Most of these symptoms will lessen during your 2nd trimester and even into your 3rd. I'm now 35 weeks and here is what I'm going through (obviously it may be better or worse for you): Sometimes I have to get up to pee about 5 or 6 times a night, and it's only a trickle. In the morning, it hurts to get out of bed. It's difficult, if not impossible, to put on socks or tie your shoes (get some slip-ons). Shaving legs is difficult and shaving bikini line is no longer possible. You'll start getting tired again, but for me it isn't as bad as the first trimester. Heartburn gets pretty bad. I have actually been less moody than normal, but I hear you can get really psycho. And the baby will start kicking so hard at times that it either hurts, or keeps you awake at night, only adding to the tiredness. But I have to say, through it all, its still very exciting!
2007-11-05 06:01:35
answer #1
answered by Amsiar 4
All women and all pregnancies are different, some women get all the symptoms and some get no symptoms, some get nausea and dizziness before they even miss a period, some get it about 4 weeks after they find out. Some get it just for a few months and others all the way through, some just feel sick and others actually vomit, morning sickness can happen at any time of day, not just in the morning.
I actually threw up at 5pm every day through all 3 pregnancies.
There is no hard and fast rule,
This page tells you when the average symptoms occur.
Don't worry you are quite normal.
2007-11-05 06:04:29
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I remember the tiredness so well........ I have three children and it's the same every time. I also had really itchy, sore nipples which drove me insane!
Nausea was horrible, so i ate loads of pickled beetroot and pickled eggs which did me the world of good. That lasted for about the first 3 months.
Later down the line came the evil mood swings, the stretch marks, the milk leakage, the piles, the heartburn, the restless nights, the urge to wee every five minutes and last but not least the pure agony of child birth!!!
Oh well, it's all part of it, if it was that traumatic i wouldn't have done it 3 times!!
Good luck, it's all worth it!!!
2007-11-05 06:16:28
answer #3
answered by Chick stick 3
Discharge is normal. You'll have more as your pregnancy goes on, wear pads.
You'll feel better the more active you are. So long as you are eating right, and drinking enough, you can counter act the shitty dizzy icky feeling by staying as active as you can before getting tired and resting.
Take walks, swim, shop, clean, whatever you enjoy.
You'll have cramps and braxton hicks contractions, along with stretching tendonds and leg and back aches. Morning sickness can come and go at any time- really anything is fair in pregnancy except seeing spots, foul smelling discharge, and swelling of the face.
2007-11-05 05:58:45
answer #4
answered by amosunknown 7
I also had all of that but after about 12 weeks it all stopped except recently i have been experiencing sickness again which is not pretty.... But it will end soon and boobs will stop hurting. Then you get to feel the little one start moving and such. Also the farther along you get the more un comfortable it is to sleep and find a comfortable position. Good luck
2007-11-05 05:58:16
answer #5
answered by h0neybee1000 3
The white goo is simply the stuff that blocks your cervix to protect your baby from infection etc and will come away before labour.
What have you got to look forward to well lets see .............
Stretch marks,
Loss of figure,
more tiredness,
more moodiness,
lack of sleep as your bump grows,
lack of sleep one baby is here,
several hours of labour,
really sore boobs one the milk is in,
But the best main bit is that you will be a Mum with a tiny little baby to care for .... can't beat that, the the best feeling in the world when you meet your 'bump' for the 1st time.
Good luck xxx
2007-11-05 06:07:36
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
You have about all the bad things I can think of that comes with pregnancy. Make sure your diet is impeccable, all those icky veggies you normally avoid, start eating those. It sometimes help with mood swings and headaches, since they are sometime due to imbalances. Lots of water to help make sure the leakage doesn't turn into an infection. And exercise, that helps with moods too. Look into "What to Expect when your expecting", it is an awesome book with a lot of answers!
2007-11-05 06:05:29
answer #7
answered by Carrie E 2
Poor you.
When I was pregnant with my 4th, I felt ill from the beginging, whatever I ate did not fill me up, I was dozzy all the time, my blood sugar was low, the docs thought I had gestation diabetes, but my baby is now 3 years old and I am still having the same symptons.
