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is it hard to get into this field of work
when you first start out, and is it competitive to become a known journalist/news reporter......?
and is it true that the pay is really bad and it cant be a guaranteed job foor the future like its likely that you will be unemployed quickly.....?
truee any of these..?

2007-10-31 20:51:17 · 5 answers · asked by bitch 1 in News & Events Media & Journalism

5 answers

It's easy to get into journalism. Tough to stay in it.

There are plenty of "stick your toes into the business" jobs out there -- the odd freelance writing shift, weekly newspapers, etc. The pay isn't too good, and the hours can be terrible.

If you are good, you'll survive and eventually thrive. Sometimes it's not for the faint of heart.

2007-11-01 15:53:17 · answer #1 · answered by wdx2bb 7 · 0 0

Iam not in the field of jounalism.. but i understand what you are thinking about coz even i was doing this analysis about 3-4 years ago..

It would be best if you started freelance. Networking is very important.. have a 9-5 Job and start freelance. Gradually you can move into it full time. On the otherside, if you are really passionate, you might want to go for a good vocational course in journalism and persue then on.

Yes. it is very competitve out there. Scores of aspiring journalists think if they are passionate about social issues or be crtitcal, they can achieve fame.. but thats really a wrong attitude.. You've got to be truthful and consistent in your reporting. Get noticed in the right way and create a niche for yourself.
All the best..

2007-10-31 20:59:32 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Not perfectly,its depend on which field u choose ?Crime,Entertainment,or INVESTIGATIVE reporting u choose,UR writing skill also play major role.If u present ur issue nicely and attract public attention, u can b a popular person and u will b in public demand.Than u can b FREE LANCER.

2007-10-31 21:01:27 · answer #3 · answered by prahlad d 5 · 0 0

im pretty sure it is hard. you need a bachelors degree.
i really want to be a journalist when im older.

2007-10-31 20:53:34 · answer #4 · answered by mh.shine 5 · 0 0

I say its a good job....

if you like being controlled by the government.

2007-10-31 20:53:31 · answer #5 · answered by Ghost 2 · 0 1