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i was raised to treat a lady like a lady but my god women are nuts! narcistic, money hungry, heavey into drugs and drink. i just dont get it! when did the american women change for the worse ? so full of anger and resentment to themselves and every one around them.

2007-11-03 14:42:45 · 22 answers · asked by thecoldone 2 in Social Science Gender Studies

in response to all the women my question seems to have angered no i dont go to bars i dont do drugs i dont drink. i live in tallahassee fla a college town geared to the young crowd. im 45 myself and have been around the block a few times . to the idiot who thinks my spelling is the root of my problems lady get a life already!

2007-11-04 01:35:28 · update #1

22 answers

HAHAHA dam dats funny....u just made my day!
um you no, i think they're just driving themselves crazy..or maybe its just the women in your area, yea i think if u dont see change...sure go ahead and find yourself another one overseas...LOL dats funny sorry i think ur serious.

2007-11-03 14:52:57 · answer #1 · answered by Ali 5 · 0 5

I'm an American woman and do not fit your stereotype. I do not drink and not into drugs, (I don't even smoke and don't party). I'm not narcissistic, money hungry, high maintenance, or full of anger. I live a very healthy life.

I'm sorry if you had some bad experiences with American women and found them to be mess up mentally, but please do not generalize. Many of us are not like that!

I have been raised to be a lady and to be a good wife. I know how to treat a man. Believe me, we do exist!

Just keep looking and be more optimistic. I'm sure that the right American lady will come along as long as you're open-minded.

2007-11-04 04:35:56 · answer #2 · answered by AAA 2 · 3 0

Look for a wife wherever you want!!! I'm an American woman and I'm proud to say that I'm not a basket case. I like being treated like a lady. I'm not money hungry, but I do enjoy having the guy take me out. Oh, yeah....no drinking or drugs either. You've just got to find the right woman. Maybe stop looking and concentrate on self-improvement and doing things that make you happy.

2007-11-03 21:54:06 · answer #3 · answered by Evie 2 · 3 1

Yes it's wrong because you are making a hasty generalization about every American woman. It's not right to stereotype American women based on your very limited expereinces. They're obviously not all like that.

Your judgement is very unfair to many lovely American women who are not "messed up mentally," "money hungry," naristic, into drugs, or drink.

There are millions of women in America. How on earth can you can you say they are all "so full of anger and resentment to themselves and every one around them"? Maybe some of them are, but certainity not all!

America has such a diverse mix of ages, races, ethnic identities; it is surely not easy to generalize about women in the U.S

It's seems like you've been looking for women in the wrong places. Where have you been going to? A bar? Maybe that's your problem. Try looking elsewhere.

And don’t think that any foreign woman is automatically better than any American woman. Foreign women can be nothing but trouble. A lot of them are sneaky, deceitful, materialistic gold-diggers. Many of the dating agencies that set up American men with foreign women and so-called “mail-order” brides are scams. The stories I hear of international brides on the news is terrible. They come here run up the bills of toad husband and then skip town.

If you look for a wife in a less modern country or a third world country, watch out. Many of them will be so nice and so open, just so that they'll have a ticket out of that poor country. As soon as you take her back to America, she'll be inclined to take off and play other men. If you married her then your in some deep ****! She’ll likely divorce you, take most of your stuff, and rob you financially. I have heard many horror stories of this happening.

Even in more affluent and developed countries (like in Europe), a lot of foreign women take advantage of American men. They use them only to come to America to get a green card and steal their money. Many naive guys get burned in the process.

Please do not be one those desperate gullible guys who has to look for a wife oversees. You’ll likely end up getting blackmailed and tricked like these guys.

Have an open mind and realize there are many American women who are not at all like what you described. Also realize that the overwhelming majority of American men are happily married to American women. If they can find an American woman to marry, surely you can find one too if you’re a real gentleman.

2007-11-04 02:19:01 · answer #4 · answered by ArAmG 4 · 2 1

Yikes, "heavy into drugs and drink."? Methinks you need to change the company you keep. Or at least find the girls who arent like the ones on The OC or the Real World lol. They aren't the only people out there, although they and the media seem to think they are.

2007-11-04 04:46:38 · answer #5 · answered by 1 4 · 0 1

We're really not all like that. You should try moving down South. Mostly all the girls with old school parents raised them right. I was raised with good, Christian values instilled in me. I treat my husband great, because my mother taught me to appreciate your loved ones. If you want to look overseas, though, it wouldn't be bad. You would just be broudning your horizons. If they say there's plenty of fish in the sea, why limit your selection to just one country? Good luck, though.

2007-11-03 21:50:08 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

I am an American girl, married happily for a year with no issues like you described. Where are you looking for a wife at, maybe that is a larger part of your problem....

2007-11-03 22:12:15 · answer #7 · answered by WTF?? 6 · 3 2

You can do that if you want but keep in mind that these women are abandoning the men in their own countries. Have you ever wondered why?

2007-11-04 01:22:54 · answer #8 · answered by RoVale 7 · 3 1

Your judgment of American women is completely offbase, but by all means, look for the love of your life overseas. I'm sure you'll wind up with exactly whom you deserve.

2007-11-03 23:01:48 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 4 3

I think you're just under the impression women from overseas will be submissive and subordinate. But a lot of them change once they've been here a while.

2007-11-03 22:59:51 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 5 4

No, it isn't wrong because you're free to do as you wish and I doubt that many American women really care what you do(are you under the impression that they do care?).
If you're happy, then that's the main thing.

2007-11-03 22:01:53 · answer #11 · answered by Shivers 6 · 4 3

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