My dear friend, I used to live at the airport and thought it was the only way to travel. And when traveling long distances in a short time, it is. But now with all the airport security and silly rules, I avoid it if possible. I will drive 4 hours one way before sitting at the airport for the same amount of time. Don't sweat it though, you'll be fine. Enjoy your trip!
2007-11-02 16:51:00
answer #1
answered by 4kids2pay4 7
Yes, I have flown on 8-12 times. I forget the exact number. First flight home, my plane (a commuter) almost crashed in a thunderstorm from heavy downdrafts. Even made that engine whine that you hear in the movies, so it was creepy. For some reason, I wasn't scared that time, but I think I should have been. Wasn't until the pilot came out and made a joke about it that I realized that he'd been scared too. He was sweating like a horse in February!
Flown many times since then. Nothing much too it. I get a rollar coaster type flip in my stomach at take off, but nothing to worry about.
2007-11-02 16:46:59
answer #2
answered by Top Alpha Wolf 6
I just *****LOVE****** flying
Have been on the real big two story jets
regular Boings coast to coast many times
and six seaters, four seaters and two seaters
I have flown two seaters with stunt fliers practicing their moves
have scared the bejeebers out of others when stunt fliers gave me the controls
and I dream of flying, soaring like a superman
someday I wish in my lifetime
man might activate more of his "junk" DNA
and evolve to making magic flying carpets a reality
and I will be right there first in line
I did have one experience flying to Atlanta
bad weather and they had us circling long before we even were in sight of the airport
The plane was a vibrating and a pitching and a yawing galore
then we hit a downdraft
they said after we landed that we did about a 2,500 feet plummet towards the ground (not sure I believed that)
lots of people were screaming in fear
then we just pulled out of it with a strong jerk and even more screamed thinking we had just crash landed
for whatever reason I was just trying to watch the people at the same time as watch out the windows
I was cool and steady as a cucumber - perhaps I just wasnt believing it all
The great thing is we all got 2 free tickets to anywhere the airlines went! - In my mind that was a GREAT RIDE!!!!
2007-11-02 17:19:25
answer #3
answered by genntri 5
I've flown several times and all but one flight was a good experience. The one bad trip was on a military plane that had no windows. The turbulance was so bad that the flight attendant dumped two different peoples dinners into their laps. I was pretty sure I wasn't going to make it off that plane alive- but when we did finally land I was never so happy to see the ground!
2007-11-02 16:49:22
answer #4
answered by 1 2
Many, many times since 1971.
I've flown locally and all over the world.
They were all good experiences. I got to go places I normally would never have made it to or got to spend extra time there by flying rather than driving.
2007-11-02 16:46:04
answer #5
answered by Lisa the Pooh 7
More than 20 times im sure. Its normally a good experience. Faster than a train, more comfortable than a bus, and cheaper than driving (depending on the distance). Only thing i dont like about flying is how vulnerable i feel up in the air like that. Sheesh im getting nervous just thinking about it.
2007-11-02 16:49:55
answer #6
Many, many times. Both good and bad experiences. The flying part was good but there were some inconsiderate jerks on a couple of flights which made it bad.
2007-11-02 16:45:30
answer #7
answered by worldneverchanges 7
Many times, the longest was from Columbus, OH to San Diego, CA.
The only bad experience was when I was in this tiny 6-8 seat prop plane. I wouldv'e sworn that thing was about to shake itself apart!
2007-11-02 16:45:40
answer #8
answered by nytebreid 7
good flew many times.
but i heard on the behind the iron mask that the pilots and waitresses sometimes 5-7 times a year have a "party " inside the cockpit-- The captains room. be ware
2007-11-02 16:45:48
answer #9
answered by saed a 2
i have crossed the atlantic six times this year and it's been really good considering i was scared the first time. this last time tho on way back to italy crossing the med. the plane lost about 100ft in a second and it scared a scream out of me before i could stop it!
2007-11-02 16:45:28
answer #10
answered by deleted 5