Tolerance: you're so used to a dosage of a drug that you need more to achieve the intended effect. Example: If you drink a can of beer every day, sooner or later you'll get used to the can of beer and you'll need two to get a buzz.
Dependence: You can't "live" without the drug. Dependence usually means addiction.
2007-11-03 08:17:38
answer #1
answered by ♥ gohangirl708 ♥ 5
tolerance is how resistant you are to a drug. some people will develop a tolerance to a drug which means it wil no longer work, or wont work as well. its like when you start drinking alcohol you get drunk after 2 drinks but then you go out every week and build up atolerance so now you need 5 drinks to get drunk.
if you are dependant on a drug it means you need it (like being addicted) though doesnt necessarily mean a physical addiction, it could just be an emotional dependance, like using a drug to give you confidence or to relax.
2007-11-03 10:12:59
answer #2
answered by twinkly_toes 4
Tolerance and Physical Dependence
People who begin taking drugs often do so to achieve a certain effect that they find enjoyable or positive in some way. Prescription medications may be taken initially to treat pain, depression, or anxiety. Improper use of prescription and other drugs (including alcohol) may make a person feel alert, powerful, confident, relaxed, friendly, sexy, or talkative. These rewarding consequences increase the likelihood that a person will continue using a drug. Furthermore, two other important consequences that influence continued drug use are tolerance and physical dependence.
Physical dependence occurs when a person's body becomes accustomed to and dependent on the presence of a particular drug. When the dose is lowered or the drug is stopped, the person will begin to notice withdrawal symptoms. Resuming use of the drug eliminates the withdrawal symptoms. Some withdrawal symptoms feel like a flu bug. The individual may feel hot and sweaty, chilly and shaky. They may develop a runny nose and eyes, and itchy skin. Diarrhea and anxiety may also occur.
Physical dependence is not the same as addiction. Physical dependence is a totally biological response of the body; addiction includes psychological or behavioral factors. A person can be physically dependent on a drug but not addicted to it. For example, a patient who has been in the hospital after major surgery may be put on regular doses of narcotic painkillers. When these are stopped, he or she may notice symptoms of withdrawal. This person has become physically dependent on (but not addicted to) painkillers.
When drug users become tolerant to a drug's effects, they must increase the dose to feel the same effects of the original dose. An individual being treated for severe pain may develop tolerance to a
Hope this will help
2007-11-03 08:31:55
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Tolerance:- Becoming more and more used to the drugs effect. Thus, larger quantities are required to elicit the same effect. (sometimes tolerance can increase rapidly, as well as having little effect). LSD is a classic example, whereby the 3rd or 4th day, little or no effect occurs, though the first dose may be literally 'mind-blowing'
Dependence:- When the drug is withheld, a psychological &/ or physical craving is elicited, to a greater or lesser extent, depending on the duration &/or its dependence potential.
2007-11-03 10:41:15
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Tolerence is the amount of drug you need to get high. Dependence is whethter or not you need the drug to function or to relax.
2007-11-03 08:16:28
answer #5
answered by Brian 4
tolerance means that you have become so use to them that you need more to have the same effect as the standard dose just like alcohol. dependance means that you cannot function normally without the drug.addiction basically
2007-11-03 08:16:48
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
i will clarify utilising alcohol habit: you've enzymes on your body to break down alcohol. in case you do not drink commonly, then your body would not favor to make a lot of those enzymes, in spite of the indisputable fact that once you drink commonly they'll produce more advantageous, hence your body can damage it down faster, so the outcomes gained't very last as lengthy, except your eating more advantageous than the enzymes can damage down at a time.
2016-10-23 08:17:01
answer #7
answered by aeschlimann 3
tolerance means that your body has adjusted to the drug so you need more and more of it to achive the same effect as originally e.g. you used to drink a couple of pints and feel good but now you need 10 pints to ge the same effect.
dependence is when you now need the drug to avoid withdrawal effects e.g. you need your 10 pints a day otherwise you become agitated and short tempered.
2007-11-03 08:57:59
answer #8
answered by D B 6
Tolerance means they are having less of an effect due to prolongued, or over, use.
Dependence means you can't do without them and suffer ill effects when they are withheld
2007-11-03 08:13:06
answer #9
answered by ? 6
Tolerance: How much it takes to affect you.
Dependence: The degree to which you physically or psychologically crave it.
2007-11-03 08:11:17
answer #10
answered by Anonymous