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If the patriots beat the colts on sunday there will be ovbiously no teams left in the NFL that can put up a fight agree??

So if they do win which they will can we start saying who can beat them historically??

Like I think the :

95 cowboys
96 packers
97 broncos
85 bears
94 Niners
99 rams

I think all of these teams can beat the 07 patriots does anyone agree??

2007-10-31 18:51:30 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Sports Football (American)

The reason i added all these teams was because they had potent offenses like the patriots have today and were able to score at WILL, excluding the 85 bears they had the greatest DEfense in the history of this GAMe so they were included as well.

2007-10-31 19:07:12 · update #1

11 answers

Oh totally.

2007-10-31 18:54:15 · answer #1 · answered by alwaysmoose 7 · 2 2

Don't forget..on any given Sunday...
Regular season, as exciting as it is, is nothing like the intensity of the playoffs. Further still, the Colts are good enough to find some weaknesses that can be exploited by other teams, like the Steelers for example. Much can happen between now and the Superbowl, so it is not correct to assume that no team can even come close to winning against the Patriots.
I cannot believe you'd let the Steelers of the 70's off that list. Those teams would shred the Patriots convincingly, especially when that Steel Curtain D came on the field. Most experts have one of those Steeler teams or another as the best of all time.

2007-10-31 19:34:58 · answer #2 · answered by lmspencr 4 · 1 0

The week leading up to dallas and the pats all you heard was pats hadn't beaten any good teams and how much a test dallas would be........after pats dominated dallas no one talked about it much. Now you have the colts (which I agree is a MUCH better team than dallas) I'm going against the norm and saying that pats will dominate the colts. 49-27PATS WIN. If for some strange reason they lose(can't see that happening at all) I still believe they are as good or better than the teams you have mentioned. Everyone keeps forgetting that this is still a regular season game and really doesn't do a whole lot for either team that wins. If this were the playoffs, well obviously we would have a different story. !!!GO PATRIOTS!!!

2007-11-03 12:48:49 · answer #3 · answered by football_7996 1 · 0 0

It's impossible to tell seeing as we can never put it to the test.
Funny thing about Sundays game. Everyone claims either one team or the other will win. These are both great teams. Just maybe it will be a tie game at the end of the fifth quarter.
Then what would that be considered a win or a loss?

2007-10-31 19:19:31 · answer #4 · answered by wondermom 6 · 0 1

How do you not have the 92 Cowboys up there, or any of those Niner teams from the 80's up there. The combo of #16 to number #80 (no names needed) is still the greatest.

2007-10-31 19:21:25 · answer #5 · answered by satcomgrunt 7 · 1 0

I agree on all but one. The '99 Rams.
The 2001 Rams didn't beat us, they were practically the same team.
All the rest though, where much better.
Especially TD, he would have pounded this Pats did for 250 yds

2007-10-31 21:58:08 · answer #6 · answered by Tha Syko Clown 3 · 1 0

Why do people who bring up the 49ers always talk about '94?...*L*...Steve Young was good...but, oh btw, the guy before him in SF was the greatest QB ever...Joe Montana's Super Bowls were more impressive than Steve Young's ONE Super Bowl...

2007-10-31 19:29:52 · answer #7 · answered by Terry C. 7 · 1 0

I honestly have to disagree. If patriots win this sunday or lose it doesnt matter it all matters when they meet in the playoffs.

if they lose, it wont mean that any of those historic teams are better. i dont think they were undefeated.

you look at the patriots. they breaking records. and do you know why cause they are better at preforming then those teams you posted.

if those teams could beat any of the teams these days.. then obviously no one would be breaking records.

2007-10-31 19:02:24 · answer #8 · answered by breathe 1 · 2 3

98 broncos were better than 97. and how could you leave out the 72 dolphins and 25 maroons?

2007-10-31 19:03:05 · answer #9 · answered by BioHazard 5 · 1 1

I am shocked you don't have the 07 Giants on this list, just shocked. December 29th, mark this down. The Giants will beat the Pats.

2007-10-31 19:06:12 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 4

be kind of hard to do with tom brady in methodist hospital

2007-11-01 08:19:36 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0