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2007-10-31 10:49:09 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Sports Football (American)

I was just watching a clip of one of his touchdowns against the Redskins and he was standing there, shoved the defender out of the way and caught the ball. No flag.

2007-10-31 10:49:57 · update #1

8 answers

A minimum of that one last Sunday where he pushed off the Redskins' defender. In fairness, though, there are far too few offensive pass intereference penalties called in the NFL.

The Patriots have to be very happy that the NFL powers-that-be use kid gloves with them, it's like the special treatment the Cowboys received back in the '70s. For years, their defensive backs have gotten away with contact past the 5-yard limit, moreso than most teams. They even got a fumble to be ruled an incomplete pass, which saved a season. Then this year, Belichick gets caught stealing signals, and he isn't suspended, when you know nearly any other coach would have. They might have only one Lombardi trophy if they had been treated normally.

Belichick is not a classy guy, just look at how he ran up the score on the Redskins. Everyone here knows that, had the situation been reversed, Gibbs would have put in the second string by the end of the third quarter, and he certainly would not have attempted a fourth down conversion.

Regardless of what happens in this Sunday's game, I hope like crazy that someone can stop the Patriots from even getting to the Super Bowl. Go Colts, they may be the only team capable of doing it.

2007-10-31 11:19:17 · answer #1 · answered by coryfucius 3 · 0 1


2007-10-31 10:54:39 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Stop the whining already! The Pats are possibly the best ever. Deal with it! From my perspective, it is absolutely the best feeling to sit down every Sunday with the only question to be answered is 'By much they will pummel the opponent?'. Not even a hint of worry that they might lose. Boy this is fun!

2007-10-31 11:01:21 · answer #3 · answered by bsxfn 3 · 0 0

That's baloney. didn't he lose a touchdown and Phil Simms said it was interference on the Dolphins the week before? Keep coming with lame excuses for losing to the Pats by 50 week after week after week. That's all the second rate teams' fans have left.

2007-10-31 10:56:02 · answer #4 · answered by BAGOFSWAGS 5 · 0 3

Just another cheating tactic that they get away with. In addition, their defenders are notorious for taking piggy back rides on receivers and not getting calls, yet all the Pats fans on here seem to think otherwise.

2007-10-31 10:53:25 · answer #5 · answered by Rich people employ me 5 · 2 2

He is only like 90 lbs, so they give him a break. Also, he uses the wind to help him move, like a sail.

2007-10-31 10:53:52 · answer #6 · answered by Take it from Toby 7 · 0 0

I believe that i saw the same clip. There's one less TD catch if they would have called it.

2007-10-31 10:57:50 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

you're really grasping for straws... get over it

2007-10-31 11:02:08 · answer #8 · answered by Foggy Idea 7 · 2 0