purse and handbag are interchangeable to me. it is the bag that I stick all my stuff in. wallet, check book, cell phone, etc.
as a generic category above purse/handbag is just a bag. Which is any sort of bag that can hold everything from your purse, make-up bag, work/school papers, whatever. Think messenger bag here.
wallet is the thing that you put your credit cards, cash, ID, coins, etc. both mens and womens versions are made. though mens typically do not have a place for coins.
coin purse is a very tiny bag for carry lose change/paper money. sometimes I can fit my ID in it and I use that when going to a party so i don't have to carry a bag.
never heard of a moneybag.
2007-10-31 08:38:03
answer #1
answered by Lisa H 7
A Purse (i think) is where a woman keeps her money
a handbag - where a woman holds her bag in her hand with her purse in and stuff
a money bag - a bag which holds money?
and a wallet - a mans purse :)
2007-10-31 06:09:34
answer #3
answered by Anonymous