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Change is an inevitable fact of life and we all respond to it differently. Sometimes we choose to make changes personally but often it is something thrust upon us. Do you readily accept the changes that occur in your life or do you tend to resist them? Why?

2007-11-02 14:03:48 · 6 answers · asked by Bethany 6 in Social Science Psychology

6 answers

I see changes as part of life and I take them in stride, more or less. Some things I resist, but eventually work it out. Change can generally be good and can force us to become more alive rather than stagnant. Life is more vibrant when we are facing challenges and overcoming obstacles can help us develop. We should never seek to be the same because as long as we live there is room for improvement, unless you think you are perfect already. I don't.

2007-11-02 14:14:09 · answer #1 · answered by cavassi 7 · 2 0

Since I live and work in the Information Technology field, I live for change. Why should my life be any different? Each one brings a new challenge to be explored. Would you want to stay the same forever? If so, you would never know what it was like to go from 8 to 12....from 16 to 19....from 21 to 30-something.

I choose my life and everything it brings.

2007-11-02 21:13:49 · answer #2 · answered by JD_in_FL 6 · 0 0

Usually when change happens the first thing that comes to your mind is the negatives about it. When something changes in my life I try to find the silver lining. And if I can't find a silver lining, I still try to make the best of it.

What also helps me is remembering that 99% of change isn't permanant. If something changes and you don't like it, then change it back.

2007-11-02 21:13:03 · answer #3 · answered by adrian♥ 6 · 1 0

when there's a change in my life, i usually take some time to think about it. im not exactly resisting it, but im not openly accepting it. when i get to a point where i feel like i can handle it then i go for it. :)

2007-11-02 21:14:10 · answer #4 · answered by ilikepie1231 3 · 0 0

whether you like the change or not.. is not important.. what is important is that since you cannot prevent it.. then embrace it.. if you embrace the changes then you are enhancing your life.. if you try to resist the changes.. you are trying to live in the past.. you cannot have a future if you are living in the past.. embrace the change and you will always know how to adjust.. good luck

2007-11-02 21:15:44 · answer #5 · answered by J. W. H 5 · 2 0

I tend to like some change in my life so that way I won't get bored.

2007-11-02 22:07:21 · answer #6 · answered by Jai 7 · 0 0

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