The chances are very small. There are 3 main theories (at least that I've studied) that say the world is going to end in 2012: Nostradamus, Bible Code, and the Mayan Calendar.
You would think that if more than one source says 2012 is the date, then its true, but look at it from a skeptic's eye:
Nostradamus is bull**** or at least all evidence points to it. His book, the Prophecies, people claim that he predicted both world wars, the September 11 attacks, and more, but if you look at the history, none of the events have been predicted before-hand. His prophecies are written so vague, ambiguous, & "catch-all" so that anything can be interpreted as to been a "actual prediction." His followers will even twist some of the meanings of his words to give evidence of predictions (all after the events happened). Check out
The Bible Code also predicts the world will end in 2012. The Bible code claims that there are hidden messages (of future predictions) in the bible using a computer to "decode" the Torah in Hebrew. However, an Australian mathematician also discovered similar hidden messages of future predictions in the book "Moby Dick", the lyrics of rapper Vanilla Ice, and other books. Read...
The Mayans,... well, they couldn't predict the Spanish coming & killing them off, so what would they know about 2012?
The 2005 book "Beyond 2012: Catastrophe or Ecstasy by Geoff Stray" reviews several theories, prophecies and predictions concerning 2012 and finds where authors have used faulty information or have bent the truth to fit their theories.
Nostradamus and Bible Code followers both used the Mayan calendar as a basis for scaring people into their beliefs.
Does that help?
2007-11-08 11:21:59
answer #1
answered by AngelM 2
I have done research about this topic.
Mayan Calendar simply ends one 'Long Cycle' on Dec. 21, 2012. The next day is the start of the next Long Cycle (I expect gifts). It is a bit like December 31, 1999 in our calendar; remember Y2k when all the computers blew up and we all died?
The place where the Sun is located at the moment of December solstice will be at its closest to the direction of the centre of the Galaxy, but STILL 6 degrees away from it. For a few years before and after, this position will be a tiny bit more than this value. Why aren't these years just as dangerous? The 'closest passage' of the solstice to the direction of the Galactic centre occurs every 25,800 years.
NASA does NOT predict a change of polarity for the Sun's magnetic field. The Sun's polarity changes with every sunspot cycle (11 years long on average) and we are barely beginning a cycle now (2007 + 11 = 2018 for the next change in polarity).
The Chinese calendar has 4 dragons, so that there are four minor 12-year cycles within the larger 48-year cycle from Golden Dragon to the next. The present Golden cycle will finish in 2048 (when the next one will begin).
There is no scientific point. Just a bunch of fabricated coincidences.
And there are a lot more than you think. ('coincidences' are easy to find)
2007-11-04 14:29:28
answer #2
answered by Raymond 7
There is a lot of research and events that do culminate in the year 2012. This is when the fullness of the truth will be upon the earth for everyone to find. It will be written in the books.
The Mayans believed that their calendar would end when truth would finally come again to the earth and save them and their descendants from ignorance, wickedness, or whatever else one might call the opposite of truth. (Lucifer, Satan, of the devil would do appropriately!)
The early Mayan prophets (the true prophets) influenced their timetable by interacting with the leaders and religious priests of the people.
The time that we spend here in mortality is a time of wickedness and ignorance.
Peace will not begin in the year 2012, but will be the time that all things will be revealed to the inhabitants of the earth for their instruction and learning if they so choose to receive them. We have experienced how we use our bodies and free agency when the truth is not allowed upon the earth, and from 2012 to 2145 we are going to be given the opportunity to experience how we use our bodies and free agency when the truth IS upon the earth and available to every one of us. We will have no excuse.
Apocalypse in Greek (áðïêáëõøéò) means disclosure. John used the term to name some of his writings which would disclose the truth to those who could understand the hidden meaning behind the figurative expressions he used in what he entitled the Apocalypse of John.
The truth about Revelation has been given. It is given for free in the book at the site below.
If you want to quit your job, and get into all the debt you can, that is your choice, but my understanding is that peace will not come for quite a long time after that.
2007-11-08 06:29:49
answer #3
answered by smallone 4
I've been doing research on this for 20 years, since I read Jose Arguelles' 'The Mayan Factor', and was also a participent in the Harmonic Convergence in 1987, (at the Mayan ruins in Tikal, Guatemala).
At the time, I, it seems that all this can't develop so rapidly in time for 2012....No way!
During the time since then, I have watched a rapid decline in all that we held sacred, and have also witnessed a rapid acceleration of trouble beginning to brew with our universal consciousness around the world. Little by little, this reality of the world undergoing a major change, with greater impact than one we have ever known, seems ever more believable.
