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13 answers

The first step in morphing is Y!Suicide... May I suggest a nice sexy hamster question for you Sir?

2007-10-29 11:23:29 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Try reading "Climb the Highest Mountain," Mark Prophet,
"Watch Your Dreams," Ann Ree Colton, "The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce?", Free and Wilcock http://www.divinecosmos.com
"Expecting Adam," Martha Beck (great metamorphosis book!)
"Extraordinary Knowing," Dr. Elizabeth Mayer,
"Babies Remember Birth," Chamberlain, Ph.D.,
"Life before Life," Jim Tucker, M.D.
Http://www.coasttocoastam.com radio has some guests speaking to this.



2007-10-29 10:19:19 · answer #2 · answered by j153e 7 · 1 0

Apparently you haven't reached even your cocoon yet. If you were really ready for metamorphosis you would feel it in all parts of your life. The changes, the new things coming.
It sounds like you may be destined to be a catepillar for a while more.
You know what they say, "Try, try, try and then try again". You apparently have something left to share before your change.
Don't rush it!!! All good things happen in time!

2007-10-29 13:16:12 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Here is a little story for you... A fairytale or parable...


This is but a tale... for the ears of one who believes... it reveals... and allows the believer to reveal

So .... in a place known as the farthest of the far and the closest of the close... Lived one known as the Lilly....of the day and of the valley even of the night. Feeling an awareness... a sense within that some how she was blest with a great treasure. Somehow her very nature attracted it...but... not quite knowing where or what the treasure was she was reluctant to question others about it, as her spirit was fair and not one to wanting to be the center or the focus. She always complimented the other flowers concerning their beauty. This of course, was one of very things that made the Lilly a suitable vessel for the flow of the treasure. Always seeing the beauty in the surroundings of the forest opened the path. As time passed the Lilly began to long to see the treasure.... Often times she felt she may have seen it, only to find an illusion. Some taught her in ways that made the illusion seem real and desirable, yet her wisdom prevailed and she kept her eyes and her heart open...

One day after a rain washed away some dross.. there before her appeared some shinning things... not unlike gold coins in the sand revealed after a storm tide... shinning and glittering. She knew immediately in the deepest part of her heart that this was the treasure.... but she was frightened, because she knew it was real... and that if she drank thereof her life would totally change... blossom into a fullness she could not even comprehend.... so... she walked away ... Perplexed she asked herself “Why did I walk away?” She just saw the thing she had always looked for and the magnificence of the treasure was immense ... so much so... that she knew the great change it would make in her life would be profound and wonderful. Why oh why did she leave it behind? Often she went back to that beach... just to gaze... and when she saw it all else grew but dim... Within the shinning radiance of the treasure there was peace, calm, passion, love, nothingness and everything. Understood and not understood. Still being young and innocent she could not decide what to do... She knew it was hers .... all she had to do was pick it up, drink and follow the shinning pieces to the ultimate fullness of all the treasure could be... Even though the treasures voice was heard with her ears, she often heard that voice within her... with out a sound occurring in the forest. It called to her in the place where dreams, thought, belief and reality mingled as one (just before reality becomes part of the reflection).

There are some things in life that can remain static or remain in a state of not moving... The treasure was not one of those... either one moves toward it or they move away.... This truth was revealed within the heart of the Lilly just as she began to notice that the treasure was beginning to not show itself as often....

The Lord of the forest loved the Lilly not only for the beauty she shared with the other flowers... but her fragrance was one of innocence and an inner substance of light that last forever. It was the desire of the Lord of the forest for her to take the treasure now so that her fullness could be revealed sooner then later... but the treasure is one only to be shared and not pushed. Though it was revealed and freely given the Lilly must drink the nectar as it glistens.

One day the Lilly could not find the treasure even though she looked frantically ... it was no longer where she saw it before... she felt an immense panic... was it lost? Then she saw another beautiful flower adorned in HER treasure.... and she knew that another had seen the treasure and drank of the nectar... She wept... deeply... If only she could travel back in time ... she would drink...

Then almost immediately the Lord of the forest appeared within the realm of dreams, thought, belief and reality (just before reality becomes part of the reflection). He would allow her to travel back to change that which is, so she once again may behold the treasure as even the first time she ever saw it. Suddenly again, she beheld the treasure from afar. But the Lord of the forest told her that if she did not drink now it was ok for the treasure was ultimately hers but it would never again be presented in quite the same magnificent way as it was being presented now. The first edition is always the most profound and passionate...... and before she knew it the treasure was glistening in her eyes...

Does the Lilly stay the Lilly or does she drink and become the princess?

The ending may yet written, but the most beautiful, wondrous path available has yet to be chosen...

When confronted with two paths, The path to follow is simple... 01-02-03-04-05-06, and so even to the 9's. Follow the street signs that are light, love, unity, being inclusive of all, absent of any evil, projected or perceived, then onward toward the treasure.

It is but for the believer to reveal.

2007-10-29 10:13:51 · answer #4 · answered by An Nony Mous 4 · 1 0

Never, I hate to break the news but you are not a caterpillar you are a worm. If you are not carefull, you will dry up in the heat or wash away in the floods.

2007-10-29 10:04:14 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

When Flik rescues the ants from the evil Hopper, then you will become a beautiful butterfly.

2007-10-29 10:06:07 · answer #6 · answered by wolf woman 2 · 1 0

When you choose to.

There's a great story I heard once: A 12 year old boy met Mozart and asked him, "Herr Mozart, should I begin composing now or should I wait till I'm older?"

Mozart thougth about it and said, "I think you should wait till you're older."

The boy said, "But, Herr Mozart you yourself began composing when you were a mere boy of 6 or 7."

Mozart said, "Ah, yes. But I did not ask anyone whether I should!"

2007-10-29 10:17:38 · answer #7 · answered by livemoreamply 5 · 1 0

Be care full what you wish for,
you may only come out at night
and the bats are about.

2007-10-29 11:57:14 · answer #8 · answered by TWOBOB 4 · 0 0

Enough, you TADPOLE! Get back in your mud-puddle, before it dries up again... I know a pretentious frog when I see one! Stop masquerading, and get croaking....

2007-10-29 12:35:33 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You will experience it when you are ready, when you gain new insight on the world. Then you will be free to fly wherever you wish. :)

2007-10-29 10:03:21 · answer #10 · answered by Purplecat 4 · 1 0

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