They're the 'choice' freaks. They think everything is about choice. They think people 'choose' to be homeless.
2007-11-02 16:01:34
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Also, he inexplicably closed the mental hospitals which put many mentally ill people out on the streets, of San Francisco and other major cities.
That happened in the 60's and 70's before Reagan ever got into the White House.
Changing the tax codes did not throw people in the lowest income levels out on the street.
Where is American education on both History and Economics?
2007-11-02 23:03:15
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
That is some fantasy you are peddling. Please cite where you think Reagan closed mental institutions or kicked low income people out on the street. The "homeless problem" is more hyped than global warming. Homelessness is more a result of mental illness, and Reagan despite your ridiculous claim, didn't put the mentally ill on the street. Even if a hospital closes, do you really think they just turn the patients out on the street? Wow.
2007-11-02 16:23:29
answer #3
answered by Scott B 7
Do you want to hear the truth or is your mind made up already. It sounds like it.
I was stationed in CT during that time so I was nearby the epicenter. Politics is also my hobby and you know how people are about their hobby.
New York was in the habit of committing people who were unable to take care of themselves on the street. A lawsuit was filed against the state of New York and the governor Mario Cuomo. The case was made that a person could not be deprived of liberty because of emotional or mental problems. The New York Supreme Court decided in favor of the plaintiff and ordered New York to begin releasing inmates. This was the beginning of the homeless problem. The ruling spread to other states and the United States Supreme Court decided not to review the original New York case. There is your homeless problem. Yes, Ronald Reagan was President then but it had absolutely nothing to do with the federal government. You can choose to believe the truth or mire yourself in urban legend.
John L the only president to go after social security checks was Bill Clinton.
2007-11-02 16:04:26
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Renaldus Magnus lowered the tax rate which actually got the economy moving again. after four years of Carter our economy was measured with a misery index. High unemployment 15%+, high lending rates, home loans in the 12-18% range, and inflation running 10-12% per year. Reagon cut taxes which spurred economic activity, which actually increased the amount of money flowing into the treasury. All people bennifited from the Reagon Revolution, only the Communist and Socialist lost. The courts (read libral activist judges) ruled that these people could not be instatutionalized, but had to be bturned out onto the streets where they still languish and die today.
2007-11-02 16:00:12
answer #5
answered by MSG 4
I can't believe anyone still believes that old media myth. You need to get informed pal. Homelessness did NOT increase or decrease during the Reagan years, it remained the same.
The media ran those stories, primarily CBS and none of it was true.
I suggest you read "Bias" by Bernard Goldberg.
2007-11-02 23:23:34
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Stop reading liberal media articles ,while smoking crack , it causes delusional and distorted facts to pop into your head , and it gives you the runs too.....I suppose the runs is due to being so full of it to begin with .....
Although many laughed and joked at the time , but to many peoples surprise Reagan-omics worked after all ..
I am not speaking of the veterans or elderly , but the homeless families are out there from choice ( many of them are ) , you can not drop out of school , work part time at the 7-11 with 7 or 8 children , drink cheap beer every weekend ,and manage to maintain a house , car , food ,and clothes for the kids , I would bet that many are there from poor choices in life , such as education etc.... I did not say all , but many of them ......some would rather drink than eat ...look at all the homeless in Oregon , many of them teens who choose to be on the street to take advantage of heroin , and the needle exchange programs , teens are dropping out of schools , and running to Oregon in record numbers to become a homeless junkies ,...I guess that would be Reagan's Fault too ???
2007-11-02 16:01:10
answer #7
answered by Insensitively Honest 5
The homeless are mostly the people from state hospitals.
During the 70's (who was in then???? That's right the farmer that thought he was a President) the social workers (libs) started saying the people in there were able to live on their own (did not matter they lived there their entire lives) and released them telling them to come back weekly for their meds. How do you think that went???
So lets stop with this crapola.
2007-11-02 16:01:31
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
That's because homelessness isn't a major problem. In case you haven't noticed we are fighting what seems to be an endless war. If a homeless person really wanted to get out of whatever situation they got themselves in, they could easily get government benefits (which they recieve from our precious tax dollars)
2007-11-02 16:03:22
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Reagan did more to tax the middle class than any other president in decades. He taxed unemployed checks, and Social Security Checks. Reagan would give you the shirt off his back, then go into the oval office and sign away your blind grandmothers Social Security.
2007-11-02 18:08:58
answer #10
answered by jean 7
So now there were no homeless before Reagan...funny.
I worked downtown in a city in the 70's, you wouldn't believe the homeless that took over downtown.
My granddad rode trains in the 40's. Many people were homeless.
2007-11-02 15:54:09
answer #11
answered by Anonymous