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2007-10-31 17:36:25 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Adolescent

14 answers

Each generation has it's problems to deal with.
I don't think that it's easier these days, it's just difficult in different ways.
Our generation isn't so sexually repressed, which can be interpreted as a good or a bad thing.
Teenage pregnancies are on the rise, but at least pregnant girls aren't sent away to have their baby is secret, and they aren't subjected to back street abortions where they have a good chance of dying.

50 years ago African Americans were treated like garbage, and today they treated as equals, but the oppression has just been shifted to another group. People are homophobic and proud, and many hide behind a religion that is supposed to be all accepting. The next edition of the bible might as well be edited to say "Love thy neighbor as thy self, unless they are a f*ggot"

I'm sorry. I accidentally started ranting...

2007-10-31 22:46:25 · answer #1 · answered by Olivia! 6 · 1 0

I think in different ways it's both easier and the same. It's easier because, say if your black, in the 1950's you really wouldn't have found life easy. As a teenager, growning up with all the normal teenage problems you would also have had to deal with problems like racism and being faced with 'white only areas'. As normal teenagers have relationships, as a black person it's unlikely a white girl/guys parents would have allowed this. Now, it doesn't matter anymore - white people have realised that black people are just that - people. We're all the same regardless of colour. However, I think for black people it's the same because they still face predudise i.e. a gang of teenage black lads - most people feel weary. I think it's easier today because there's so many more options available to everyone i.e. school.

2007-11-01 04:54:32 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

I'm nowhere near this old but I can tell you it's much more difficult now that it was almost 20 years ago when I was a teen. The school work alone is much more advanced. I didn't even know gangs were real. The only time I saw drugs was when the police came and gave an assembly on it. Maybe I was sheltered but everything is so in your face today. I have a teen now and hope he only has fond memories of his teen years. I would never want to go back to being a teen in today's world.

2007-11-01 18:03:58 · answer #3 · answered by rcButterfly 6 · 0 0

I think they both have goods and bads.
Today's teens are a lot more open-minded, but they're also exposed to a lot more things (that may not be so great) teenagers 50 years ago weren't. So it really depends on how you look at it. Since I'm an overall good kid, I think it's easier for me to live now, and if I had the chance, I'd pick now.

2007-11-01 01:13:19 · answer #4 · answered by charlotte 4 · 1 0

Some ways yes, some ways no.

50 years ago female teenagers would be impregnated as soon as she got her first period. Males would be out of school and off to work. They most likely didn't have to worry about the things we do.

Now a days we have to worry about school, relationships, drugs, alcohol, sex, the opposite sex, body changing parents etc etc. Teenager years aren't easy regardless of which year you were brought up in.


2007-11-01 03:36:42 · answer #5 · answered by ★☆✿❀ 7 · 2 0

I don't think so. There's a lot more pressure to do bad things, and they're viewed as being cool and acceptable, while 50 years ago they weren't. There are so many bad influences these days too, like in music and movies. Schools aren't as safe either.

2007-11-01 02:40:57 · answer #6 · answered by In_Bloom 3 · 0 0

Yes. Being a teenager nowadays is really much much better than one 50 years ago. Nowadays, teenagers can get what they want... be it, mobile phones, computers, ipods, etc... the teenagers now don't even have to do housework... ( most of them ) With the teachnology booming, teenagers does not have to go far away to get water from lake,sea or whatever... These are stories i heard from my grandparents... They even got to look after home-breed chickens, ducks etc... Cook for the family, wash the clothes, take care of siblings... These kind of jobs for now is more likely for maids or mother to do it... Think about your grandparents who were teenagers then... They still got to think twice if they want to go shopping or watch a movie.... coz during those days, the people are thrifty and the value of money is big... ( in Sotheast Asia, i dunno bout other countries )... While kids today go to movies.. and whatsoever....

Another thing is in those days, it's a patriarchial society... female teenagers got to do all the houseworks and weren't considered important and most did not receive education... The boys are more pampered... I read a story on '' Sing To The Dawn''... Get this book. It's about the life of the kids in Thailand... Southeast Asia... Maybe you'll get a better understanding on this topic.
In conclusion, A teenager life today is really much better off than teenager 50 years ago

2007-11-01 01:40:19 · answer #7 · answered by pertinacious-gal 3 · 1 3

no, i dont think so. Even though there were still drugs and stuff back then, i think it just would've been happier. Unless you were black, of course. Then being a teenager today would be easier, for obvious reasons.

2007-11-01 00:41:08 · answer #8 · answered by Veronica ♥ Cobras 4 · 1 0

Heck no! there are more drugs and bad things involved today. Back then if you did any of that you'd get really punished for it. Now everyone just lets it pass. Now you have to look out for all those people who wanna kidnap and rape you.

2007-11-01 08:57:15 · answer #9 · answered by Sarah 6 · 0 0

I think it is. Because 50 years ago there was all this racism and stuff and everyone couldnt be open with their sexuality like they can now. If they were gay it was a crime (not too much better today but still) You were basically nasty n stuff if you did ANYTHING with another race and its not like that now. not to mention the Televisions Movies Cellphones Better Cars and Child Labor Laws.

2007-11-01 00:46:10 · answer #10 · answered by Jenn [[Rick R.'s Manager]] 4 · 2 2