All pregnancies are different, with my 1st and 3rd I craved johnsons baby powder and wet cement, with my 2nd (a girl) I craved nothing at all.
My 4th was the worse and I still suffering. sob sob.
Good luck with rest of pregnancy and take it easy.
2007-11-05 06:00:32
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
i was on birth control pills and i had my period for the first 5 months of my pregnancy and every urine test i took came out negative it wasnt until i took a blood test that i found out i was here is a list of the top 10 earliest signs of pregnancy!!
10. Tender, swollen breasts
One of the early signs of pregnancy is sensitive, sore breasts caused by increasing levels of hormones. The soreness may feel like an exaggerated version of how your breasts feel before your period. Your discomfort should diminish significantly after the first trimester, as your body adjusts to the hormonal changes.
9. Fatigue
Feeling tired all of a sudden? No, make that exhausted. No one knows for sure what causes early pregnancy fatigue, but it's possible that rapidly increasing levels of the hormone progesterone are contributing to your sleepiness.
You should start to feel more energetic once you hit your second trimester, although fatigue usually returns late in pregnancy when you're carrying around a lot more weight and some of the common discomforts of pregnancy make it more difficult to get a good night's sleep.
8. Implantation bleeding
Some women have a small amount of vaginal bleeding around 11 or 12 days after conception (close to the time you might notice a missed period). The bleeding may be caused by the fertilized egg burrowing into the blood-rich lining of your uterus — a process that starts just six days after fertilization — but no one knows for sure.
The bleeding is very light (appearing as red spotting or pink or reddish-brown staining) and lasts only a day or two. (Let your practitioner know if you notice any bleeding or spotting, particularly if it's accompanied by pain, since this can be a sign of an ectopic pregnancy.)
7. Nausea or vomiting
If you're like most women, morning sickness won't hit until about a month after conception. (A lucky few escape it altogether.) But some women do start to feel queasy a bit earlier. And not just in the morning, either — pregnancy-related nausea and vomiting can be a problem morning, noon, or night.
About half of women with nausea feel complete relief by the beginning of the second trimester. For most others it takes another month or so for the queasiness to ease up.
6. Increased sensitivity to odors
If you're newly pregnant, it's not uncommon to feel repelled by the smell of a bologna sandwich or cup of coffee and for certain aromas to trigger your gag reflex. Though no one knows for sure, this may be a side effect of rapidly increasing amounts of estrogen in your system. You may also find that certain foods you used to enjoy are suddenly completely repulsive to you.
5. Abdominal bloating
Hormonal changes in early pregnancy may leave you feeling bloated, similar to the feeling some women have just before their period arrives. That's why your clothes may feel snugger than usual at the waistline, even early on when your uterus is still quite small.
4. Frequent urination
Shortly after you become pregnant, you may find yourself hurrying to the bathroom all the time. Why? Mostly because during pregnancy the amount of blood and other fluids in your body increases, which leads to extra fluid being processed by your kidneys and ending up in your bladder.
This symptom may start as early as six weeks into your first trimester and continue or worsen as your pregnancy progresses and your growing baby exerts more pressure on your bladder.
3. A missed period
If you're usually pretty regular and your period doesn't arrive on time, you'll probably take a pregnancy test long before you notice any of the above symptoms. But if you're not regular or you're not keeping track of your cycle, nausea and breast tenderness and extra trips to the bathroom may signal pregnancy before you realize you didn't get your period.
2. Your basal body temperature stays high
If you've been charting your basal body temperature and you see that your temperature has stayed elevated for 18 days in a row, you're probably pregnant.
1. The proof: A positive home pregnancy test
In spite of what you might read on the box, many home pregnancy tests are not sensitive enough to detect most pregnancies until about a week after a missed period. So if you decide to take one earlier than that and get a negative result, try again in a few days.
Once you've gotten a positive result, make an appointment with your practitioner.
2007-11-05 05:55:58
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
perchance u have it in ur head and your only questioning those issues are happening. making urself have them. like a hypercondriac. i be attentive to there is no way i spelled that impressive. yet i cant say your incorrect i knew a week into my 2nd being pregnant that it became a completed deed.
2016-09-28 09:33:50
answer #10
answered by nisbett 4