Whatever way they want which is why Bush won the last election in Florida. They are suppose to represent the people but by law are not required to vote the way the state popular vote goes. The electoral College was set up eons ago because people lived so far apart...but with the technology we have there really is no need for one anymore, but it serves the purpose of the ELITE SOCIETY.IT IS TOTALLY UNFAIR and out dated and should be changed to Popular vote only. So I hope young people get out and try to change that and us old Boomers will help. I do think it is important to vote though because no vote is just a vote for the opposite team. Also I don't feel I have a right to complain about who is president if I didn't take part in the process as messed up as it is. SO VOTE!! ; )
2007-10-31 18:58:36
answer #1
answered by Meeshmai 4
Of course. It counts towards the electoral college. The electoral college makes sure that Wyoming and Alaska aren't forgotten while the coast states pick the President every year.
2007-10-31 11:55:05
answer #2
answered by JsMFp 2
It will count because of the electoral college. You need to thank the lord we have it or all of our elections would be decided by California Texas and New York.
2007-10-31 11:50:40
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
It depends on what state you are in. If you are in California
or New York, it will not count for much. If you are in Ohio or
Florida, it will count for a lot. The reason is that close votes
in the latter states often swing the election (as in 2000).
2007-10-31 13:21:54
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
No, stay at home, anyone who would ask this question isn't needed in the voting booth, you will only vote for an idiot anyway.. so by all means stay home...Personally i rent a van every election ay and offer free rides to people who want to vote, I email friends etc. I even take teh ones to the poll who i know will be voting differently from me... democracy works, get involved stop being a stump
2007-10-31 12:02:04
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I would have more confidence if all voting was the same in all states, and not with computor or machines...its simple...a name and accross from that name you mark it or you don't..the way it is now has to much room for error as what happended in florida....
2007-10-31 11:53:46
answer #6
answered by xyz 6
electoral college or not...80% of Americans will be e-voting...many of the places don't use paper trails.
2007-10-31 11:51:00
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
you want California or Texas deciding our next President by all means don't vote then.
2007-10-31 11:54:48
answer #8
answered by Greg 7
sounds like you never voted before? every vote is counted and every vote counts!
2007-10-31 13:17:52
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
2000's election really got to me, so no voting for me.
2007-10-31 11:54:46
answer #10
answered by Anonymous