Actually These are not really an "Astrology" sign. Astrology is a Top-Secert for ancient Chinese. People believed that knowing the stars could know lots of things so the emperor make 'Astrology' into a study that only a few people could learn. The Rooster, Monkey, talk about is a sign of year,so it doesn't matter you were Leo or something else. Those signs are: (in order) Rat(鼠),Cow(or someone say Ox牛),Tiger(虎),Rabbit(兔),Dragon(龍),Snake(... Horse(馬), Goat(or someone say Sheep羊),Monkey(猴),Chicken(or Rooster雞),Dog(狗),Pig(豬) so when you born in (like me) 1991-i'm a sheep, and 1992 is a Monkey, 1993 is chicken, 1994is dog, 1995is pig, and than back to rat, so 1996 is a rat. Why it happen is base on the way chinese count their year- tian-gan and di-zhi, it's a special way Tian-gan got 10 characters(甲乙丙丁戊己庚辛壬癸) Di-zhi got 12 characters(子丑寅卯辰巳午未申酉戌亥) the counting way is like this (if Tian-gan is like a, b, c... and Di-zhi is like A, B, C...)the first year:aA than bB, than cC...10th year is jJ ,the 11 year is aK , so 60 years later will back to aA again Chinese people put a story in each charater of Di-Zhi so that's why we have these signs.
2016-04-02 04:45:18
answer #4
answered by Anonymous