Look at what has developed in the last 20 years.....and ever more rapidly than the former 20 years, and those before them, and you will realise the implications of this prophecy, which is based on astronomical data that we are not privy to now, in these modern days, due to our rapid decline in the understanding of spiritual matters and the understanding of nature.
Things are not going well in the world. I don't need to name all those things; these are well recognized by all people in all nations.
Something WILL happen that will shock the population of this planet. Nobody really knows for sure what that is, but if we couldn't see the gravity of the effects of a big change looming ahead of us THEN, we are brought to our knees NOW.
Imagine if this 'accident' were delivered to us from outer space: Well, we could say this is unavoidable, and so be it.
The Mayans saw this coming, and they understood the inextricable connection between the Cosmos and the planet we live on. We do not, so we don't understand it.
If, on the contrary, this 'accident' were caused by our own misdoings, brought on by bad philosophy in how we manage our life on earth, then we need to rapidly rethink what we hold dear while living on this planet.....Each and every ONE of us.
Obviously, we need to do this anyway.....accident from outer space, or our own mismanagement.
How can we sit here being greedy munchkins......chewing our way through our sacred planet, consuming all the things that grow here that we don't even need for our survival?
Surely the planet is not very happy about that! And our planet does have a mind of its own: it's called Universal Consciousness.
Think about the next time you plan to have a baby, and your next shopping list. We can't have it all!
So whether this is a cosmology question or a philosohy question, something is obviously desperately wrong.
Hello! Time to change it around. You, the questioner, are
sounding desperate and panicked. This is exactly the attitude that WILL turn this around, and one that didn't kick in 20+ years ago. Maybe your attitude will resound around the world. Imagine everyone on this planet with this same response: spend precious time with your loved ones, and get into debt. I say, yes, do the first one, but not the second. Instead, find a way to live on less in the material world....we don't need all that we think we do, and never mind what others think of you doing that....they will follow your example soon after. I did this, and I enjoy a sense of serenity now, and am ready for whatever prevails. If we all do that, and not follow the voice of advertising, marketing and bad government, we could change this doom and gloom around.
Imagine a surgeon told you that you have 5 years to live. Wouldn't you change your life accordingly to amplify the value of the time you had left? And wouldn't that change the world around a little bit?
Vaya con los diosos extraterrestrias de los Maya. (Excuse my spelling!)
2007-11-04 20:05:58
answer #4
answered by starling 3
Yes there is alot of coincidences with this year(like my graduation from high school is on 2012) but you also have to consider the facts that just because all stuff is ending and switching its gonna be the end of the world. All of this stuff has happened before actual records were kept but no one knew because as i said before there were no records kept so then it didnt make a difference.
Dont get freaked out ok just talk to people to see what they think.
Did you try calling nasa to see what they meant?
Did you talk to a priest?
do you know what happens after the calendar ends?
2007-11-04 14:22:56
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
First, our sun doesn't align with the galactic centre from our perspective, our orbit isn't tilted that way.
Second, even if it did, the galactic centre is 25,000 light years away and is hidden behind clouds of dust and gas, so how could it do anything to Earth all of a sudden if it hasn't done anything in the past.
Never mind, I give up - there is no point trying to rationally explain something when people are determined to believe pseudo-science (people believe in horoscopes and all kinds of things when there is no evidence to support them).
So enjoy the 5 years we have left, secure in the knowledge that you were right and we were all wrong.
And God bless.
2007-11-04 14:12:48
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
If the date is 12/21/12, why deviate to 11:10 AM. I'm betting $12.21 on 12:21 AM 12/21 2012 AD. Seriously, you amassed some amazing and alarming data. BUT, I'm willing to bet my entire worth against yours, that we'll be pounding away on our keyboards on 12/22 2012 and on 1/1/2013. Happy New Year in ADVANCE, in case you win. Cosmic collision, gamma ray burst, nuclear war, global epidemic, piss God off (most likely.) Who knows? But, tremendous question. Thank you
2007-11-04 14:49:18
answer #7
answered by te144 7
There is only a "cientific point" if you read websites that have an interest in saying that those things are going to happen. Most of what you've read is trash; it doesn't matter whether you like it or not, that's true.
But if you insist on believing it, then sell all your material possessions and send the money to me.
2007-11-04 15:40:01
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Firstly; don't panic. Why worry ? If this is really going to be Judgement Day, how absolutely certain are you that this is so ??
I have got far too much living to do. So have you. So why all this panic-strickenness ?
2007-11-04 17:40:56
answer #9
answered by ally59man 3
"and the meek shall inherit the earth" Suggesting the world goes on and if you don't be a greedy b@st@rd you should be just fine.
2007-11-04 14:30:37
answer #10
answered by Sherma 1