Another god.
2007-11-01 07:07:46
answer #1
answered by Runa 7
God has created, is running, and will destroy the Universe. God is the Origin and Destination of the Universe. God was, is, will be everywhere, God was never Created and will never die / be destroyed. God is beyond Life and Death. All religions of world teach human way to get close to God. You give your Best, God will give thy Best. Ask God for help and forgive, God will help and forgive you. Pray; Worship and Thank God for everything. Remember wherever there is Happiness in Life, there will be Sorrow. To get Happiness, you must master Sorrow. For Success in Life; Believe in Self and God, Learn from Past, Concentrate in Present, Plan for Future. Have control on, be the master of, not the slave of your body, senses, and mind. Purpose of this Life is to Gain and Share utmost Knowledge and Experience to differentiate and choose Right, Good, God against Wrong, Bad, Devil. Set your Desire level perfect or OK to be brave, no low to be coward, no high to be cruel. You have rights of Survival, Self Defence, and Freedom.
2007-11-03 21:58:47
answer #2
answered by Ravi Lohia 5
Disbeleif in God stems from ignorance and laziness. (indifference) Anyone who disbeleives in God would do well to read Aquinas´ 5 proofs for the existence of same. They are easy to understand if you take them slowly and absorb the understanding.
Remember that you don´t need religion to think about God. In my opinion, religion, in whichever guise, is responsible for getting God such a bad image in the minds of thinking human beings. Free your mind and challenge what the religions say, it is a good way to learn about eternity and it is all good news. The truth is out there and it is way, way hidden, in the best hiding place there is, right bang facing you.
2007-11-01 15:26:38
answer #3
answered by Karlito 2
(ANS) This is the exact question that anyone who is foolish enough to blindly believe in a God cannot ever answer. In fact this is a completely logical viable & reasonable question to ask. However, the reason it cannot ever be answered is because all religion is founded upon the irrational & illogical, there is no! such thing as god, nor can there ever be.
God is nothing more than a human construct, its an idea invented by humans for humans. Because humans need to believe in something that provides answers to questions that they cannot find comfortable answers too, Oh! its gods doing (fine that really answers it?!!).
**I would argue that a large number of human being have a desperate need to blindly believe in the idea of a god because they are fearful of facing reality, & that because they don't know what else to believe in. Weird as that sounds but humans hate NOT knowing, cannot face the unknown, are fearful of an uncertain future thus need to believe in something that makes it feel OK!!
**The four main monotheistic religions are nothing more than large corporate organizations designed to control peoples spirituality. i.e. the politics of controlling spirituality just in the same way as any other political party so don't be fooled by clever words that are designed to act as smoke screens.
**There is no! god and the universe wasn't created in 7 days either, it was created by the big bang that took place approximately 35.7 billions years ago.
We know this because astronomical science & observations provide hard evidence for this, the big bang's left over echo's can even by heard as back ground sounds against the rest of the chatter & white noise that goes on in the universe & space.
**As god didn't create the universe then logical would also say nobody created god, only the mind of man could create a god just to feel safe and not to feel alone in the universe. The bible is nothing more than myth & fairy stories at best & lies and self deception at worst.
**ALL religion & so called faiths are delusion & illusion and get in the way of experiencing the reality of the here & now. Religion is an attempt to make death more palatable & comfortable. Oh! and theres no such things as heaven or hell this is another set of constructs too.
(atheist & existentialist).
2007-11-01 07:06:41
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Who says God created the universe?
Who says there is a god?
2007-11-02 01:21:42
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
no one can create god. if u want to know god, first know yourself. how can someone who does not know his/her own mind understand something like god. an average human does not have the control on his own mind, when we don't know what we will do next how can we ever think of knowing god. you can make an attempt though, try this, close your eyes and try to feel the sense of existence in you, if you can feel it even for a split second you can feel god, who exists in all beings and everywhere you can look and feel.
2007-11-01 09:10:23
answer #6
answered by Gowri 4
Humans created God.
2007-11-01 08:29:53
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
u know what, everyone here is making stupid comments so just dont listen to them. Here is my answer ,
Ecclesiastes 11:5
As you do not know the path of the wind,
or how the body is formed [a] in a mother's womb,
so you cannot understand the work of God,
the Maker of all things.
Our minds are not able to comprehend what is past our world, we barely comprehend what's in frot of our eyes. If you really would like to know the answer to your question then live life as he has asked you to, (if you dont know what he has asked you to then start reading the bible and start paying attention to church, if you still cant find the answer ask someone to help u out ) and when you meet him, you will hv the oportunity to ask him yourself !
- god bless
2007-11-01 06:58:27
answer #8
answered by Zins 1
"If" is a very big word. What "if" God didn't create the universe? Then what? We have so much more to learn.
2007-11-01 14:10:55
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
God has created this universe &every thing but none created Him,He was not created by any one,nor borned,nor gives birth.He is One &has no partner with Him,He is not male or female neither animal.God is our creator &in the end we have to return to Him.God is the first one & the last one means that no one 'll be after Him &none was before Him.
2007-11-01 06:49:38
answer #10
answered by Rare girl 3
God IS the universe
2007-11-01 08:17:56
answer #11
answered by Anonymous