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I was in Seattle the other day and watching CNN. Seemed like half the news was about the upcoming election (nov. 2008). It seems like politicians spend two years campaigning. When do they actually get anything done?

2007-10-31 17:10:12 · 15 answers · asked by Jim Bob 3 in Politics & Government Government

15 answers

Well, what we actually have is a representative democracy. And it seems to work quite well. I was in Asia when John Fitzgerald Kennedy was murdered and Lyndon Baines Johnson took the oath of office as President. No troops pouring out of barracks. No little cabal of coup plotters trying to take over government buildings and broadcast stations.
All of those little countries in Southeast Asia which didn't have a law of succession for their top guy quickly passed such laws within three months. But, we have hit a bump in the road when it comes to the process of seeking that office. We've gone from a system where political professionals sat in a hall and worked out deals to put together a ticket of two candidates for President and Vice President to represent their party. Now, with one primary after another, it's become a power-suit version of "American Idol". In older times, once the conventions had selected their ticket, the real campaigning began. And it never started until the first Monday in September of that election year. Each time the process gets longer and the faces get more photogenic with no substance accompanying their fine looks, I await the implosion and a return to the true political convention system.

2007-10-31 17:38:58 · answer #1 · answered by desertviking_00 7 · 2 0

Watching a variety of news (BBC, PBS, CBN, et al) will make you feel better about the whole thing. And listening to a variety of talk radio, too (including Rush and NPR) to get the news the big networks won't show.
If you don't think democracy works, just ask the Republican congressmen who lost their jobs in 2006 when they failed to pass meaningful legislation that their constituents supported. They spent money at every opportunity including raises for themselves.
I hope I live long enough to see real reform at the congressional level. Maybe it should be a volunteer job and they should take a vow of poverty while in a position of influence - then maybe we'd get some folks with real character.

2007-11-01 00:51:46 · answer #2 · answered by to the best of my knowledge ... 3 · 0 1

You have a point. Election campaign goes on for far too long, and they have to spend an equal amount of time raising money so they can keep campaigning.

2007-11-01 00:16:35 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Since you said "your democracy" you point yourself out as being an alien and unknowlegeable about the government.
We do not have a democracy; no modern country has or has ever had a democracy (good thing, considering the knowlegeablilty of people).

2007-11-01 00:21:17 · answer #4 · answered by Nothingusefullearnedinschool 7 · 3 0

ABSOFRIGGINLUTELY NOT! Democracy works only if the governing body is kept in check. The democracy we have today is all based on greed and intolarence. We have the haves and havenots sharing the same street space but even with all the millionaires there isn't enuff for our own people.

Yes democracy does work just not now in this country.

2007-11-01 00:27:42 · answer #5 · answered by Joshot 3 · 0 2

Today the most popular question is security. Every citizen whether he is an American or from any country is always worried about security. Most political parties creates a fictitious situations and try to build a impression to the public that his party is capable of providing security. for this act they require a lot of propaganda and time. and we foolish residents give our valuable votes to them.

2007-11-01 00:55:01 · answer #6 · answered by Ajay S 2 · 0 0

CNN (Corrupt New Network).

Watch Fox News and you won't get the liberal run around.
The liberal democrats in Congress can't get anything done because they purposely politicize (because of the election) the bills they are trying to pass to make Bush reject their bill and look like he doesn't care about poor people. Like the bill for healthcare for poor children was written to include families with high incomes, of course Bush would reject it. Then, they spin it that he has no "heart".

2007-11-01 00:22:53 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

Democracy is the worst form of government except all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.

WINSTON CHURCHILL, speech, Nov. 11, 1947

2007-11-01 00:16:38 · answer #8 · answered by scarlettt_ohara 6 · 3 1

Why not?
Just somewhere in time.
Took the wrong turn when Batman and Robin was in control and went off course.
With time Captain America is back in control in bringing it back on course.
What do you think?

2007-11-01 04:20:29 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

yes,it works very well if your a gov. official that can vote yourself a raise every year and use your position in the gov. to further your bank acct. and get gov. protection while doing so

2007-11-01 01:13:16 · answer #10 · answered by Kirk K 4 · 0 0