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2 answers

:):)wise:) gave you two, but I'd say there is one more...Rousseau.

1. Hobbes - We need a strong leader to enforce order in society for the betterment of all

2. Locke - In nature, there is plenty. Man combines his labor with the natural resources to build a life which he has the right to own. The main purpose of government is to protect that right.

3. In nature, man has ultimate freedom and happiness. Man is seduced away from that happiness by slick talking politicians trying to get him to join together and form a society. This is for the purpose of providing a base of power for politicians. The way man is seduced is that politicians promise goodies to get him to join society. Therefore, you see, if we don't want to work to support ourselves, the government must support us, and provide all sorts of programs to make life easier.

2007-11-01 20:24:01 · answer #1 · answered by M O R P H E U S 7 · 2 0

Hobbes- state of nature would be 'war of all against all' and 'the life of man would be solitary, poor, nasty and short'. Where no cooperation would take place leading to a state of perpetual fear. From this the rational decision is for the people of the state of nature to enter into a political state preferably Authoritarian/monarchist as this would be the strongest and the most able to stop a recession back into the state of nature.

Locke- People have the right to life, liberty and estate and due to natural law in the state of nature we have a sense of morality and also the power to execute justice on those who wrong us or affect our life, liberty and estate. As everyone has this same right to justice it would get confusing and so we relinquish the protection of our rights to a political authority whose job is to protect our right to life, liberty and estate. For Locke revolution can be justified only if the government enfringe upon its duties or oversteps its mark.

hope that helps.

2007-10-29 11:25:07 · answer #2 · answered by :):)wise:) 2 · 2 0

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