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No sissy comments like posted on a similar question asked before ----> If the best way you can identify this person is as "a guy", then get "him" the same thing you'd get for a "gurl". It won't matter. They're not "real" anyway.
Or else, listen to "madluv".
Try to actually consider this person as a person. Get him something he might really need or want.
If you can't do that, reconsider if you should be giving him anything at all
Ch. Lafitte 1984 might be good

2007-11-03 07:34:08 · 3 answers · asked by dingodamage 1 in Home & Garden Other - Home & Garden

3 answers

You can get him a home fix it kit with some hand tools, etc.

You can get him an assembly required piece of small furniture like an end table or a bookshelf, or an accent piece for the wall. Then he can put his he-man skills to the test putting it together.

You can get him cleaning products for his home.

You can get him oodles and oodles of TP.

A game for his gaming system, a home accessory for his iPod such as a docking station with a nice speaker so it becomes a home receiver.

You could buy a satellite radio system and kickstart things with a few prepaid months of service. It is pretty cheap to take over the subscription after your gift runs out.

A magazine subscription for something that interests him.

If he is a book guy, you can get him a rare or extra special edition of his fav book.

You could get or make him a food item, such as a cool dessert or a gift card to the local grocery store.

2007-11-03 07:50:20 · answer #1 · answered by musicimprovedme 7 · 1 0

I was going to say how about a nice Art painting to match the setting of his room that he is creating in his house........if he is an artist he will appreciate any kind of art piece you give him....... I think someone mentioned lights like a cool lamp or lighting for the walls............ Maybe a cute little bar stand and chairs...for his bar disco thing he is getting up in the garage to have drinks on when he has friends over!!

2016-05-27 04:52:32 · answer #2 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

Gun rack, cabinet or safe
Fishing pole rack or cabinet
Wildlife or outdoor art prints
Bar tool set or crystal decanter set
A great Single Malt
BBQ tools
Chef's knife and steel
A GOOD knife sharpener (like the three stage Chef's Choice)


2007-11-03 08:00:00 · answer #3 · answered by Bert C 7 · 1 0

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