Hi Wisdom.
If it is a person I know who is going to do something that I know is a sin, I will talk to that person. Especially, if that person is trying to be virtuous.
Along the path of righteousness, we all slip & make mistakes. It takes a more experienced, wiser teacher to let that person know they are at a point of danger, ready to sin and fall off the path.
If they want to do what is right, they will understand you & will stop themselves from doing the sin. They may even be shocked at themselves for not seeing what they almost did.
If it is a person I do not know very well, I will have to be more delicate in how I approach them. I will still say something, but more carefully, because I do not know how they will react. But I will still say something, in an attempt to stop that person from sinning.
I have even spoken to people in public who I do not know, if they are saying or doing something that I think is cruel or outright sinful. Other people stare & shake their heads, but say nothing. I will often say something, in a quiet, non aggressive way. I often get their attention, and they respond. First they defend their behavior, rationalize it, incorrectly, of course. I quietly point out how the other person might have felt & how it would be kinder to act in a different way. Often, they become quiet & look as if they are thinking about it. I can only hope that they will not act that way again.
There are certain types of sins & certain types of people that you can do nothing about — except pray. We cannot force people to change their behavior. We can try to reach out to certain people, but we have to accept that each person has free will & will do as they choose.
God did give us free will — the freedom to choose His way (the righteous path) or the path of evil. Those of us who choose a virtuous life can only try to let another know that they are doing a sinful thing. But ultimately, it is up to the person to make the final decision. Maybe they will have heard us & will choose the right way, or else they will disregard us & choose to sin.
However, our words may not be lost on them. They will remember what we have said, and it may be some time in the future that they change to a virtuous way of life.
We can try to change the ways of others, but we must accept that we are not so great as to be able to change everyone. Even those of us who live a virtuous life will make a mistake once in a while.
"It is unwise to be too sure of one's own wisdom. It is healthy to be reminded that the strongest might weaken and the wisest might err."
Mahatma Gandhi
2007-11-03 22:52:59
answer #1
answered by palemalefriend 5
firstly what according to u is sin might not be the same with the other person,that could be the right thing to do that for them.
secondly if its considered sin by every human being then u can't stop others commiting untill unless u don't have rights on them.
now if u don't have rights and whatever the sin the person comitiing is gonna hurt somebody then u should definitely try to stop in all possible ways,but the cause and reason has to be good..
if the person doesn't know its sin,u should stop it,if he knows its a sin and there is no harm to others then there is nothing u can do to stop fools.
2007-11-02 22:50:18
answer #2
answered by julius96 2
This is a difficult question because it depends on what that 'something' is. Also different religions see different things as being a sin. i.e. alcohol and gambling is a sin in some religions but not others. Is it for us to judge others and call them sinful? I could not as none of us are without our faults. It is not for us either to 'allow' people to keep doing sinful things. The choice is theirs. Only when another person's life was in danger or when the consequences would be disastrous would I feel I had just cause to intervene.
2007-11-02 21:58:59
answer #3
answered by pollyanna 6
This is a subjective question.
The simplest answer is, because you may be wrong. If someone is doing something that does not harm anyone, it is a bad idea to try to stop them, because while you may personally feel it is a sin, that does not mean that they do (or that anyone else does).
We generally consider it to be a person's right to sin, so long as they do not hurt another person, and at their own peril. That is, as long as they are not affecting anyone else with their sin, we allow them to do so, even if according to our own beliefs they will be punished for it.
Some moral codes and religion prescribe enforcement upon other people of their own beliefs. This is, in general, not allowed in America, because the sinner in question has the right to believe or not to believe in that religion or any other.
A good example is that many christians believe it is a sin to neglect to attend church. However, the American constitution provides:
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
The critical portion of this text is the "establishment of religion," which prohibits us from deciding that any one religion is the one whose rules we should enforce.
This does not mean that we cannot enforce some of those rules for which we have non-religious reasons. For instance, it is illegal to murder, but the basis for that is not any religion, but is instead the understanding that everyone has a right not to be murdered.
For further information on this topic, I strongly suggest reading Thomas Paine's Common Sense, to which I provide a reference.
2007-11-02 22:04:34
answer #4
answered by jamuspsi 2
that could be: denying the holy ghost, which you probably did not. while God created the international He underwent the comparable. this is authentic. you may by no potential do the failings you needed for your self long with out being distracted. residing consumes you. think you in basic terms forget approximately approximately faith, then you are actually not quite some a worshiper are you. we'd desire to continually make exciting, relax, make some income. there is plenty to point what isn't precisely holy. in basic terms like God created all type of issues and were very busy. it is the reason God desperate to enable us to do the comparable as He did and that grew to become into relax on the seventh day. authentic after God worked He went into His peace (God would not relax bodily) as though He meant to have the prospect of wish and convenience while He grew to become into efficient and distracted. Then do the comparable with a real piece of innovations and picture in layers with out putting plenty blame on your self. stable success.
2016-10-01 22:03:45
answer #5
answered by ? 4
because anything we do is a sin.
We all sin, there is no one that doesn't sin. even if we try not to we still will sin.
Think about this
we are all now killing people. How you ask
by driving cars that cause pollution.
by paying taxes to our government that support our army who is in IRAQ bombing people.
There are people starving in Africa and we are not doing anything about it. Isn't that a sin?
we know people are dying but we don't do anything.
so we all sin, there is no way someone can try not to sin and succeed.
2007-11-02 23:32:47
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Not in my case if somebody commits a sin. I take time to tell him or her outright. I give that person a good advice but not in any way to get that person be embarassed. A good advice and some sharing of good thoughts is not impossible. You must have the will power to do it.
Thanks for asking. Have a great day!
2007-11-02 21:56:13
answer #7
answered by Third P 6
Sin is a relevant word. An action that is sin for one may not be so for others. A prostitute will appear a sinner in my eyes, but she may be catering to her family and providing medical assistance to her ailing old parents with the money so earned.Moreover, who am I to correct others. ?All that I can do is to correct myself, which I failed to do in all my life.A blind man will lead others into a ditch only.
2007-11-02 22:07:33
answer #8
answered by yogeshwargarg 7
it is for me not to commit sin as perceived by me. as regards others, i can at best give my opinion and advice if desired. i cannot compel others to agree to me. i can have some say in my organization only to a limited extent. everyone has his own area of influence and beyond that he is helpless. others have their own personality, thoughts and opinions and they will go by their decisions. moreover sins are generally more tempting and sinners won't listen to sane advice.
2007-11-02 21:56:02
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Because everyone makes their own bad decisions even when knowing what they want to do isn't good for them. Besides, how would you stop them from doing what they want to do? Lock them in a room, put handcuffs on them?
2007-11-02 22:07:40
answer #10
answered by Judith 6