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Give me some reasons or example why kids or teenagers should not trick or treat.

2007-11-03 11:32:13 · 3 answers · asked by First L 2 in Society & Culture Holidays Halloween

3 answers

Trick or treating is nothing more or less than a ritual allowing us to explore our basic human dilemma over self-destruction and death at a time of year when the season changes and change and death naturally comes to mind. It may not be the oldest Harvest/Autumnal season tradition, but it is meaningful nonetheless.

Kids dress up in costumes, changing themselves into their darkest fears and dreams, thereby admitting and facing those fears or passions, and go around threatening/begging from others for treats, using tricks as a weapon. If it were real life it would be an immoral crime, but because it's merely a ritual, an escapist little play, it instead become a cathartic release. You take a trip over to the other side and return safely and even more securely as oneself.

For the ones handing out candy the ritual is just the other side of the same coin. Rather than being the criminal, the homeowner gives in to the threat and offers candy in exchange for being left alone. She takes on the role of the weak, sickly, and aged, and accepts an inevitable death, but coming out alive achieves a similar catharsis.

2007-11-03 12:03:20 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Teenagers should NEVER trick or treat. You are just too old to be going door to door asking for food.

I love Halloween and costume parties, but I hide in a back room during trick or treating hours. My child and my sisters' children are grown and they don't have children yet, so I don't know any little kids right now, and I don't approve of people letting their kids ask for candy from people they don't know.

Halloween is about imagination and creativity. Trick or treating is about greed.

2007-11-03 18:41:46 · answer #2 · answered by Kacky 7 · 0 3

There are none unless you live in an extremely dangerous neighborhood.

2007-11-03 18:36:25 · answer #3 · answered by firetdriver_99 5 · 0 0

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