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Would Hillary Clinton be a good foreign affairs President and how would she deal with China? Would she be like Bush is now and lead this nation into war? Has anyone asked her any hard questions on China and has she answered them?



2007-10-29 22:31:51 · 14 answers · asked by peacenegotiator 3 in Politics & Government Politics

***** Please answer these questions in a more serious way, as these are good questions *****

The question is: Would Hillary Clinton Be A Good Foreign Affairs President?

I go on to ask and say:
"Would Hillary Clinton be a good foreign affairs President and how would she deal with China? Would she be like Bush is now and lead this nation into war? Has anyone asked her any hard questions on China and has she answered them?"

The right answer is or could possibly be and is that (a) Hillary will make a superb US President as most people have faith in her ability and leadership ability. She would make a good foreign policy President, because she is mature in her judgment and very conventional. In other words, she won't do things to screw up this nation. And as to her relationship with China, most (Democrats) feel that she will do well on US foreign policy. Most people would say that Hillary is a responsible person and she will not lead our nation into war unnecessarily and without just

2007-10-31 04:43:33 · update #1

just cause.

On the other hand, the right thinking on Hillary might be that due to intentional financial wrong doing on her part and the fact that she is an attorney, such things scare people. She sided with Bush and is the only Democrat (running for President) to do so, so some people have questions as to her reasoning. What could be questioned here is her research of Iraq. Just because she made a trip to Iraq (as well as other Congressmen did on taxpayer dollars) does not mean that she is knowledgeable about the Iraq War, nor would she be considered an authority. Many people after looking at the issues and what each candidate had to say, feel that Hillary can be a powerful adversary and a dangerous person as President. Going along with Bush and his illegal and criminal war does not speak in her favor. Bribes and backdoor dealings (and who hasn't had them) are out in the open and adds to another level of mistrust for Hillary. Though this speaker is giving an


2007-10-31 04:54:01 · update #2

opposing view. Opponents of Hillary will, also, speak well of her.

As to how she will treat China, many of you hope that she will be tough on China. I know she will. Many of you ask the wrong questions, because of what and how you were taught. You fear competition and seek to destroy anything that gets in your way. If you continue to do that you will have no planet in which to live.

People have the right to question their political candidates, either through the media or special coffee hours sponsored by the candidate themselves.

What is important here is that people should discard their biases and examine the person and platform carefully, before making a selection as to whom they are going to vote for.

How Hillary performs from now til the election will determine her destiny.


2007-10-31 05:05:20 · update #3

14 answers

The China question represents too much baggage for Hillary so she avoids it and is content to promise solutions to domestic problems. Her husband's failure to keep the chinese out of American secrets is a nagging issue.

The American people are smarter than the politicians and the media. They know that Iraq has taken on a life of it's own and is a runaway train that neither Hillary nor any of the contenders will have much affect on once in office. They have turned their attention to domestic affairs and want to know what the post Iraq war America will look like.

If you're a European, you might like Hillary's approach to foreign affairs. She is intent on shifting the global mood from what was a desire by most peoples to emulate the US, to an America that will move toward the European model.
She is quite clearly going to execute a new type of Corporate nationalization using her pit bull, Charlie Rangle, and the tax code. That will undoubtedly begin a weakening of the US while affecting a stregthening of the EU.
It's hydraulic economics. When one beaker of fluid drops, the connected beaker rises until they are equalized.
Her goal is a global economy that is thinner, weaker, more marginal, and uniform.
In a word, mediocre. Everyone loses. It will take a very long time for the beakers to rise again. I won't see it in my life time.

2007-10-30 00:15:36 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Bill is the member of the family with experience in affairs, both foreign and domestic. She would supply him with a suitcase full of those little blue pills and send him on "international diplomacy" missions to get him out of her hair. She would also supply him with a satellite phone so that she could call him several times a day to find out how to be a president. The rest of the time she would be raiding the treasury to pay for those votes and finding new ways to raise taxes to replenish the coffers. At the end of her four year term, or sooner, she'll be sent back to Dogpatch.

2007-10-29 22:45:01 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

i'm not sure if sh'd make a good foreign affairs preident.i think that whoever is elected wuold first & foremost would have to be a good domestic affairs president & handle the issues in this country. as far as china goes, i don't think there's any good way to deal with them. appeasement will only go so far & they're going to do whatever they need to do to be recognized as true world power. as far as being like bush, let's pray to sweet christ she's not that stupid, and if she is,let's find out before she's elected and dooms us all

2007-10-30 13:34:55 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

no hillary clinton wouldnt be a good president period. just because out of control liberal extremists have blocked prosecution has no bearing on whether she is a person totally devoid of ethics and ability to run this country.

2007-10-29 23:30:57 · answer #4 · answered by koalatcomics 7 · 2 1

Not a chance. Don't you follow current affairs? She is only good at one thing and that Is gaining power and looking after her own best interests.

2007-10-30 07:36:54 · answer #5 · answered by Jeremy C 2 · 0 1

You are kidding me right? No one is going to be asking Hillary any tough questions. Has anyone conservative gotten close enough to her with an unscripted question? She picks and chooses which questions will be allowed. Don't expect to see any tough questions asked of her.

2007-10-29 22:41:51 · answer #6 · answered by Homeschool produces winners 7 · 3 1

the Clinton's opened the flood gate to China's purchasing of our politicians now many politicians from both sides have there pockets lined with Chinese donations.

2007-10-29 23:41:35 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Oh good Lord no...she'd be too busy trying to figure out how to abscond with the china at the end of her term

2007-10-29 22:35:21 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 3 3

There's nothing about Hillary (other than destroying the constitution, raising taxes, and bringing on a socialist Nanny State) that I think she would be good at or be beneficial to this country.

2007-10-29 22:35:51 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 4 5

"Bill" was great with "Domestic Affairs" (Monica Lewinsky), those days are so missed by the clintons, so here we go again, with the same empty promises from the clintons, what happened to that "Bridge" that they were building into the 21st century ??????????????????????????

2007-10-29 22:40:29 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

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