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I need to know why is Australia involved in the war on terror. I need to know this for a Australian Studies essay. I know that Australia supports the US but they didn't have to be involved, so please try and give a reasonably detailed answer.

2007-10-31 20:06:32 · 5 answers · asked by Oliver 2 in News & Events Current Events

5 answers

"Dog" has given the best reply so far.

Unfortunately at the moment, and for the past 11 years, Australia has been governed by the Liberal Party and National Party coalition. These two parties are right-wing conservative parties closely aligned to the US.

Australia went into Afghanistan because of several reasons. They followed the US in, and that is probably the prime reason. They went in also because it was a UN supported conflict and therefore legal.

Australia went into Iraq for several reasons. One for trade purposes, especially wheat and live sheep trade. They also went in because of the US and the Australian subservience to the US. Iraq is not a UN sanctioned operation and is therefore in violation of the UN charter and is an illegal war.

The majority of Australians are against the war in Iraq, and a large number are also against the war in Afghanistan, but not as many. The majority of Australians are against the US interventionist policies around the world. We will be happy when the Liberal/National Parties are thrown out at the next election in three weeks.

2007-11-01 17:02:19 · answer #1 · answered by Walter B 7 · 1 1

At its core, every war involves economic interests, no matter what "moral" reasonings people may give to justify them. Do some research on what Australian companies are now operating in Afghanistan and Iraq so you can get an idea why there are Australian troops in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Here's one place to start:

2007-11-01 03:19:06 · answer #2 · answered by Dog 4 · 3 1

Look up! you've got over 200 million Indonesians on those islands above Australia. Better do what the US says, might need them someday. Mmmmmm, crude oillll.... suck those deserts dry Howard!

2007-11-01 04:04:23 · answer #3 · answered by divljidzo 1 · 1 3

Do your own homework (which includes coming up with your own reasonably detailed answer and your own reasons).

2007-11-01 03:14:45 · answer #4 · answered by bestonnet_00 7 · 2 2

because the majority of the population voted for and idiot.
And yet no one will admit it

2007-11-01 03:15:17 · answer #5 · answered by kevin d 4 · 2 2