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i dont know weather its me being werid but my friends are like ignoring me most of the time and if i go to talk to someone eles who isnt in are group they always get in a mood with me and ignor me even more when i was just being friendly to the other person whos not in our group also they go out at the weekend and talk about it when im there but they dont invite me and when i ask they say yes and than come in the next day an go oh were not going anymore bt than i find pictures of them on myspace goin out were they were planning to go but told me it was off ive lost total confidence in myself since i started secondry school as i never knew anyone eles how as goin there im now in yr 11 and leaving soon but i want to be how i was in jr school as i would say what i felt and would stand up for myself now ive forgot how to be like that and im scared to standup for myself??

can anyone help me be the confident person i used to be ??

2007-11-04 02:11:44 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Friends

and im not the type of person who socializes bt coz im scared they will just do what my friends are doing to me now

2007-11-04 02:22:04 · update #1

29 answers

huummmmmm i dont kno

2007-11-04 02:13:42 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

Well if your a gurl and ur friends are girls there maybe jealous alotta gurls are like that or you maybe did something and it has them having a BF (***** fit) jus talk about it with them and dont be smart or with an attitude and if it is ur 2nd school and your new this is believe it or not natuarl kids always pick and fuss with the newbies but hey! if they dont want you as a friend FORGET them get a new group and i bet they really gon be mad but just by reading ur question you seem cool so there probbaly LAME anyways but jus do these 3 things

1.Try To Talk To Them Woman To Woman(if ur a gurl) Or Man 2 Man(If Ur A Dude)

2.If That Does Not Work Get New Friends And Total Ignor Them Give Them A Dose Of There Own MEDICINE

3.If These Ideas Work Be Happy And 4GET about Them Because HATERS COME A DIME A DOZEN BUT TRUE FRIENDS IS 4EVER and it seems like there Haters

And Confidents Child Dont Let Dumbnest Get To You When School Hits On Monday Honey Were A KNOCKOUT! outfit that will have the boys goin WILD(but not tramp-ish- or hoe-ish) jus CUTE!!!!! And Get Ur Own Friends Jus Telll Them I CAN DO BAD ALL BY MYSELF

well i hope i helped


2007-11-04 10:26:58 · answer #2 · answered by missnewnew2006 1 · 0 0

You can make friends of anybody that you would like as a friend. You are or were part of a group of kids that feel they are better than everyone else. A group that doesn't think anyone is as important as they are. You talked to someone not in their group they punish you by keeping you out of their activies. I know it's hard not being one of the cool kids and if you really need that , I can understand how important that can be, Will they let you back in now that they stopped inviting you to go places with them. Is their anyone in that group that is a close friend to you? if so talk to that friend if they will not tell the others, and find out if they will be friends with you again. If no, you can form your own group and not be like them. Someone that people like no matter who you talk to.

2007-11-04 10:52:01 · answer #3 · answered by redd headd 7 · 0 0

What you need are new friends. Those people definitely are not your friends. This sounds like the popular crowd to me. I wish everyday that things were the way they are in middle school, but high school changes people unfortnately. I've lost a few friends so far in high school because they started to show their true colors and I didn't want to be with the popular crowd of kids. You should join a friendly club and forget about those other people. Join something like Drama club, everyone in there is usually nice and it will help get your confidence back up when you're around people who want you around. You should focus your school work now, and when you're happy with your new friends, it will piss off those idoits who lost out on a good friend like you.

2007-11-04 10:20:56 · answer #4 · answered by crystal_of_ravenclaw 3 · 1 0

sounds like someone is purposely trying to leave you out! I am not sure, girls are catty and superficial, the best thing you can do is make some new friends outside this group and not let them know until they see you out and then just be really casual about it, like oh, I had the chance to do this...and so I did....they will get the picture. YOU have to find confidence in yourself, do your hair different or go get some new clothes....and definitely stand up for yourself! Also, quit checking your myspace....it will only make it worse, and when you do something with someone else, take pictures and put them on there....many girls are not happy until they are leaving someone out!

2007-11-04 10:17:41 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Thats a tough one, however, my advise to you is to continue to be friendly to people outside of "your group". If you are an open person and friendly to all people, especially people who are normally ignored, you will find that there is a much larger group of friends you will enjoy. The people in "your group" will see you as someone they want to get back to being friends with. Make a pact with yourself that you will try to be friends with everyone at the school and not be judgmental in any way. You will be surprised how many people will be drawn to you and your social life will no longer depend on what "your group" does. You will also find yourself to be the center of lots of groups and you will find real happiness.

2007-11-04 10:17:27 · answer #6 · answered by crocolyle10 3 · 2 0

Oh I'm going through a similar phase, except mine don't sneak behind my back, like if they have plans, they will invite me along and stuff, but sometimes I feel so awkward around them, like I don't connect much with them anymore. Also they useme as their last option in school with who to hang out with etc. and it's like they influence each other. I think this all happened due to this mini-argument i had with them around 2 months ago, thanks to my so-called best friend.

I think what we both need is an urgent change of friends. I decided I'm going to try and get along with as many different people instead of focusing on one specific group.

Just believe in yourself, have confidence, stop letting them treat you that way, you are better than them, and be strong!

2007-11-04 10:44:56 · answer #7 · answered by dropthepop 2 · 0 0

We have friends for different phases of life. It sounds like you are transitioning from one phase to another. Either you have outgrown them and haven't realized it yet or you have lost your connection to them.

You need to ask one of them to be honest with you - whether you did something wrong or if they just don't want you to be around them. It's hard, but an honest answer is better than being strung around in limbo.

It sounds like you are changing schools - if so, then work on making yourself more attractive in drawing in new friends - not necessarily your appearance, but your interests - and find those who share those interests as they make the best friends.

Good luck.

2007-11-04 10:17:38 · answer #8 · answered by sagegranny 4 · 1 0

Do you consider people who are shallow, lying and make you feel bad about yourself 'friends'? I know I don't. It sounds like because you aren't a prick to people not in your "crowd" that they don't fully accept you. Ask yourself this too: Do you WANT to be friends with people like that?

Be who you are, like who you want to like, and don't fall into the "clique" mentality. That's what i've found to be the best way to have confidence in yourself. Take this from someone who went through a lot of this in high school, and learned very hard-won lessons from it.

My father had a saying - "People who depend on others for their happiness are generally some of the saddest people on Earth."

2007-11-04 10:20:37 · answer #9 · answered by I Know Everything 1 · 1 0

Sounds like you need to find a new pack of friends! Friends that don't treat you like a third wheel! Why would you want to hang around a group of kids who would treat you this way anyway?
Just keep being friendly to everyone you meet and you will make new friends!

2007-11-04 10:18:01 · answer #10 · answered by bender_xr217 7 · 0 0

i think you need to ask your group whats going on, tell them how you feel and see what they say, then you need to find some new friends to hang out with.
you leave school soon so will prob see less and less of these people anyway and you will meet new people with the same interests as you when you start work,collage so don't worry about being lonely.

2007-11-04 10:18:38 · answer #11 · answered by Angela W 1 · 0 0

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