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2 answers

Questions about yourself and how you work. Be prepared to answer them especially about the one why are you interested in working for the post office? Eye Contact and good clean appearance is key. You'll do great! Go get 'em!

2007-11-07 05:04:23 · answer #1 · answered by Olivia 2 · 0 0

Examples of how you did good customer service. How do you handle stressful situations. What you enjoyed best on past jobs. What is the most difficult for you or that you like least. What do you look for in a boss. Why do you want to work at the post office and what skills do you have that will benefit them. Be professional. Dress conservatively, be confident, dont take your cell phone, make sure they know how interested you are in this job. dont forget to send a hand written thank you note afterward.

2007-11-08 13:38:17 · answer #2 · answered by Diane M 7 · 0 0