win the genetic lottery by being born into rich family.

2007-11-07 15:55:19 · answer #6 · answered by diezzal99 3 · 3 0

Why does someone who has no real talent in the world, besides her bedroom behavior, get to have millions of money and screw off.

At least since she was jailed, for some of her mishaps, she has stayed off the radar..

2007-11-07 15:54:45 · answer #7 · answered by L H 1 · 1 0

Do people hate her, or just dislike her.
My opinion is just that people are jealous because she has tons of money, and she's pretty clueless about life, but she will still survive because of her money, so it sucks- she will forever be stupid AND rich.
Hopefully for her, someday maybe she'll go to college.

2007-11-07 15:53:57 · answer #8 · answered by idahostudios 3 · 0 2

Maybe because people see the way she dresses and call her a **** (I wonder who invented that word). People even hated her more after her sex video of her and her boyfriend. My friend says that she hates her because she's rude (I don't know if that's true).

2007-11-07 15:55:39 · answer #9 · answered by YaoYao D 5 · 0 2

I like paris hilton, even during her time when everyone else hated her. it was stupid for people to not like her especially since they don't know her... Plus those things she did were funny.

2007-11-07 15:53:35 · answer #10 · answered by :) 2 · 1 4

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