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I have stop going out b/c baby cries the entire car ride. The minute I put him in car seat until we reach destination. Funny enough though he stops when we get on highway.

2007-11-01 21:28:26 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Newborn & Baby

11 answers

That's interesting...

You know what? Do you live on a really bumpy road? Or is your car older? Most babies find car rides soothing (it's how I get my niece to sleep sometimes). If it's not a smooth ride, maybe that's why. You should also double check his car seat - something like 4 out of 5 are improperly installed. If that's the case, the big bumps might actually be hurting him. (Not saying you are doing it wrong, but a lot of people do so I thought I would throw that out there).

Perplexing. If he is calm on the highway, I would really suspect that its either your car is too rocky, your road is full of rocks, or you don't rock at installing car seats. That was lame, this is a result of insomnia. Seriously though, take the car seat to either a police station who is certified to install them (weird huh? I just learned about these a couple of months ago) or hospitals have professional installation people, or you can contact the manufacturer directly and see if they have someone in the area who can just look it over.

You might just have an oddball. They happen to. Lucky they are cute, eh?

EDIT(to the lady below me... if you are saying stop and go traffic is the (possible) reason the baby is crying, then motion sickness is exactly what you are suggesting! Again I say, 4 out of 5 are not properly installed... it never hurts to get it checked by a pro.)

2007-11-01 21:41:58 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

It takes time for you to get used to the crying. My son did the same thing. It took him a long long time before he got used to the car ride. Usually, I would turn on the music for him to listen. This lets them know that someone is there. However, when he starts crying, I would turn off the music and try to calm him down by talking to him. The worst part of the ride is when I'm stuck in traffic and he cries. I'm a first-time mom and it makes me frustrated. If he doesn't stop crying, just let him cry it out. There's nothing you can do. You'll definately learn how to become patient and not let the crying get to you. My son is 1 years old now and sometimes, he would just cry a little. Tomorrow, my husband will install the forward facing car seat. He can finally see me while I'm driving.

2007-11-02 08:59:21 · answer #2 · answered by Mrs Apple 6 · 1 1

I always find that the smoother you are going (like highway driving) then more content they are as you aren't stopping and starting all the time. I think they get car sickness and facing backwards doesn't help. You can't do anything about this just yet, but try getting a mirror to hang in front of them/off the backseat so they can see better around them. Have a look on ebay under carseats for what I am describing.
He also probably hates that he can't see you as well. Scared that you have gone somewhere. Its probably just something you will have to ride out and wait until he can go forward facing.

best of luck

2007-11-02 01:15:36 · answer #3 · answered by Cindy; mum to 3 monkeys! 7 · 0 2

He may be young for this, but many babies cry when they want to be sitting more upright. Or, in this case, his seat may be too upright. I recommend you go see a certified child passenger safety technician and get his seat checked out.

And, definitely no toys on the bar of the infant seat! In a crash they could become projectiles and hit your child. A lot of seats also don't allow the handle to even be up, so check the manual!

2007-11-03 13:18:26 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I hesitated a lot to go out in the beginning too. My son is 9 weeks old today and he is now starting to get better at going out. But before, oh my goodness could he scream bloody murder! Like I was pinching him or something. I always make sure that he is changed and fed before we leave, that way I can eliminate those two as the cause. If he fusses, I check a couple of things. Are his car seat straps too loose? Mine tends to squirm and if it's too loose, he squishes down in an uncomfortable position. ;) Sometimes they have a gas bubble and they can't get it out sitting strapped in the car seat! ;) Are the straps too tight? They could be digging into him and that's not comfortable either. Also, our son is starting to focus on objects now, so we have a musical toy strapped to the bar of the carrier for him to look, at that way he doesn't get bored. He does like the vibration and hum of being on the highway, so that's usually when he is quietest.
If you are in stop and go, he is just getting kinda jerked around and that's not the same comforting feeling to him.
Good luck, I'm sure your son will get better at riding soon! :)

2007-11-02 00:55:51 · answer #5 · answered by raw_hero 2 · 0 2

My daughter went through a phase of crying every time we got in the car. The problem wasn't so much the car ride but the car seat. She really didn't like being in her car seat, I think she found it uncomfortable. I use to try and go out when I new she was tired so she would hopefully fall asleep!
Just try different things, make sure baby is comfortable, play some music on your travels. Good luck!!!!

2007-11-01 21:47:22 · answer #6 · answered by kaz 1 · 1 2

Oh, don't let that be a showstopper, don't stop going out! I assume your rides are in busy stop and go areas, and lots of babies don't settle too well in that situation. Because he settles when you get to highway speeds, I don't think car seat discomfort or motion sickness is an issue.

Just be sympathetic/cheerful, put on some music and go!

ADDED: I see what you mean about motion sickness, S. I had not thought of stop and go being "worse" for motion sickness, but maybe so. The only times I had motion sickness, though, it had to do with speed. Not fear, just going too fast for my mind to process comfortably, I can't explain it better than that.,,

2007-11-01 21:47:20 · answer #7 · answered by and_y_knot 6 · 0 2

Hi, No Honey! Anyway, the best thing you can do is offer him Tylenol for the pain. The next thing is to keep his bottles on the cooler side if you can for his throat. If your breastfeeding I have no suggestion except to pump and keep it cooler. The virus can last up to a week so just try to keep him comfortable. Sometimes the red throat is the beginning of the cold so he may get worse. Runny nose, cough etc. Good Luck and I hope this helps.

2016-03-13 21:38:58 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Is the sun in his eyes? That's the only thing which made mine cry in the car.

2007-11-02 01:44:40 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

i herd teh sound of running water sooothes a childs mind because its the sound they hear in teh mothers womb or somethan, try playing a cd in teh car of runing brook or waterfall or some watter liek that.

2007-11-01 21:37:32 · answer #10 · answered by Feeln' myself 2 · 0 2

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